
is anything that serves as a medium of exchange

medium of exchange

is anything that is widely accepted as a means of payment


an individual exchanges goods directly for other goods

unit of account

is a consistent means of measuring the value of things
-it is a constant value. If someone asked you how much you paid for an item, you wont be able to tell them 5 pizzas because the value of 5 pizzas can be anything

store of value

is an item that holds value over time
-you leave $20 in your coat pocket, 2 years late you come back to that dollar and it still has value. value has been "stored

functions of money

-medium of exchange
-a unit of account
-a store of value

Commodity money

is money that has value apart from its use as money.
E.g. Mackerel in federal prisons could be used to buy services from other prisoners or eaten, gold, and silver can be used as jewlery
-DISADVANTAGE - quantity of money can fluctuate erratically

Fiat money

is money that some authority, generally a government, has ordered to be accepted as a medium of exchange.
E.g. paper money and coins in the U.S. "this note is legal tender for all debts public and private


is paper money and coins.

Checkable deposits

are balances in checking accounts.
-i.e. swipping your debit card, the money transferred is the checkable deposit

A check

is a written order to a bank to transfer ownership of a checkable deposit

Money supply

the total quantity of money in the economy at any one time.


is the ease with which an asset can be converted into currency.


is the narrowest of the Fed's money supply definitions that includes currency in circulation, checkable deposits, and traveler's checks.


is a broader measure of the money supply than M1 that includes M1 and other deposits like small savings accounts

financial intermediary

is an institution that amasses funds from one group and makes them available to another.

A bank

is a financial intermediary that accepts deposits, makes loans, and offers checking accounts

A balance sheet

is a financial statement showing assets, liabilities, and net worth.


are anything of value.


are obligations to other parties.

Net worth

refers to assets less liabilities.


are bank assets held as cash in vaults and in deposits with the Federal Reserve.

fractional reserve banking system

is a system in which banks hold reserves whose value is less than the sum of claims outstanding on those reserves

Required reserves

are the quantity of reserves banks are required to hold.

required reserve ratio

is the ratio of reserves to checkable deposits a bank must maintain.

Excess reserves

are reserves in excess of the required level

loaned up

when a bank's excess reserves are zero

the deposit multiplier

the ratio of the maximum possible change in checkable deposits (?D) to the change in reserves (?R)
Md= ?D�?R

regulations of banks

-banks are highly regulated
1. deposit ensured
2.FDIC audit banks to make sure they are operating safely, i.e. not making too risky investments, maintaining a level of networth

central bank

is a bank that:
1.acts as a banker to the central government
2.acts as a banker to banks
3.acts as a regulator of banks
4.conducts monetary policy
5.supports the stability of the financial system

Powers of the Fed

1. setting reserve requirements
2. operating the discount window and other credit facilities. (Is the fed's ability to lend reserves to banks)
3. conducting open-market operations

discount rate

is interest rate charged by the fed when they lends reserves to banks who fall short on their reserves.

federal funds market

an alternative to borrowing from the fed's reserves

federal funds rate

is the interest rate charged for loans in the federal funds market

open-market operations

the buying and selling of federal government bonds by the fed


is a promise by the issuer of the bond to pay the owner of the bond a payment or a series of payments on a specific date or dates