Lifespan Development

An example of how development must be studied within a context is the USA vs Japan view of __________.

Independence vs. Interdependence

An example of how development is MULTIDIRECTIONAL. Older adults may have more _________ knowledge, but perform more poorly than younger adults on test of ________ ________.

Experiential; cognitive speed

What is the developmental concept of brain plasticity and what is an example?

Brain's capacity for change. Example: if 7-year-old and 45-year-old have the same brain injury, the 7-year old is likely to recover fully, the 45-year-old is not likely to recover fully.

Biological level of analysis. Example.

An individual's physical nature. Example: height and weight.

Socio-emotional level of analysis. Example

Changes in an individual's relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality. Example: an infant's smile in response to a parent's touch.

Cognitive level of analysis. Example.

Changes in the individual's thought process, intelligence, and language. Example: memorizing a poem.

What is stage theory? Example (when is the stage of early childhood said to end?)

Development happens in stages. Early childhood is said to end when child begins 1st grade.

Distinguish chronological, biological, and psychological 'ages' with an example of each.

Chronological: the number of years that have passed since birth. Example: 20 years old.
Biological: biological health. Example: organ function.
Psychological: adaptive capabilities. Example: adaptability.

What is the 'nature/nuture' debate? Define each.

Which is more important to development of an individual: nature (biological inheritance) or nurture (environmental experiences).

Describe the issue of 'continuity vs discontinuity' in development.

Continuity: events are built on platform of prior development. Discontinuity: events are abrupt.

Describe the issues of 'stability and change'.

Stability: personality determined by previous stages of development. Birth temperament tends to be stable throughout lifespan. Change: people are capable of changing throughout lifespan.

Reactive Attachment Disorder

If infant had insecure attachment to significant adult, insecurity will remain throughout lifespan. Never able to form secure relationship.

Each stage in Erikson's theory presents a crisis that must be resolved. These crises are:

Opportunities to further the healthy development of personality.

At the airport, 4-year-old Kelly cries, "Let me get the suitcases, Mommy!" Her mom lets her drag the bags off the luggage carousel; even though it takes much longer than if her mom had done it. According to Erikson's stage theory, Kelly's mom is helping K


While Piaget emphasized biological aspects of development, Vygotsky focused on:

Social Interaction.

Which of the following theories is NOT a stage theory and thus supports the idea that development is continuous rather than discontinuous?

Information-processing theory.

Skinner claimed that we should only study that which can be:

Observed and measured.

The process by which some organisms become attached to the first moving object they see is called:


Infants raised in orphanages may not develop a positive and secure attachment to a caregiver in their first year of life. According to John Bowlby, what might the consequences of this be?

Lifespan development will likely not be optimal.

Justine repeats a phrase she has heard older students use at recess. This is an example of:

Bandura's social learning theory.

According to Ann Masten, which of the following is a characteristic of support that contributes to resiliency in children?

Positive individual traits in the children themselves, close family ties, close caring relationships outside the family.

What is the main problem with survey research?

Subjects may give inaccurate responses.

Random assignment is used in experiments because researchers want to:

Reduce the likelihood that the experiments results will be due to any preexisting differences between the experimental and control groups.

A psychologist designs an experiment to determine the effect of scary movies on blood pressure. In this study what are the independent and dependent variables?

Independent: Scary movies
Dependent: Blood pressure

Maxine had her IQ measured every 5 years between the ages 20 and 65. What type of study was this?


Sherri has age groups of 20, 30, 40, and 50 year olds and measured their IQs all at the same time. What type of study was this?


It is important to be aware of the concept of cohort effects because they can be:

Mistaken for age effects.

Natural selection favors individuals of a species that are best able to:

Survive and reproduce.

In ______ the number of chromosomes present remains the same, whereas in _______ the number of chromosomes is halved.

Mitosis; meiosis.

Which of the following do not have 46 chromosomes?

Gametes (sperm and egg)

All of a person's genetic material makes up ______, whereas the ________ consists of only the observable characteristics.

Genotype; phenotype

Which genetic disorder can be controlled by diet?

Phenylketonuria (PKU).

Researchers are comparing Carrie and Devon, identical twins reared apart. They are most likely studying the effects of:

Heredity on development.

One reason that there are more similarities among twins than among other siblings who are different ages is that twins have more:

Shared environmental influences.

Which comparison of siblings would give you the most information if you wanted to study how much genetics influences personality?

Comparing two identical twins reared apart.

The epigenetic view of development states that development is:

The result of bidirectional interchange between heredity and the environment.

Which of the following involves the process of cells moving outward from their point of origin to their appropriate locations in the brain?

Neuronal Migration.

Iyanla is concerned that the bacteria from her ear infection may pass to her baby. She does not need to worry because:

Bacteria are large molecules and will be filtered out by the placenta and not reach the fetus.

Eyes, ears, and nose are formed from cells in the:


Which prenatal development period takes place during the first 2 weeks after conception, includes the creation of a zygote, and ends with the attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall?


During which prenatal development period do the following changes take place? Eyes appear, four chambers of the heart take shape, spinal cord begins to form, and the intestinal tract develops.


During which prenatal developmental period is the probability of a structural defect the greatest?


During which prenatal development period to all of the following changes take place? Rapid weight gain, active movement of arms and legs, face, forehead, eyelids, nose, and chin become distinguishable; refinement of organ systems.


The doctor has recommended that a woman take folic add regularly throughout her pregnancy. The doctor is trying to prevent which of the following from occurring?

Neural tube defects

While pregnant, lead, tobacco, and alcohol exposures are:


The best way to prevent fetal alcohol spectrum disorders is to:

Completely abstain from drinking during the entire pregnancy.

Define preterm and low birth weight.

Preterm: before 35th week of pregnancy; Low birth weight: under 5.5 lbs.

Renee's baby was born just minutes ago, and the doctor is checking the baby's heart rate, respiratory effort, and muscle tone. Renee's baby is being given a(n):

Apgar scale test

The doctor rates newborns in 27 different categories depending on responses to a pinprick, cuddliness, and self-quieting activity. The baby is being given a(n):

Brazelton Neonatal Assesment

Which of the following does the natural childbirth method use to reduce a mother's pain during labor and delivery?

Education and relaxation techniques.

Which of the following outcomes of prenatal education is of the most value for pregnant women living in poverty?

Women can be linked with other valuable social services.

The rate of cesarean delivers has steadily increased and now comprises about 1/3 precent of all births. All of the following are possible reasons for this increase:

Increase in overweight and obese pregnant women, improved ability to identify infants in distress during birth, and cautious doctors.