Lifespan midterm

Events such as the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, influence the development of individuals. This supports the life-span perspective that development is


Melissa is reflecting on how her current and past experiences will impact her development through the remainder of her adult life. She is examining
educational psychology.
life-span development.
death and dying.

life-span development

Changes in relationships, emotions, and personality are examples of __________ processes that affect development.


The __________ issue involves the extent to which early traits and characteristics persist through life or alter one's life.


According to Erikson's theory, individuals reflect on the past during their final stage of development, which is known as
integrity versus despair.
generativity versus stagnation.
intimacy versus isolation.
identity versus identity confusion.

integrity versus despair

Chanel is writing a research paper about the impact of early designers on modern fashion. She most likely is in the
sensorimotor stage.
preoperational stage.
concrete operational stage.
formal operational stage.

formal operational stage

A research method that provides an in-depth look at a single individual is known as a(n)
standardized test.
case study.

case study

The best way to study causality is through
experimental research.
correlational research.
descriptive research.
All answer choices are correct.

experimental research

Researchers should tell all participants what their research participation will involve and its potential risks. This is known as
informed consent.

informed consent

chapter 2
Behavior that promotes an organism's survival in its natural habitat is known as
life-span development.
adaptive behavior.
natural selection.
collaborative genealogy.

adaptive behavior

Natural selection favors behaviors that increase reproductive success and the ability to pass one's genes to the next generation. This is a central view of
evolutionary psychology.
educational psychology.
behavioral psychology.
cognitive psychology.

evolutionary psychology

A recessive gene exerts its influence when
the recessive gene is passed on by the mother.
the recessive gene is passed on by the father.
the two genes of a pair are both recessive.
one gene of a pair is recessive and the other gene is dominant.

the two genes of a pair are both recessive

A genetic disorder that results from an abnormality in the X chromosome, which becomes constricted and often breaks, often leads to mental deficiency. This disorder is called
fragile X syndrome.
Turner syndrome.
Down syndrome.
Klinefelter syndrome.

fragile X syndrome

Which of the following statements about behavior genetics is true?
Behavior genetics determines the extent to which genetics or the environment affects an individual's traits.
Behavior genetics holds that adaptation, reproduction, and "survival of the fit

behavior genetics aims to figure out the extent to which people differ because of differences in genes, environment or a combo of each.

Jos� and Carlos are both being raised in bilingual, middle-class homes in Texas. Their situation provides an example of
shared environmental experiences.
nonshared environmental experiences.
ethnic gloss.
genetic propensities.

shared environmental experiences

The rate of cell differentiation intensifies, support systems for cells form, and organs appear during the
germinal period.
embryonic period.
fetal period.
juvenile period.

embryonic period

Agents that can potentially cause birth defects, such as drugs and toxic waste, are called


The second birth stage begins when
uterine contractions are 15 to 20 minutes apart.
contractions dilate the cervix to an opening of about ten centimeters.
the baby's head starts to move through the cervix and the birth canal.
the umbilical cord, placenta,

the baby's head starts to move through the cervix and the birth canal

The Apgar Scale is particularly effective at assessing a newborn's
ability to respond to the stress of delivery and the new environment outside of the womb.
neurological development, reflexes, and reactions to people and objects.
behavior, neurological an

ability to respond to the stress of delivery and the new environment outside of the womb

chapter 3
In research by Galloway and Thelen (2004), infants first contacted a given toy with their feet four weeks earlier than with their hands. This contradicts what principle?
dynamic systems
the Moro reflex


Estradiol is a type of estrogen associated in girls with all of the following EXCEPT
skeletal development.
uterine development.
breast development.
a change in their voice.

a change in their voice

Myelin allows for
the reception of electrochemical signals.
information to travel quickly across the brain.
the transmission of electrochemical signals.
communication between neighboring neurons.

information to travel quickly across the brain

The __________, responsible for reasoning, decision-making, and self-control, doesn't finish maturing until the emerging adult years.
prefrontal cortex
corpus callosum

prefrontal cortex

The amount of time a newborn sleeps in a 24-hour period is typically
12-13 hours.
14-15 hours.
16-17 hours.
18-19 hours.

