Child Development

Child development

Scientific study of processes of change and stability in children from conception through adolescence.
conception - adolescence

Life Span



can be positive and negative

Dietrich Tiedemann

1st researcher to create a baby biography

Charles Darwin

researcher to create a baby biography based on 1 yr life span of his son

Domains of Development

Physical development: Growth of body and brain
Biological and physiological patterns of change in sensory capacities, motor skills, and health
Cognitive development: Pattern of change in mental abilities (intelligence, IQ, language)
Psycho-social developm

Influence of Development

Heredity: Inborn traits or characteristics from biological parents.
Environment: Totality of nonhereditary, or experiential, influences on development.
Socialization - Child's induction into the value system of the culture

Normative Influences

Characteristic of an event that occurs in a similar way for most people in a group.
Age-graded - Highly similar for people in a particular age group.
History-graded - Significant events that shape the behavior and attitudes of a historical generation.

Non-normative Influences

Unusual event that happens to a particular person.
Typical event that happens at an unusual time of life.
Largely beyond a person's control
Atypical event

Reactive Development

Children grasp experiences and this input molds them over time.

Active Development

People create experiences and are motivated to learn about the world around them

Continuous Development

Some theorists believe development is continuous.
Occurring in small incremental stages
Quantitative changes: Change in number or amount, such as in height, weight, or size of vocabulary.
Development is always governed by the same processes.
Gradual refin

Discontinuous Development

Whereas other theorists believe development has distinct stages.
Qualitative changes: Change in kind, structure, or organization, such as the change from nonverbal to verbal communication.
Development at different points in the life span is fundamentally

Critical Period (timing of influences)

Specific time when a given event or its absence has a profound and specific impact on development.

Sensitive Period (timing of influences)

Times in development when a given event or its absence has a strong effect on development.

Which of the following events paved the way for scientific study of child development

the discovery of vaccines, the enactment of child labor laws, scientific discoveries about the nature of conception

Tiedmann and Darwin used the information obtained from _______ to support their early theories about child development

baby biographies

Professor Hughes believes that students can better understand the development of nature of behavior by studying human origins, both as a species and as individuals

Charles Darwins

Marsha is taking a class in human development. This class addresses the study of humans from

conception of death

Annette started crawling then standing and is now taking her first steps. The aspect of Annette's development falls within the ____ domain


in the many pre-industrial societies the concept of _______ does not exist



unusual events that influence a person's life

A _____ is a specific time during development when a given event, or lack of event has the greatest impact

critical period

Riley has grown from 13 pounds to 14 pounds since his last pediatrician visit. His weight gain is an example of a __________change


Rubella has a disastrous impact if it is contracted during the first trimester of a pregnancy yet has hardly any impact if contracted later in a pregnancy this is an example of

a critical period

Events that occur at about the same age for people around the word such as starting school are called

normative age graded influences

How fertilization takes place

Fertilization: Union of sperm and ovum to produce a zygote.
Also called conception
Zygote: One-celled organism resulting from fertilization.
Duplicates itself by cell division to create a baby


At birth, have 2 million ova in their ovaries, each contained in a follicle.
During ovulation, when sexual maturity is attained, a mature follicle is ruptured and expelled from the ovary.
Ovum is swept through the fallopian tube toward the uterus.


Several hundred million sperm are produced in the testicles each day.
Sperm enter the vagina through ejaculation and attempt to reach the cervix.
Few will arrive in the fallopian tubes where fertilization takes place.


Inability to conceive a baby after 12 months of trying.
Women's fertility begins to decline in the late 20s.
Men's fertility begins to decline in the late 30s.

Patterns of Genetic Transmission

Hereditary characteristics can be recessive.
Carried by an organism that does not express or show it
Dominant and recessive inheritance
Every offspring gets a pair of alleles for each characteristic, one from each parent.
Alleles: Two or more alternative

Patterns of Genetic Transmission (cont)

Homozygous: Possessing two identical alleles for a trait.
Heterozygous: Possessing differing alleles for a trait.
When an offspring receives alleles for two contradictory traits, only one of them, the dominant one, shows itself�a heterozygous characterist

Patterns of Genetic Transmission (cont)

Recessive inheritance: Pattern of inheritance in which a child receives identical recessive alleles, resulting in expression of a nondominant trait.
Polygenic inheritance: Pattern of inheritance in which multiple genes at different sites on chromosomes af


Genetic makeup of a person, containing both expressed and unexpressed characteristics


Observable characteristics of a person.

Multifactorial Transition

Combination of genetic and environmental factors to produce certain complex traits.

Prenatal Development

Gestation: Period of development between conception and birth.
Gestational age: Age of an unborn baby, usually dated from the first day of an expectant mother's last menstrual cycle.
Takes place in three stages:
Germinal, embryonic, and fetal

Prenatal Development (cont)

Fertilized ovum, or zygote, grows into an embryo and then a fetus.
Morphogens - Molecules that are switched on after fertilization.
Begin sculpting arms, hands, fingers, vertebrae, ribs, a brain, and other body parts

Prenatal Development (cont)

Cephalocaudal principle: Development proceeds in a head-to-tail direction.
Upper parts of the body develop before lower parts of the trunk.
Proximodistal principle: Development proceeds from within to without.
Parts of the body near the center develop bef

Germinal Stage

First 2 weeks of prenatal development
Characterized by:
Rapid cell division
Increasing complexity and differentiation
Implantation in the wall of the uterus
Implantation: Attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine wall, occurring at about day 6.

