Economics: Chapter 1

explanation as to why economics assumes that people acting in self interest is not the same as selfishness

increasing one's own wage, rent, interest, or profit normally requires satisfying somebody else's wants; people make sacrifices for others (ex: time and money to charities)

opportunity cost

the next best alternative you give up for something else

concept of utility

the pleasure, happiness, or satisfaction obtained from consuming a good or service

all other things equal" assumption

all factors that impact demand will not change (cetrus paribus)

positive economics

objective, fact-based, relies on data

normative economics

subjective, value-based, opinion oriented

4 factors that determine the production possibility frontier

land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship

location on the PPF curve when we have unemployment

under the curve/inside of it

which society will grow faster and why: society that produces robots (capital goods) or society that produces consumer goods (pizzas)

society that produces robots will grow faster because robots have a greater return on investments than consumer goods

law of increasing opportunity cost

to produce more of one good, a larger amount of the other good must be sacrificed

how a society knows how much of an activity they should undertake/engage in

when marginal cost = marginal benefit

marginal benefit

maximum amount a consumer is willing to pay for an additional good or service; change in total benefit/change in quantity

marginal cost

the cost of producing one more unit of a good; change in total cost/change in quantity

why the marginal benefit curve slopes downwards

over time, marginal benefit decreases while quantity increases

budget constraint when the price of one good decreases or you receive more income

budget line shifts to the right and enables you to buy more goods and services

budget constraint when the price of one good increases

budget line shifts to the left and you buy less

why economists say there is no such thing as free lunch

resources are used to produce it, and because those resources have alternative uses, society gives up something else to get the "free" good


concerned with the financial decisions of individual customers, workers, business firms, etc


examines the performance and behavior of the economy as a whole (economic growth, business cycle, interest rates, inflation, etc)

shape of PPF that represents constant opportunity cost

graph is a straight diagonal line leading away from the origin

shape of PPF that represents increasing opportunity cost

graph bows away from origin

shape of PPF that represents decreasing opportunity cost

graph bows towards the origin