16-17 hours

Which of the following is a reason why putting infants to sleep on their back decreases the risk for SIDS?
There is less compression of the lungs.
It allows for less restrictive swallowing.
Infants can look around and stay more active.
All answer choices

all answers choices are correct

In the __________, aging in the body's hormonal system can lower resistance to stress and increase the likelihood of disease.
cellular clock theory
evolutionary theory of aging
hormonal stress theory
mitochondrial theory

hormonal stress theory

Centenarians are likely to have which of the following?
longevity genes
an exercise routine
a healthy diet
all answer choices are correct

all answer choices are correct

Which of the following is true about physical development during early adulthood?
Peak functioning of the body's joints has passed in adolescence.
Height remains rather constant during early adulthood.
Muscle tone and strength remains at its peak until th

height remains rather constant during early adulthood

When are physical signs of aging typically first apparent?
early adulthood
middle adulthood
late adulthood
very late adulthood

middle adulthood

Ch 4
Which of the following health behaviors worsens in emerging adulthood?
substance use
All answer choices are correct.

all answer choices are correct

Alzheimer's disease involves which of the following symptoms?
memory impairments
language difficulties
physical dysfunction
All answer choices are correct.

all answer choices are correct

Which of the following is not true regarding infant nutrition?
Infants need more than twice the calories per pound of body weight than an adult.
Infants need good nutrition to help develop good brains.
Conditions of poverty don't contribute to the develop

conditions of poverty don't contribute to the development of eating problems

__________ is an eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge-and-purge pattern.
fatty acid oxidation
yo-yo dieting
bulimia nervosa
anorexia nervosa

bulimia nervosa

Many health experts recommend that adults engage in at least __________ of aerobic exercise every day.
20 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes

45 mins

Which of the following has been shown to improve immune system functioning in older adults?
cognitive stimulation
hormone therapy
moderate exercise
eating an iron-rich diet

moderate exercise

Which of the following statements regarding binge drinking is false?
Binge drinking among college females is on the rise.
Binge drinkers are more likely to drive after drinking than moderate drinkers.
Binge drinking is most common in people about 23 to 24

binge drinking is most common in people about 23-24 years of age

Researchers have found that older adults who drink moderately�compared to those who drink heavily or not at all�had
better physical health.
worse mental health.
decreased longevity.
decreased life expectancy.

better physical health

Mothers who choose to breastfeed their infants experience which of the following benefits?
decreased breast cancer risk
increased immunity
better bonding with the infant
All answer choices are correct.

decreased breast cancer risk

chapter 5
When Alessandro's cheek is stroked or the side of the mouth is touched, he turns his head. This is called the
sucking reflex.
rooting reflex.
Moro reflex.
grasping reflex.

rooting reflex.

Algonquin infants in Quebec, Canada, spend much of their first year strapped to a cradleboard. Research indicates that
they take much longer to develop gross motor skills than do other infants.
they develop their gross motor skills earlier than do other i

there is minimal difference in their development compared to that of other infants.

If one-year-old Asher can use his fingers to pick up objects, he is said to demonstrate the
Moro reflex.
pincer grasp.
palmer grasp.
golfer's grasp.

pincer grasp.

Which of the following techniques is used to follow an infant's eye movements to evaluate visual ability?
high-amplitude sucking


While eating dinner in his high chair, Enzo splashes his hand in some milk that spilled on his tray. He does this several times and seems fascinated by his action. Then, when his older brother does the same thing, he doesn't seem interested at all. Psycho

he has become habituated to the splashing.

Newborn Taj will most strongly prefer to look at
his own mother's face over the face of a stranger.
a picture of a face upside-down over a face right side up.
black-and-white squares over a face.
a rhesus monkey's face over a human face.

his own mother's face over the face of a stranger.

The recognition that an object remains the same even though the retinal image of the object changes as one moves toward or away from the object is known as
perceptual constancy.
size constancy.
shape constancy.
depth perception.

size constancy.

__________ involve(s) damage to the optic nerve because of the pressure created by a buildup of fluid in the eye.
Macular degeneration


Which of the following statements about perceptual-motor coupling is false?
Perceptual-motor coupling is passively accomplished.
Individuals perceive in order to move.
Individuals move in order to perceive.
Individuals are motivated to move by what they p

Perceptual-motor coupling is passively accomplished.

Jos� sees a toy giraffe in front of him. He reaches his arm forward and opens his hand to grasp the giraffe. This is an example of
vision changes in infancy.
perceptual-motor coupling.
typical motor development.
ethological theory.

perceptual-motor coupling.