Embryonic Stage

Characterized by rapid growth and development of major body systems and organs.
From about 2 to 8 weeks
Organogenesis: Process in which the organs and major body systems develop rapidly.
Respiratory, digestive, and nervous
Severely defective embryos usual

Fetal Stage

Final stage of prenatal development, 8 weeks to birth.
Characterized by increased differentiation of body parts and greatly enlarged body size.
Fetus adds a layer of fat in preparation for birth.
Ultrasound: Prenatal medical procedure using high-frequency

Maternal Factors

Prenatal environment is the mother's body.
Everything that affects the mother's well-being may alter her unborn child's environment and influence its growth and health.
Teratogen: Environmental agent that can interfere with normal prenatal development and

Nutrition & Maternity weight

Pregnant women typically need 300 to 500 additional calories a day, including extra protein.
Gaining too much weight leads to the risk of having a large baby that needs to be delivered by induced labor or cesarean section.
Critical to include folic acid o

Physical Activity

Moderate exercise does not seem to endanger the fetuses of healthy women.
Pregnant women should not push themselves and raise their heart rate above 150.
Regular exercise prevents constipation and improves respiration, circulation, muscle tone, and skin e

Drug Intake

Medical drugs - No medication should be prescribed for a pregnant or breast-feeding woman unless it is essential for her health or her child's.
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS): Combination of mental, motor, and developmental abnormalities affecting t

Drug Intake (cont)

Nicotine - Maternal smoking has been identified as the single most important factor in low birth weight in developed countries.
Caffeine - Four or more cups of coffee a day during pregnancy is related to increased risk of sudden death in infancy.

Drug Intake (cont)

Marijuana and cocaine - Lead to:
Birth defects
Low birth weight
Withdrawal-like symptoms at birth
Increased risk of attention disorders and learning problems later in life

Maternal Ilness

Toxoplasmosis - Infection caused by a parasite harbored in the bodies of cattle, sheep, and pigs and in the intestinal tracts of cats.
Typically produces either no symptoms or symptoms like those of the common cold.
Thyroid deficiency
Rubella - Almost cer

Maternal Anxiety & Stress

Some tension and worry during pregnancy are normal and do not necessarily increase risks of birth complications such as low birth weight.
Moderate maternal anxiety may even spur organization of the developing brain.
Unusual maternal stress may have harmfu

The union of sperm and ovum to produce a zygote is known as


In fertilization the male and the female gametes combine to create a single cell called ____ which then duplicates itself again and again to become a baby


Fertilization usually takes place in the _____ as the ovum makes the trip from the ovary to the uterus

fallopian tube

Sperm are produced in the ____ at a rate of several hundred million a day and are ejaculated in the semen during sexual climate


infertility is the ability to conceive after ____ months of trying to have a baby

12 or more

Child A's sex chromosomes are XX and Child B's sex chromosomes are XY. Child A is a(n) ___ and Child B is a(n) ___

girl; boy

Harry's wife is pregnant with a child whose sex chromosome is XY. Harry and his wife are

having a boy

The sex of a child is determined by the sex chromosomes of

the father

Genes that produce alternative expressions of a trait are called


Matu received identical genes for hair color from each of his parents. We would say that Matu is _____ for that trait


If Carol and Robert both pass on the gene for red hair their child will have red hair. This is an example of _____ inheritance


An individuals ____ consists of that individual observable traits; an individuals ____is his/her underlying genetic pattern

phenotype genotype

Brooklyn has curly hair but carries a gene for straight hair. Her phenotype is

curly hair

The correct order for the three prenatal stages is

germinal, embryonic, and fetal

The _____ principal explains why an embryo's head, brain, and eyes develop the earliest and are disproportionately large until the other parts catch up



process of preparing to give birth

The zygote begins rapid cell division and forms into a blastocyst during the ____ stage


Luanne's doctor told her that her baby's major body systems and organs were rapidly developing. Luanne's baby is in the _____ stage of devolpmeny


Miscarriages or spontaneous abortion is most likely to occur in which trimester of the pregnancy


The fetal stage of development is reached ____ after conception

8 weeks

Environmental factors that may produce birth defects are called


In a healthy pregnancy how many extra calories should a woman consume each day


Increasing a woman's folic acid consumption by just 5 milligrams each day reduces the incidence of _____ by 85%

neutral tube defects

Which of the following statements best describes the appropriate level of exercise for pregnant women?

pregnant women should exercise moderately throughout their pregnancy

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is associated with

fetal alcohol syndrome

The series of uterine and cervical changes that occur two weeks before delivery are called


Yvonne has begun to experience uterine contractions that are causing her cervix to dilate. She is in the ___ stage of childbirth


Cervix has fully dilated and the baby's head is just visible in the canal. Which stage of childbirth is this


The placenta is expelled from the mother's body during the ____ stage of child birth


A surgical incision was made in Lana's abdomen in order for her to deliver her baby. This procedure is called a

cesarean section (C-Section)

The baby's feet rather than the head are moving down the birth canal first. What delivery procedure needs to be done

cesarean section (C-Section)