Econ Final

Standard of Living

the level of consumption of goods and services that people enjoy, on average, measured by average income per person.

Gross Domestic Product

The market value of all the final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period

Final good or service

a good or service that is produced for its final user and not as a component of another good or service

Intermediate good or service

a good or service that is used as a component of a final good or service

What counts in a country's GDP

only products that are produced within that country

GDP measures value of production during what time periods?

quarter of a year or a year

4 groups that buy the final goods and services produced

households, firms, governments, and the rest of the world

4 Types of Expenditure

consumption expenditure
government expenditure on goods and services
net exports of goods and services

Consumption Expenditure

the expenditure by households on consumption goods and services


The purchase of new capital goods and additions to inventory

Investment does not include

stocks or bonds

Government expenditure on goods and services

the expenditure by all levels of government on goods and services

Net exports of goods and services

the value of exports of goods and services minus the value of imports of goods and services

exports of goods and services

items that firms in the united states produce and sell to the rest of the world

Total Expenditure

consumption, investment, gov. expenditure on goods and services, and net exports of goods and services

Net Taxes

taxes paid minus cash benefits received from governments


the amount of income that is not paid in net taxes or spent on consumption goods and service

Total Incom


The value of production =

income equals expenditure

GDP is found using what two approaches


Expenditure Approach

adds Consumption, expenditure, investment, government expenditure, and net exports

expenditures that are not in GDP

Used goods
Financial Assests

Income Approach

Sums the incomes firms pay

Two categories for income approach

interest, rent, and profit

Wages are called

compensation of employees

interest, rent, and profit are called

operating surplus

Net domestic product at factor cost

the sum of wages, interest, rent, and profit

Gross National Product

THe market value of all the final goods and services produced anywhere in the world are given a time period by the factors of production supplied by the residents of the country

Disposable personal income

income received by households minus personal income taxes paid

Real GDP

the value of the final goods and services produced in a given year expressed in terms of the prices in a base year

Nominal GDP

the value of final goods and services produced in a given year expressed in terms of the prices of that same year

Two main purposes we use real GDP

To compare the standard of living over time
To compare the standard of living among countries

RGDP per person

Real GDP divided by population