Ch 6
This stage begins with basic reflexes and progresses to making complex sensorimotor patterns and using primitive symbols.
formal operational
concrete operational


The inability to distinguish between one's perspective and someone else's perspective is


According to Piaget, children who can classify or divide things into different sets or subsets and consider their interrelationships are in which stage of development?
concrete operational
formal operational

concrete operational

All of the following words describe Piaget's formal operational stage EXCEPT


Susie insists that her four-year-old daughter go through flashcards daily to learn to read and do arithmetic so that her daughter can be a high-achieving student. This contradicts which of Piaget's educational ideas?
Promote the student's intellectual hea

Promote the student's intellectual health.

Which of the following is a criticism of Piaget's theory?
Training doesn't work to teach higher cognitive reasoning skills.
Culture is not an important piece of cognitive development.
Estimates of children's abilities are not uniformly correct.

Estimates of children's abilities are not uniformly correct.

Ella cannot read a Dr. Seuss book by herself but knows most of the words and just needs her older brother to help her with the longer, hard words. Vygotsky would use the following term to describe this task:
zone of proximal development.
private speech.

zone of proximal development.

Mrs. Lopez is assisting Julio in constructing a bridge out of drinking straws. After she shows him how to make a triangle using straws, Julio is able to continue connecting shapes on his own to finish the bridge. This is an example of
inner speech.


Which of the following traits is most likely to relate to complex cognitive thinking in emerging adults?
emotional understanding
emotional negativity


Johnny used to think that people's behavior was either right or wrong, but now he understands that some behaviors can be both right and wrong at the same time. Johnny's thinking is characteristic of
the preoperational stage.
the concrete operational stage

postformal thought.

Ch 7
How is processing speed typically assessed in a research paradigm?
by using a memory task
by using a reaction-time task
by using a strategy-use task
by using a mathematics task

by using a reaction-time task

Processing speed changes during development in which of the following ways?
It gets faster.
It gets slower.
It gets slower and then faster.
It gets faster and then slower.

It gets faster and then slower.

ustin, a 6-month-old, is most likely to pay attention the longest to which of the following?
a new toy
his favorite teddy bear
his mother's face
a black-and-white mobile

a new toy

Rachel is nearly 1 year old, and she frequently engages in "gaze following." This is an example of
an orienting/investigative process.
joint attention.

joint attention.

The conscious memory of facts and experiences is called
explicit memory.
implicit memory.
infantile amnesia.

explicit memory.

__________ is a person's knowledge about the world, including a person's fields of expertise, general academic knowledge, and "everyday" knowledge.
Semantic memory
Episodic memory
Explicit memory
Implicit memory

Semantic memory

Regarding retraining older adults in cognitive skills, which of the following statements is true?
While aerobic fitness training is linked to improved physical health in older adults, it is not linked to improved cognitive functioning.
Research shows that

Training can improve the cognitive skills of many older adults.

When categorizations are based on similar features of objects such as size, color, and movement, this is referred to as
deferred imitation.
perceptual categorization.
conceptual categorization.

perceptual categorization.

From 18 months to 3 years of age, children begin to understand all of the following mental states except
false beliefs.

false beliefs.

There are always individual differences in metacognitive skills, but during which period do these individual differences appear the greatest?


Ch 8
According to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, the ability to understand and interact effectively with others is
spatial intelligence.
intrapersonal intelligence.
interpersonal intelligence.
the naturalist intelligence.

interpersonal intelligence.

Intelligence tests can accurately predict
school grades.
job success.
years of education completed.
All answer choices are correct.

All answer choices are correct.

Emotional intelligence is most similar to which of the following?
practical intelligence
verbal intelligence
spatial intelligence
All answer choices are correct.

practical intelligence

Teasing apart the contribution of heritability and environment in the study of intelligence best addresses which of developmental psychology's big issues?


The Flynn effect is evidence of the impact of ___ on intelligence.
the Internet


Which of the following is not a way in which IQ tests may be culturally biased?
It may be biased against different ethnic groups
It may be biased against different religions.
It may be biased against different socioeconomic levels.
It may be biased agains

It may be biased against different religions.

