Psych Ch 3 Prenatal development and birth

Three periods of prenatal development

Germinal, embryonic, and fetal

Germinal prenatal development period

Prenatal development that takes place in the first two weeks after conception. It includes the creation of the fertilized egg, called a zygote, cell division, and the attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall.

Embryonic prenatal development period

The period of prenatal development that occurs from two to eight weeks after conception. During the embryonic period, the rate of cell differentiation intensifies, support systems for cells form, and organs appear.

Fetal prenatal development period

Lasting about seven months, is the prenatal period between two months after conception and birth in typical pregnancies. Growth and development continue their dramatic course during this time.


This program is relationship-centered and provides complete prenatal care in a group setting. It replaces traditional 15-minute physician visits with 90-minute peer group support settings and self-examination led by a physician or certified nurse-midwife.

The method that aims to reduce a mother's pain during delivery through education, breathing, and relaxation techniques is called

Natural childbirth

Apgar scale

Evaluates an infant's heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, body color, and reflex irritability.
-A total score of 7 to 10 indicates that the newborn's condition is good. A score of 5 indicates there may be developmental difficulties. A score of 3

Estimates indicate that _______ of new mothers experience postpartum depression.


The formation of a connection, especially a physical connection, between parents and the newborn in the period shortly after birth is called


Rooming-in Arrangement

In which the baby remains in the mother's room most of the time during its hospital stay. However, if parents choose not to use this rooming-in arrangement, the weight of the research suggests that this decision will not harm the infant emotionally

The natural childbirth method attempts to reduce the mother's pain by?

1. Relaxation techniques
2. Decreasing her fears
3. Through education

Psychoactive drugs

drugs that act on the nervous system to alter states of consciousness, modify perceptions, and change moods. Examples include caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, as well as illicit drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, and heroin.

Zygote timeframe

Conception to two weeks post conception

Embryo timeframe

Two weeks to eight weeks, post conception

Fetus timeframe

Two months post conception to birth


outer layer of cells that later provides nutrition and support for the embryo


consists of an inner mass of cells that will eventually develop into the embryo
-Approx one week after conception, when differentiation of the cells begins, this is the group of cells.

Basic types of drugs used for labor


Kangaroo Care

Close physical skin to skin contact where the baby is held against the mother's bare chest can help to stabilize the baby's temperature, breathing, and heart rate.

2nd stage of the birth process

Typically lasts 45min-1 hour
-Baby's head begins to move through cervix and the birth canal
-Mother bears down hard to push the baby out through the birth canal.
-Baby completely emerges from the mother's body

4th month of pregnancy the mother can feel what

Baby's movements

Teratogens can be considered

-Maternal stress
-Cigar smoke (smoke in general)
-Paternal age

Infants born three weeks or more before the pregnancy has reached full term

Premature infants

NBAS newborn assessment

Thorough assessment of newborn performed within 24-36 hours after birth.
-Used as a sensitive index of neurological competence up to one month after birth for typical infants.

NBAS assesses for what?

-Neurological development
-Reactions to people and objects

Fertilized egg is called


Effective treatments for postpartum depression

-Cognitive therapy
-Regular exercise

Fetal Alcohol syndrome disorders (FASD)

A group of abnormalities and problems that can appear in offspring of mothers who drink heavily during pregnancy

First stage of the birth process

Uterine contractions 15-20 minutes apart and last up to a minute long are at the beginning of

Maternal diabetes can be linked to what in issues in newborns?

-Physical defects
-Diabetes in offspring
-Issues with expressive language
-Overweight children

Small for date (small for gestational age)

When an infant is full term or preterm and their birth weight is below normal


-Giving birth in a tub of warm water
-Getting into the tub too quickly can slow the birthing process
-Some women get into the tub and then out to deliver
-Others remain in the water for delivery
Rationale for waterbirth: The amniotic sac is full of fluid


Innermost layer of cells in the embryo that will develop into the digestive and respiratory systems

Children born with low birth weights are more likely to have

-A learning disability
-Breathing problems such as asthma
-50% of low birth weight children are enrolled in special education programs

Medical issues with the mother that may place a developing fetus at risk for a neural tube defect are


Three conditions that pose a risk for newborns are

-low birth weight
-premature birth
-being small for date

Breech position requires a

cesarean delivery

Massage can do what during pregnancy

-Reduce prenatal depression in both parents
-Reduce pain during delivery

First stage of birth is

the longest stage

Prenatal exposure to marijuana has been linked to what

-Marijuana use at age 14
-lower intelligence

In the germinal period, the blastocyst has an inner mass of cells that will eventually develop into

The embryo

Embryonic period

Period of prenatal development that occurs from two to eight weeks after conception

HIV can be passed from the mom to fetus 3 ways

-During gestation across the placenta
-Postpartum through breastfeeding
-During birth through contact with maternal blood and fluids

Eating fish with a higher level of ____ has been identified as a risk factor for expectant mothers


Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Network Neurobehavioral scale (NNNS)

Assesses the newborn's:
-Neurologic and stress responses
-Regulatory responses


Process of organ formation during the first two months of prenatal development.
*Takes place primarily during the embryonic period

An infant that weighs less than how many pounds is considered to have low birth weight

5 1/2 pounds

What factor can result in blood incompatibility between the mother and fetus?

Rh factor

Two birth defects related to the failure of the neural tube to close are?

-Spina bifida

The highest regions of the brain fail to develop when?

Fetuses have anencephaly or when the head end of the neural tube fails to close, and they die in the womb, during childbirth, or shortly after birth

APGAR scale assesses newborns at what time periods?

1 minute and 5 minutes after birth

One aspect of maternal nutrition that is important for normal prenatal development is the B-complex vitamin called?

Folic acid

11-15 days after conception what takes place?


The severity and type of damage caused by a particular teratogen to a developing embryo or fetus are influenced by?

-Time of exposure
-Genetic susceptibility

High maternal stress has been linked to?

-Emotional problems
-Language delay
-Cognitive issues

Syphillus is particularly dangerous in the first two months after conception

Syphillus is particularly dangerous in the first two months after conception

During the last ___ months of prenatal development, fatty tissues develop and the functioning of various organ systems step up


The specialization of cells in the zygote begins after which week following conception?

Week 1

It becomes possible for the fetus to survive outside the womb as early as the ___ month of pregnancy?

6th month

The structural effect of teratogens is greatest early in what period when organs are being formed?

Embryonic period


Caregiver who provides continuous physical, emotional, and educational support for the mother before, during, and after childbirth

Embryo's outermost layer, which will become the nervous system and brain, sensory receptors, and skin parts


Basic structure of the human brain is formed in what semesters

First two semesters

VERY preterm infants are born less than how many weeks of gestational age

33 weeks

EXTREMELY preterm infants are born less than how many weeks of gestational age

28 weeks

Middle layer of the embryo which will become the circulatory system, muscles and bone are called what?


Babies have approx how many neurons when they are born?

100 billion neurons

The administration of what drug has been shown to reduce preterm births in mothers with a history of early births, those with a short cervical length, and those having a single infant birth?



The process by which the uterus returns to its prepregnant size five or six weeks after birth