Econ chapter 17


(n) A lessening in value; a belittling of a currency


the policy of imposing duties or quotas on imports in order to protect home industries from overseas competition

Trade barrier

any regulation or policy that restricts international trade


a tax on imported goods

Foreign exchange market

The market in which the currencies of different countries are bought and sold.


an increase in price or value of a currency

Exchange rate

The value of a foreign nation's currency in terms of the home nation's currency.


the basic monetary unit of most members of the European Union (introduced in 1999)

European Union (a.k.a. EU)

International organization comprised of Western European countries to promote free trade among members.

World Trade Organization (a.k.a. WTO)

a worldwide organization whose goal is freer global trade and lower tariffs

International Free Trade Agreement

agreement that results from cooperation between at least two countries to reduce restrictions

Infant Industry

a new industry

Trade war

cycle of increasing trade restrictions

Voluntary export restraint

self imposed limitation on the number products shipped to a particular country

Import quota

a limit on the number of products that can be imported


goods brought in from a foreign country for sale


goods sent to a foreign country for sale

Law of comparative advantage

idea that nation is better off when is produces goods & sevices for which it has a comparative advantage

Comparative advantage

the ability to produce a product most efficiently given all the other products that could be produced

Absolute advantage

the ability to produce a good using a given amount of resources

Customs duty

A tax on items purchased abroad

Free trade zone

a region where a group of countries has agreed to reduce or eliminate trade barriers

NAFTA (a.k.a. North American Free Trade Agreement)

North American Free Trade Agreement that elimitanes all trade barriers between the US, Mexico, and Canada

Flexible exchange rate system

a system in which the exchange rate is determined by supply and demand

Fixed exchange rate system

a currency system in which governments try to keep the values of their currencies constant against one another

Trade surplus

when a country exports more than it imports

Balance of trade

The relationship between a nation's imports and exports

Trade deficit

When a country imports more than it exports