In which way are the Bayley scales and the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence different?
The Bayley scales uses observation only and the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence relies on caregiver report.
The Bayley scales assesses only one dimension of intellig

The Bayley scales does not correlate with later intelligence measure but the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence does.

Individuals' intelligence scores can vary as much as ____ points over the course of their lifetimes.


Organic intellectual disability is due to
a genetic disorder or brain damage.
growing up in a below-average intellectual environment.
contracting meningitis early in development.
shaken-baby syndrome.

a genetic disorder or brain damage.

Creative thinkers tend to have all of the following characteristics except
a willingness to risk.
external motivation.
an objective evaluation of work.

external motivation.

Ch 9
The ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules is referred to as
infinite generativity.

infinite generativity.

Which of the following sentences is semantically incorrect?
The boy brought his backpack to school.
The hummingbird put on its shoes and walked to the beach.
Mom ordered pancakes and eggs for breakfast.
The airplane stopped in Denver for two hours.

The hummingbird put on its shoes and walked to the beach.

A ______ is the basic unit of sound in a language, whereas a ______ is a minimal unit of meaning.
letter; word
decibel; syllable
phoneme; morpheme
syllable; word

phoneme; morpheme

Syntax refers to
how words are formed.
how words are ordered.
the meaning of words.
the correct usage of language depending on the context.

how words are ordered.

Two-year-old Josh says, "Mommy see doggie." This is an example of
telegraphic speech.
first words.

telegraphic speech.

Which of the following is not one of the advancements in pragmatics that characterizes young children's language development?
engagement in extended discourse
the ability to talk about things that are not here
the ability to change their speech style to s

the ability to use metaphors, similes, and hyperbole

Regarding language changes in older adults, which of the following statements is false?
Older adults often report difficulty in retrieving words to use in conversation.
Language difficulty is most likely to occur when speech is rapid, competing stimuli ar

Most language skills decline sharply among older adults, even if they are healthy.

___________ is the use of short and precise words without grammatical markers.
Infant-directed speech
A holophrase
Telegraphic speech
Receptive vocabulary

Telegraphic speech

A child says, "Kitty walk," and the parent answers, "Yes, the kitty is walking." This is an example of


An interactionist view of language development emphasizes
biology and experience.
none of the above.

biology and experience.

Events such as the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, influence the development of individuals. This supports the life-span perspective that development is


Melissa is reflecting on how her current and past experiences will impact her development through the remainder of her adult life. She is examining
educational psychology.
life-span development.
death and dying.

life-span development

Changes in relationships, emotions, and personality are examples of __________ processes that affect development.


The __________ issue involves the extent to which early traits and characteristics persist through life or alter one's life.


According to Erikson's theory, individuals reflect on the past during their final stage of development, which is known as
integrity versus despair.
generativity versus stagnation.
intimacy versus isolation.
identity versus identity confusion.

integrity versus despair

Chanel is writing a research paper about the impact of early designers on modern fashion. She most likely is in the
sensorimotor stage.
preoperational stage.
concrete operational stage.
formal operational stage.

formal operational stage

A research method that provides an in-depth look at a single individual is known as a(n)
standardized test.
case study.

case study

The best way to study causality is through
experimental research.
correlational research.
descriptive research.
All answer choices are correct.

experimental research

Researchers should tell all participants what their research participation will involve and its potential risks. This is known as
informed consent.

informed consent

chapter 2
Behavior that promotes an organism's survival in its natural habitat is known as
life-span development.
adaptive behavior.
natural selection.
collaborative genealogy.

adaptive behavior

Natural selection favors behaviors that increase reproductive success and the ability to pass one's genes to the next generation. This is a central view of
evolutionary psychology.
educational psychology.
behavioral psychology.
cognitive psychology.

evolutionary psychology

A recessive gene exerts its influence when
the recessive gene is passed on by the mother.
the recessive gene is passed on by the father.
the two genes of a pair are both recessive.
one gene of a pair is recessive and the other gene is dominant.

the two genes of a pair are both recessive

A genetic disorder that results from an abnormality in the X chromosome, which becomes constricted and often breaks, often leads to mental deficiency. This disorder is called
fragile X syndrome.
Turner syndrome.
Down syndrome.
Klinefelter syndrome.

fragile X syndrome

Which of the following statements about behavior genetics is true?
Behavior genetics determines the extent to which genetics or the environment affects an individual's traits.
Behavior genetics holds that adaptation, reproduction, and "survival of the fit

behavior genetics aims to figure out the extent to which people differ because of differences in genes, environment or a combo of each.

