Life-Span Development Chapter 11

self p 339

All of the characteristics of a person.

identity p 339

Who a person is, representing a synthesis and integration of self-understanding.

personality p 339

The enduring personal characteristics of individuals.

self-understanding p 339

The individual's cognitive representation of the self, the substance of selfconceptions.

perspective taking p 342

The ability to assume another person's perspective and understand his or her thoughts and feelings.

possible selves 343

What adolescents hope to become as well as what they dread they will become.

self-esteem p 345

The global evaluative dimension of the self. Self-esteem is also referred to as self-worth, or self-image.

self-concept 345

Domain-specific evaluations of the self.

self-regulation p 348

The ability to control one's behavior without having to rely on others for help.

selective optimization with compensation theory p 350

The theory that successful aging is related to three factors: selection, optimization, and compensation.

identity versus identity confusion p 353

Erikson's fifth stage of development, which occurs during the adolescent years; adolescents are faced with finding out who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life.

psychosocial moratorium p 353

Erikson's term for the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy that adolescents experience as part of their identity exploration.

crisis p 354

A period of identity development during which the individual is exploring alternatives.

commitment p 354

A personal investment in identity.

identity diffusion p 354

Marcia's term for the status of individuals who have not yet experienced a crisis (explored meaningful alternatives) or made any commitments.

identity foreclosure p 354

Marcia's term for the status of individuals who have made a commitment but have not experienced a crisis.

identity moratorium p 355

Marcia's term for the status of individuals who are in the midst of a crisis, but whose commitments are either absent or vaguely defined.

identity achievement p 356

Marcia's term for the status of individuals who have undergone a crisis and have made a commitment.

individuality p 356

Characteristic consisting of two dimensions: self-assertion, the ability to have and communicate a point of view; and separateness, the use of communication patterns to express how one is diff erent from others.

connectedness p 357

Characteristic consisting of two dimensions: mutuality, sensitivity to and respect for others' views; and permeability, openness to others' views.

ethnic identity p 357

An enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group, along with the attitudes and feelings related to that membership.

trait theories p359

Theories emphasizing that personality consists of broad dispositions, called traits, which tend to produce characteristic responses.

Big Five factors of personality p 359

The view that personality is made up of openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

contemporary life-events approach p 361

Approach emphasizing that how a life event influences the individual's development depends not only on the event but also on mediating factors, the individual's adaptation to the life event, the life-stage context, and the sociohistorical context.

generativity versus stagnation p 362

The seventh stage in Erikson's life-span theory; it encompasses adults' desire to leave a legacy of themselves to the next generation.

Robert Selman p 342

Children's perspective taking follows a developmental sequence.

Susan Harter p 348

Identity source of self-esteem is critical to improving self-esteem.

Walter Mischel p359

Personality changes according to the situation.

Paul Baltes p350

Successful self-regulation in aging is linked with selection, optimization, and compensation.

James Marcia p 354

In forming an identity, individuals go through periods of crisis and commitment.

Alan Waterman p355

The number of identity achieved individuals increases through the last few years of colleges.

Daniel Levinson p360

the 20s are a novice phase of adult development

George Vaillant p 361

Only a minority of adults experience a mid life crisis.

What term is used to describe all of the characteristics of a person?


Researchers study the self-understanding of infants by______________________

presenting infants with images of themselves

preschoolers most often describe themselves in terms of their:

concrete features

Lauren is 4 years old. What would Lauren most likely say if you asked her to describe who she is?

I have brown hair, and I have a bicycle.

Jay is a third grader and has been asked by his teacher to describe himself. What is the most likely description Jay will give?

I am funny

The ability to understand another person's thoughts and feelings is known as:

Perspective taking

14 year old Brenda hopes to be a psychologist when she grows up and hopes she will not end up unemployed and alone. Brenda's hopes represent her:

Possible self

In terms of self-understanding, children in late childhood are more likely that children in early childhood to :

compare themselves to their peers

The adolescent's self-understanding

fluctuates across situations.

Self-awareness is:

knowing one's psychological makeup.

Domain-specific evaluations of the self are referred to as:


Older adults often look back and evaluate their lives. This form of retrospection is what many theorists call:

life review.

Angela has been told that she is high in self-regulations. If this is true, we would expect Angela to:

achieve her goals

Reminiscence therapy has been found to have all of the following effects EXCEPT:

increasing self-esteem

Peter and Lynette want to help their daughter develop high self-esteem. They should teach her to:

cope with problems.

With regard to successful self-regulation in aging, _______ suggests that itis possible to maintain performance is some through continued practice and the use of new technologies.


According to Vaillant (2002), ___________ is most strongly related to whether individual will have an enduring happy marriage at 75 and 80 years of age?


Erikson's term for the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy is:

psychosocial moratorium

According to the contemporary view of identity development, your sense of identity is determined:

during infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

The adolescent identity crisis refers to a period:

when adolescents are actively making decisions about who that want to be.

The term that James Marcia uses to refer to the part of identity development in which adolescents show a personal investment in what the are going to do is:


Ramona's parents have decided that she will enroll in the state college near their hometown. Ramona has not given much thought to the issue and will probably do what they advise. According to psychologist James Marcia, accepting her parents' advice will p

identity foreclosure.

Rachel considered attending a technical college, but also wondered about the value of getting a bachelor's degree fro a university. She finally decided to attend the technical college but still wonders if her choice was correct. According to James Marcia,

identity moratorium.

Autocratic parents are most likely to have adolescents experiencing identity:


The MAMA cycle consists of:


Research has revealed that identity formation is enhanced by family relationships that are both:

individuated and connected

Ethnic minority adolescents who chose biculturalism:

identify in some ways with their culture an din other ways with the dominant culture.

Which of the following is one of the Costa and McCrae's"big five" personality traits?


evidence from an accumulation of studies that midlife crisis is:


When examining all of the research on stability and change in personality during the adult years, it is apparent that:

most change in personality traits happen from 20 to 40 years of age.