Chapter 22 - Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

What affect personality in adulthood?

genes, experiences and contexts

What stages of Erikson relate to adult personality development?

identity vs role confusion, intimacy vs isolation, generativity vs stagnation, integrity vs despair

What stages of Maslows hierarchy of needs relate to adult personality development?

love and belonging, success and esteem

What is the midlife crisis?

a supposed period of unusual anxiety, radical self reexamination, and sudden transformation that was once widely associated with middle age but that actually had more to do with developmental history than with chronological age

What are the five personality traits?

Openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

What impacts personality traits?

unique combination of genes and experiences

What traits are age directly related to? Inversely related to?

directly related to positive traits, inversely related to less acceptable traits

What is ecological niche?

Particular lifestyle and social context that adults settle into because it is compatible with their individual personality needs and interests

What happens to self esteem through adulthood?

Rises from early adulthood until about 60

What is social convoy?

Collectively, the family members, friends, acquaintances and even strangers who move through life beside each individual

Why do relationship usually end in adulthood?

they are unbalanced, lacks joint participation

What happens to friendships with age?


How does social support relate to health?

Healthier with social support and sicker when socially isolated

What are consequential strangers?

People who are not in a person's closest friendship circle but nonetheless have an impact

How do family bonds relate to friendships?

People with close friends tend to have good relationship with family

Does distance impact family bonds?


How do parents provide for adult children?

more financial and emotional support

How does parenthood impact relationship with siblings?

Often increases closeness between siblings

What is fictive kin?

someone who becomes accepted as part of a family to which he or she has no blood relation

How does marriage impact well being?

married people are a little happier, helathier and richer

What factors correlate with happiness in marriage?

income and college education

What are factors that correlate with unhappiness in marriage?

premarital births, prior cohabitation, high neuroticism

What is living apart together?

people who are committed to each other but in seperate residences

What is empty nest?

the time in the lives of parents when their children have left the family home to pursue their own lives; usually results in improved relationships

What fraction of first marriages end in divorce?


What is the relationship of divorce and age?

Decreases with age

What are some problems after divorce?

reduced income, lost friendships, weaker relationships with children, loss of part of social convoy

What changes are specific to genders after divorce?

women- more likely to experience change in income
men- more likely to experience change in intimacy (social convoy)

What is generativity vs stagnation?

7th of the 8 Erikson stages of development. Adults seek to be productive in a caring way, often as parents, but perhaps through art, caregiving, and employment

What are the effects on genders after parenthood?

women- more communal, focusing on community and family
men- achieve more status and income

What is a kinkeeper?

a caregiver who takes responsibility for maintaining communication among family members

What is the sandwich generation?

generation of middle aged people who are supposedly "squeezed" by needs of younger and older members of family. In reality, some adults do feel pressured by these obligations, but most are not burdened by them, either because they enjoy fulfilling them or

What is increased happiness with employment based on?

fair wages, respect from others, relationships with coworkers, lack of favoritism

What are extrinsic rewards of work?

tangible benefits, usually in form of compensation that one receives for doing job

What are intrinsic rewards of work?

intangible gratifications that come from within oneself as a result of doing a job