Jos� and Carlos are both being raised in bilingual, middle-class homes in Texas. Their situation provides an example of
shared environmental experiences.
nonshared environmental experiences.
ethnic gloss.
genetic propensities.

shared environmental experiences

The rate of cell differentiation intensifies, support systems for cells form, and organs appear during the
germinal period.
embryonic period.
fetal period.
juvenile period.

embryonic period

Agents that can potentially cause birth defects, such as drugs and toxic waste, are called


The second birth stage begins when
uterine contractions are 15 to 20 minutes apart.
contractions dilate the cervix to an opening of about ten centimeters.
the baby's head starts to move through the cervix and the birth canal.
the umbilical cord, placenta,

the baby's head starts to move through the cervix and the birth canal

The Apgar Scale is particularly effective at assessing a newborn's
ability to respond to the stress of delivery and the new environment outside of the womb.
neurological development, reflexes, and reactions to people and objects.
behavior, neurological an

ability to respond to the stress of delivery and the new environment outside of the womb

chapter 3
In research by Galloway and Thelen (2004), infants first contacted a given toy with their feet four weeks earlier than with their hands. This contradicts what principle?
dynamic systems
the Moro reflex


Estradiol is a type of estrogen associated in girls with all of the following EXCEPT
skeletal development.
uterine development.
breast development.
a change in their voice.

a change in their voice

Myelin allows for
the reception of electrochemical signals.
information to travel quickly across the brain.
the transmission of electrochemical signals.
communication between neighboring neurons.

information to travel quickly across the brain

The __________, responsible for reasoning, decision-making, and self-control, doesn't finish maturing until the emerging adult years.
prefrontal cortex
corpus callosum

prefrontal cortex

The amount of time a newborn sleeps in a 24-hour period is typically
12-13 hours.
14-15 hours.
16-17 hours.
18-19 hours.

16-17 hours

Which of the following is a reason why putting infants to sleep on their back decreases the risk for SIDS?
There is less compression of the lungs.
It allows for less restrictive swallowing.
Infants can look around and stay more active.
All answer choices

all answers choices are correct

In the __________, aging in the body's hormonal system can lower resistance to stress and increase the likelihood of disease.
cellular clock theory
evolutionary theory of aging
hormonal stress theory
mitochondrial theory

hormonal stress theory

Centenarians are likely to have which of the following?
longevity genes
an exercise routine
a healthy diet
all answer choices are correct

all answer choices are correct

Which of the following is true about physical development during early adulthood?
Peak functioning of the body's joints has passed in adolescence.
Height remains rather constant during early adulthood.
Muscle tone and strength remains at its peak until th

height remains rather constant during early adulthood

When are physical signs of aging typically first apparent?
early adulthood
middle adulthood
late adulthood
very late adulthood

middle adulthood

Ch 4
Which of the following health behaviors worsens in emerging adulthood?
substance use
All answer choices are correct.

all answer choices are correct

Alzheimer's disease involves which of the following symptoms?
memory impairments
language difficulties
physical dysfunction
All answer choices are correct.

all answer choices are correct

Which of the following is not true regarding infant nutrition?
Infants need more than twice the calories per pound of body weight than an adult.
Infants need good nutrition to help develop good brains.
Conditions of poverty don't contribute to the develop

conditions of poverty don't contribute to the development of eating problems

__________ is an eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge-and-purge pattern.
fatty acid oxidation
yo-yo dieting
bulimia nervosa
anorexia nervosa

bulimia nervosa

Many health experts recommend that adults engage in at least __________ of aerobic exercise every day.
20 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes

45 mins

Which of the following has been shown to improve immune system functioning in older adults?
cognitive stimulation
hormone therapy
moderate exercise
eating an iron-rich diet

moderate exercise

Which of the following statements regarding binge drinking is false?
Binge drinking among college females is on the rise.
Binge drinkers are more likely to drive after drinking than moderate drinkers.
Binge drinking is most common in people about 23 to 24

binge drinking is most common in people about 23-24 years of age

Researchers have found that older adults who drink moderately�compared to those who drink heavily or not at all�had
better physical health.
worse mental health.
decreased longevity.
decreased life expectancy.

better physical health

Mothers who choose to breastfeed their infants experience which of the following benefits?
decreased breast cancer risk
increased immunity
better bonding with the infant
All answer choices are correct.

decreased breast cancer risk

chapter 5
When Alessandro's cheek is stroked or the side of the mouth is touched, he turns his head. This is called the
sucking reflex.
rooting reflex.
Moro reflex.
grasping reflex.

rooting reflex.

