Human Growth and Development Final (Chapter 14)

Erikson proposed that middle-aged adults face a significant issue which he termed _____ .

generativity versus stagnation

_____ encompasses adults' desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation.


In Erik Erikson's theory, adults strive for generativity to achieve a sense of _____ .


Abdiel has had three children, according to Erikson, he has achieved:

biological generativity.

Jacqueline nurtures and guides her children. According to Erikson, she has achieved _____ generativity.


Saeko has committed herself to the continuation and improvement of society as a whole through her connection with their children and grandchildren. According to Erikson, she is ______ .


In a longitudinal study of Smith College women, the desire for ______ increased as the participants aged from their thirties to their fifties.


According to Levinson, the transition from dependence to independence is marked by the:

formation of a dream.

Levinson sees the twenties as a(n) _____ phase of adult development.


According to Levinson, by age 40, a man has:

reached a stable point in his career.

According to Levinson, the changes to middle-adulthood requires that the adult male come to grips with four major conflicts. Which of the following is NOT one of these major conflicts?

Being attractive versus being unattractive

Mr. Chang works at a boring but tense job. Stress about his job keeps him up late on most nights. Mr. Chang is experiencing the stress of:

a daily hassle.

Which of the following aspects of life do middle-aged adults feel they have less control over?

Sex life

Middle-aged adults feel they have less control over their:


The timetable according to which individuals are expected to accomplish life's tasks, such as getting married, having children, or establishing themselves in a career is known as the _____ .

social clock

Identify the Big Five personality factor that classifies a person as either organized or disorganized.


Which of the following Big Five personality factors describes whether a person is sociable or retiring?


Which of the following Big Five personality factors describes an individual as either self-satisfied or self-pitying?


Most research studies indicate that the greatest change in personality traits occurs in:

early adulthood.

In a survey conducted by AARP (2004), _____ percent of divorced women said they initiated the divorce compared with only _____ percent of the divorced men.

66; 41

A common complaint voiced by both adult children and their parents when adult children return home is a(n):

loss of privacy.

Which of the following is true of middle-aged and older adults who had poor sibling relationships in childhood?

Men were more likely to develop depression by age 50.