Child Development #3

The Piagetian term for a particular type of centration in which the child thinks about the world only from his perspective is:


Jake's father is taking him to the barber for his first real haircut. At first, Jake is excited about his first trip to the barber, but as soon as the barber makes the first cut in his hair, he becomes very upset and tells his father to make the barber st


Four-year-old Jon is sitting at the lunch counter next to his sister Erin. They are having hotdogs for lunch. Mom cuts Jon's hotdog into five pieces and Erin's into six pieces. Jon protests because "Erin has more than me!" Which of the following abilities


Vygotsky's theory includes the idea of;

Young children as "apprentices in thinking

Which of the following is the best example of scaffolding?

Miriam helps her son Ben make cookies. She measures all of the ingredients out and places them on the counter in small bowls. She reads the recipe aloud while simplifying it as Ben places the ingredients in the bowl and mixes them together with a spoon.

Preschoolers have a tendency to try to make up a reason why things that they see and hear occur. This tendency is known as:


Which of the following seems to be the main contributing factor that determines whether or not children will pass the tasks to test theory of mind?

neurological maturatioin

Because of "fast-mapping", a preschooler:

learns some words after a single exposure to them.

I catched two mices in a trap" is an example of:


According to Vygotsky, which capability is demonstrated when young children imitate adult actions that are irrelevant, time-consuming, and inefficient?


Preoperational intellegence differs from sensorimotor intelligence in that preoperational intelligence:

It allows children to think symbolically

Aaliyah lies in her bed at night, talking out loud. Her parents listen from the hallway and hear her talking about her day as if she's talking to another person. What should her parents conclude about Aaliyah's behavior?

She's engaging in private speech, and it is completely normal

Which of the following is an example of egocentric behavior according to Piaget?

Julie is lying on the living room floor coloring in her coloring book while her mom is preparing dinner in the kitchen. Julie calls out to her mom and asks,"What color should I paint this?" while pointing at the flower in her coloring book.

Whereas Piaget saw cognitive development as a result of individual discovery, Vygotsky attributed it to:

Social activities guided by others

A teacher who carefully plans each child's participation in the learning process is:


Which child will probably learn to count to 30 first?

Bik, who speaks Chinese

Humans seek reasons, causes, and underlying principles to explain the world around them. The research term for this is:


Kaitlyn, age 4, visited the city zoo, pointed to a zebra, and exclaimed, "Look at the horse with stripes!" In describing the zebra, she used:

Logical extension

By the age of 2, a child will typically have a vocabulary of 500 words; by the age of 6, a child will typically have a vocabulary of _____ words.


Demetrius's family recently immigrated to the United States from the Ukraine. After he attended kindergarten, his parents noticed that his English was more fluent than his native language. Demetrius was exhibiting _____.

A language shift

The body mass index or BMI is the lowest of the life span at age:

5 and 6

The most common disease of young children in developed nations is:

Early tooth decay

Jodee, age 5 insists on having all of the different foods on her plate separated. If the vegetables touch the meat for example, she insists on a clean plate. Jodee's parents are concerned about this behavior. What advice would you offer them?

Allow Jodee to grow out of this "just right" obsession.

The process through which axons become coated with a fatty substance that speed up the transmission of nerve impulses is called:


Kayla is 4 years old and has recently begun coordination the two sides of her body more efficiently. This development may be attributed to:

growth of the corpus collosum

On a cross-country car trip, Anna and Robert asked "Are we there yet?' so may times that their mother began covering her ears. The children were exhibiting:


Spotting warning signs of abuse, such as slow weight gain and insecure disorganized attachment, is associated with:

Secondary prevention

Gross motor skills such as riding a tricycle are acquired:

through a combination of brain maturation and practice

An activity that requires fine motor skills is:

buttoning a coat

The most common cause(s) of death of children in early childhood worldwide is (are):


The area of the brain that is crucial in expressing and regulating emotions is the:

limbic system

The text refers to research in which the brain scans and hormone measurements were taken from 4-6 year-old children after they were exposed to a fire alarm. Which of the following was one of the conclusions drawn from this research?

Some levels of stress hormones improve memory

According to statistics regarding substantiated cases of child maltreatment, about 1 out of every _________ children is maltreated each year.


According to your text, which of the following reflects the results of the correlational studies on the rates of obesity in children in New York City in 2004?

There was a negative correlation between family income and obesity

In developed nations, which of the following is/are most likely to be lacking in a child's diet?

Calcium, iron, and zinc

The specialization of the functioning of the two halves of the brain is called:


Which of the following is true of regarding left-handed people?

Their corpus callosums tend to be thicker than those in right handed people

Secondary Prevention involves:

Responding to the first warning signs of a problem

Which type of injury prevention begins after an injury and is intended to limit the damage caused by the injury?


Which of the following statements is true regarding fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills mature about 6 months earlier in girls than boys

Erikson's stage that occurs between 3 and 6 years is called:

initiative versus guilt.

An angry 5-year-old might stop herself from hitting another child because she has developed:

emotional regulation

Billy and Rodney are both building toys out of Legos, but they are sitting apart, each with their own set of blocks. What type of play is this?

parallel play

The four dimensions of parenting style are warmth, discipline, communication, and:

expectations for maturity

Children who lack self-control are most likely to have parents who are:


Sara, age 3, seeing a little boy fall and hurt himself, gets a look of concern on her face. She is probably experiencing:


In the United States, most young children spend more than how many hours per day watching television or using electronic media?

more than three

Three girls start a rumor that 7-year-old Heather is a bed-wetter who still uses a pacifier. They are demonstrating:

relational aggression

According to the text, neurological and hormonal effects may make boys more vulnerable to __________ problems and girls more vulnerable to __________ problems.

externalizing; internalizing

The presence of imaginary friends positively correlates with an increase in:


An angry 5-year-old might stop herself from hitting another child because she has developed

emotional regulation

_________ is generally considered a more mature emotion than ____________ because the former one comes from within the individual and demonstrates self-awareness.

guilt; shame

Gilbert is an impulsive child. Which of the following is important if he is to develop healthy emotional regulation?

nurturing caregivers

An alternative to physical punishment that involves the parent talking to the child and helping the child to understand what he or she did wrong is:


Jill frequently plays the piano whenever her family has guests because she enjoys the praise and attention that she receives. When alone, however Jill rarely plays. Jill's motivation to play the piano:

is mostly extrinsic

Young children usually prefer to play with:

children of their own sex

When would a time-out possibly be an effective discipline strategy?

if they child prefers to be with other people

Diana Baumrind is know for her work on:

styles of parenting

One of the most important ways that children learn to control their aggression is through:


The age group that experiences the most physical punishment is children between the ages of:

2-6 years.