Algonquin infants in Quebec, Canada, spend much of their first year strapped to a cradleboard. Research indicates that
they take much longer to develop gross motor skills than do other infants.
they develop their gross motor skills earlier than do other i

there is minimal difference in their development compared to that of other infants.

If one-year-old Asher can use his fingers to pick up objects, he is said to demonstrate the
Moro reflex.
pincer grasp.
palmer grasp.
golfer's grasp.

pincer grasp.

Which of the following techniques is used to follow an infant's eye movements to evaluate visual ability?
high-amplitude sucking


While eating dinner in his high chair, Enzo splashes his hand in some milk that spilled on his tray. He does this several times and seems fascinated by his action. Then, when his older brother does the same thing, he doesn't seem interested at all. Psycho

he has become habituated to the splashing.

Newborn Taj will most strongly prefer to look at
his own mother's face over the face of a stranger.
a picture of a face upside-down over a face right side up.
black-and-white squares over a face.
a rhesus monkey's face over a human face.

his own mother's face over the face of a stranger.

The recognition that an object remains the same even though the retinal image of the object changes as one moves toward or away from the object is known as
perceptual constancy.
size constancy.
shape constancy.
depth perception.

size constancy.

__________ involve(s) damage to the optic nerve because of the pressure created by a buildup of fluid in the eye.
Macular degeneration


Which of the following statements about perceptual-motor coupling is false?
Perceptual-motor coupling is passively accomplished.
Individuals perceive in order to move.
Individuals move in order to perceive.
Individuals are motivated to move by what they p

Perceptual-motor coupling is passively accomplished.

Jos� sees a toy giraffe in front of him. He reaches his arm forward and opens his hand to grasp the giraffe. This is an example of
vision changes in infancy.
perceptual-motor coupling.
typical motor development.
ethological theory.

perceptual-motor coupling.

Ch 6
This stage begins with basic reflexes and progresses to making complex sensorimotor patterns and using primitive symbols.
formal operational
concrete operational


The inability to distinguish between one's perspective and someone else's perspective is


According to Piaget, children who can classify or divide things into different sets or subsets and consider their interrelationships are in which stage of development?
concrete operational
formal operational

concrete operational

All of the following words describe Piaget's formal operational stage EXCEPT


Susie insists that her four-year-old daughter go through flashcards daily to learn to read and do arithmetic so that her daughter can be a high-achieving student. This contradicts which of Piaget's educational ideas?
Promote the student's intellectual hea

Promote the student's intellectual health.

Which of the following is a criticism of Piaget's theory?
Training doesn't work to teach higher cognitive reasoning skills.
Culture is not an important piece of cognitive development.
Estimates of children's abilities are not uniformly correct.

Estimates of children's abilities are not uniformly correct.

Ella cannot read a Dr. Seuss book by herself but knows most of the words and just needs her older brother to help her with the longer, hard words. Vygotsky would use the following term to describe this task:
zone of proximal development.
private speech.

zone of proximal development.

Mrs. Lopez is assisting Julio in constructing a bridge out of drinking straws. After she shows him how to make a triangle using straws, Julio is able to continue connecting shapes on his own to finish the bridge. This is an example of
inner speech.


Which of the following traits is most likely to relate to complex cognitive thinking in emerging adults?
emotional understanding
emotional negativity


Johnny used to think that people's behavior was either right or wrong, but now he understands that some behaviors can be both right and wrong at the same time. Johnny's thinking is characteristic of
the preoperational stage.
the concrete operational stage

postformal thought.

Ch 7
How is processing speed typically assessed in a research paradigm?
by using a memory task
by using a reaction-time task
by using a strategy-use task
by using a mathematics task

by using a reaction-time task

Processing speed changes during development in which of the following ways?
It gets faster.
It gets slower.
It gets slower and then faster.
It gets faster and then slower.

