Developmental Psych Chapter 12

Identity vs. Role Diffusion

Erikson's fifth stage of the lifespan. Identity v. Identity/role diffusion, in this stage teens must re-evaluate themselves. At this point identity means teenagers are asking themselves, "Who am I?" What is their sense of purpose, what do they believe in,


James Marcia expanded on Erikson's theme of identity. He did a study of 18-22 year olds and asked about their religious, political, and career values/beliefs/thoughts. He identified four statuses of identity and they reflect two main issues. The first is

Identity Achievement

Fourth Status: Identity Achievement: They have experienced questioning process/crisis, and as a result made a commitment. Both issues are yes. Ex: "After careful thought I have decided to be a nurse.

Identity Moratorium

Third Status: Moratorium: A person is in the middle (actively) experiencing an identity crisis. They are trying to figure out what they want to do/major in, but they haven't made a commitment/resolved the crisis yet. Ex: "I've been looking at architecture

Identity Foreclosure

Second Status: Identity Foreclosure: First issue is no, second is yes. Has not actively pursued identity issues, but has made a commitment. Ex: "Mom and Dad expect me to be a farmer, so that's what I plan to be.

Identity Diffusion

First Status: Identity Diffusion: Answer to both issues is no. Individual has not thought about identity issues and has made no commitment. More typical of young teenagers.

Final Stage: Genital Stage; Return of sexual feelings, which are directed towards peers, not parents. Teenagers have a more mature sexuality.

How did Freud describe personality development during the genital stage?

5th stage: Identity vs. Identity Diffusion; teens must re-evaluate themselves. At this point identity means teenagers are asking themselves, "Who am I?" What is their sense of purpose, what do they believe in, what is important to them? They consider thei

Discuss the role of identity in personality development during adolescence, according to Erikson.

Marcia proposed four identity statuses that represented the four possible combinations of the dimensions of exploration and commitment that Erikson believed were critical to the development of identity. These four stages are identity diffusion, foreclosur

How has Marcia expanded on Erikson's concept of identity in adolescence?

Ethnicity, gender, self-esteem, relationships with family and peers, and sexuality.

Identify factors that influence the successful achievement of identity during adolescence.

Peers are a source of activities, influence and support. Peer pressure peaks in mid-adolescence. Peers provide a standard by which adolescents measure their own behavior. Peer pressure to finish high school is positive, but peer pressure to do drugs is ne

Discuss the influence that peers have on adolescents.