Economics Ch 1


condition where society doesn't have enough resources to produce what we want. (lack of)

Scarcity affects

everything we do...what to to produce it and for whom to produce it


requirements for survival


expression of a need


the study of how people try to satisfy what appears unlimited

who pays for the things we get to have for free?

nothing's "free" everything has a cost

what should be produced?

housing, food, clothing, etc

for whom should it be produced?

workers, professional people, or gov. employees

what are the factors of production?

land, capital, labor, and entrepreneurs


a risk taker lacking for profit who does something new with existing resources


the process of creating goods and services, can take place


gifts of nature; these things are "fixed" (limited)

capital goods

tools, equipment, machinery, factories used for goods and services

financial capital

money used to buy the capital and equipment used in production


the people working to run the machinery to make the goods

all factors of production present.....



Gross Domestic Product...the $ value of all good and services produced in a country

4 elements to economics

description, analysis, explanation, and prediction


important so you know value of goods


focus on economic activity & why things work and how they happen


very important to understand & explain how economy works in order to address the problems


helps us make better decisions by considering future consequences of decisions

economic product

goods & services that are useful, relatively scarce & transferable to others


item that is economically useful or satisfies an economic want..It's intended for final use by individuals

capital goods

manufactured & used to produce other goods and service


works performed for someone and include entertainment and other acts of service

durable goods

@ least 3+ years when on a regular basis


uses goods and services to satisfy needs and wants


worth that can be expressed in dollars and cents

paradox of value

situation where some necessities (water) have some non-necessities, such as diamonds, has a higher value


the capacity to be useful and provide satisfaction


comprised of natural resources, factories, stores, stuff, etc.

what determines whether or not something is valuable?

it must be useful


location or other mechanism that allows buyers to exchange a certain economic product

markets can be

local, regional, and national

factor market

productive resources are bought and sold

product market

producers sell their goods and services to consumers

economic growth

the nation's total output of goods and services increases over time


the measure of the amount of output produced by a given amount of inputs in a specific time

what can improve productivity?

more production using some inputs and time

human capital

skills + abilities + health + motivation of people

why is the American economy interdependent?

b/c we rely on others, vice versa to provide goods and services we use

trade off

alternative choices

opportunity cost

next best alternative

PPF (production possibilities frontier)

represents various combinations of goods/services an economy can produce w/all productive resources employed


produces guns & butter

PPF indicates the maximum combination of....

combinations of goods and services

why is it impossible for alpha to reach its potential?

because resources are not fully employed

economic growth

possible by having more resources or increased productivity causes the production possibilities to move forward


study how people satisfy seemingly unlimited & competing wants w/careful uses of scarce resources and strategies that will help us make the best sections.

what is one of the most important strategies of economists today?

the economic model

economic model

simplified theory or picture what something is or how it works

simple model

can be constructed that reduce complex situations to their most basic elements

what are models based on?

assumptions or things we take for granted as true....they can be revised

cost benefit analysis

way of thinking about a problem that compares the costs of an action to the benefit received

free enterprise

one in which consumers & privately owned businesses rather than the gov. make the majority of the what, how, and for whom decisions.

study of economics

provides a working knowledge of property rights,competition, supply, and demand, the price system, & the economic incentives that make the American economy function

standard of living

the quality of life based on the possession of the necessities and luxuries that make life easier