It gets faster and then slower.

ustin, a 6-month-old, is most likely to pay attention the longest to which of the following?
a new toy
his favorite teddy bear
his mother's face
a black-and-white mobile

a new toy

Rachel is nearly 1 year old, and she frequently engages in "gaze following." This is an example of
an orienting/investigative process.
joint attention.

joint attention.

The conscious memory of facts and experiences is called
explicit memory.
implicit memory.
infantile amnesia.

explicit memory.

__________ is a person's knowledge about the world, including a person's fields of expertise, general academic knowledge, and "everyday" knowledge.
Semantic memory
Episodic memory
Explicit memory
Implicit memory

Semantic memory

Regarding retraining older adults in cognitive skills, which of the following statements is true?
While aerobic fitness training is linked to improved physical health in older adults, it is not linked to improved cognitive functioning.
Research shows that

Training can improve the cognitive skills of many older adults.

When categorizations are based on similar features of objects such as size, color, and movement, this is referred to as
deferred imitation.
perceptual categorization.
conceptual categorization.

perceptual categorization.

From 18 months to 3 years of age, children begin to understand all of the following mental states except
false beliefs.

false beliefs.

There are always individual differences in metacognitive skills, but during which period do these individual differences appear the greatest?


Ch 8
According to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, the ability to understand and interact effectively with others is
spatial intelligence.
intrapersonal intelligence.
interpersonal intelligence.
the naturalist intelligence.

interpersonal intelligence.

Intelligence tests can accurately predict
school grades.
job success.
years of education completed.
All answer choices are correct.

All answer choices are correct.

Emotional intelligence is most similar to which of the following?
practical intelligence
verbal intelligence
spatial intelligence
All answer choices are correct.

practical intelligence

Teasing apart the contribution of heritability and environment in the study of intelligence best addresses which of developmental psychology's big issues?


The Flynn effect is evidence of the impact of ___ on intelligence.
the Internet


Which of the following is not a way in which IQ tests may be culturally biased?
It may be biased against different ethnic groups
It may be biased against different religions.
It may be biased against different socioeconomic levels.
It may be biased agains

It may be biased against different religions.

In which way are the Bayley scales and the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence different?
The Bayley scales uses observation only and the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence relies on caregiver report.
The Bayley scales assesses only one dimension of intellig

The Bayley scales does not correlate with later intelligence measure but the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence does.

Individuals' intelligence scores can vary as much as ____ points over the course of their lifetimes.


Organic intellectual disability is due to
a genetic disorder or brain damage.
growing up in a below-average intellectual environment.
contracting meningitis early in development.
shaken-baby syndrome.

a genetic disorder or brain damage.

Creative thinkers tend to have all of the following characteristics except
a willingness to risk.
external motivation.
an objective evaluation of work.

external motivation.

Ch 9
The ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules is referred to as
infinite generativity.

infinite generativity.

Which of the following sentences is semantically incorrect?
The boy brought his backpack to school.
The hummingbird put on its shoes and walked to the beach.
Mom ordered pancakes and eggs for breakfast.
The airplane stopped in Denver for two hours.

The hummingbird put on its shoes and walked to the beach.

A ______ is the basic unit of sound in a language, whereas a ______ is a minimal unit of meaning.
letter; word
decibel; syllable
phoneme; morpheme
syllable; word

phoneme; morpheme

Syntax refers to
how words are formed.
how words are ordered.
the meaning of words.
the correct usage of language depending on the context.

how words are ordered.

Two-year-old Josh says, "Mommy see doggie." This is an example of
telegraphic speech.
first words.

telegraphic speech.

Which of the following is not one of the advancements in pragmatics that characterizes young children's language development?
engagement in extended discourse
the ability to talk about things that are not here
the ability to change their speech style to s

the ability to use metaphors, similes, and hyperbole

Regarding language changes in older adults, which of the following statements is false?
Older adults often report difficulty in retrieving words to use in conversation.
Language difficulty is most likely to occur when speech is rapid, competing stimuli ar

Most language skills decline sharply among older adults, even if they are healthy.

___________ is the use of short and precise words without grammatical markers.
Infant-directed speech
A holophrase
Telegraphic speech
Receptive vocabulary

Telegraphic speech

A child says, "Kitty walk," and the parent answers, "Yes, the kitty is walking." This is an example of


An interactionist view of language development emphasizes
biology and experience.
none of the above.

biology and experience.