Ch. 10: Constructing an adult life

What is emerging adulthood

The phase of life that begins after high school, tapers off towards the late twenties and is devoted to constructing an adult life.

What are the tasks of emerging adulthood

Cohabitation; Sharing a household in an unmarried romantic relationship (Italian and Spanish Cultures, in particular, have norms against cohabitation).
Nest Leaving; Moving out of a childhood home and living independently (the so-called entry point into a

Erikson: Identity vs. Role Confusion

In Erikson's theory the life task of deciding who to be as a person and making the transition into adulthood.
Erikson's term for a failure in identity formation marked by the lack of any sense of a future adult path.

Marcia's four identity statuses

Identity diffusion, Identity foreclosure, Moratorium, Identity Achievement.

Identity diffusion

An identity status in which the person is aimless or feels totally blocked, without any adult life path (best fits the description of the most troubled teens).

Identity foreclosure

An identity status in which the person decides on an adult life path (often one spelled out by an authority figure) without any thought or active search (at its most extreme this may apply to a Hitler youth but is generally about parents and their demands


An identity status in which the person actively searches out various possibilities to find a truly solid adult life path.
A mature style of constructing an identity (while the internal process may provoke anxiety, because it involves wrestling with differ

Identity Achievement

An identity status in which the person decides on a definite adult life path after searching out various options (the endpoint "I've thought through my life I want to be a computer engineer, no matter what my family says).

What is flow

Csikszentmihalyi's term for feeling total absorption in a challenging, goal-oriented activity.

Intimacy vs Isolation

Erikson's first adult task, involving connecting with a partner in a mutual loving relationship.

What are current trends in young adult romantic relationships

More potential partners, with 1 in 3 couples in the united states meeting online, and 1 in 3 European Americans getting romantically involved with someone of a different ethnicity or race.
Same-sex Romance where in a survey of 165 bisexual, gay, and lesbi

What types of relationships are most likely to last

Relationships that adhere to the stimulus-value-role theory; Murstein's mate selection theory that suggests similar people pair up and that our path to commitment progresses through three phases (called the stimulus, value-comparison, and role phases).

What are the adult attachment styles

The different ways in which adults relate to romantic partners, based on Mary Ainsworth's infant attachment styles.
Adult attachment styles are classified as Secure; The genuine intimacy that is ideal in love relationships.
Preoccupied/Ambivalent insecure