Total Fitness & Wellness Chapter 1

Do you have a high level of wellness just from exercising and eating a healthy diet?

No. Although these are very positive wellness habits, they do not cover everything. There are 7 total components.

Can as little as 30 mins of brisk walking most days of the week improve one's health?

Yes (but then in order to improve fitness, more than that would be needed)

What is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States?

smoking ~ 430,000 deaths/year are attributed to smoking & it is also a major risk factor for heart disease


the state of healthy living achieved by practice of a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular physical activity, proper nutrition, eliminating unhealthy behaviors, and maintaining good emotional & spiritual health

8 components to wellness:

� Physical Health
� Emotional Health (Mental)
� Intellectual Health
� Spiritual Health
� Social Health
� Environmental Health
� Occupational Health
� Financial Health

Physical Activity

Any movement of the body produced by a skeletal muscle that results in energy expenditure


Planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more components of fitness

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Any disease of the heart and blood vessels


A metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose levels . . . Chronic elevation of blood glucose is associated with increased incidence of heart disease, kidney disease, nerve dysfunction, and eye damage.

What does regular physical activity and exercise reduce the risk of?

heart disease and diabetes

the 5 major components of "total" health-related physical fitness:

� Cardiorespiratory endurance
� Muscular strength
� Muscular endurance
� Flexibility
� Body composition

What is the set of wellness goals called?

Healthy People" (set by the U.S. government for its people)

What are the main goals of Healthy People 2020?

� to attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, injury, and premature death
� to achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups
� to create social and physical environments that promote good health f

Cardiovascular endurance

A measure of the heart's ability to pump oxygen-rich blood to the working muscles during exercise and of the muscles' ability to take up and use the oxygen

Muscular strength

The maximal ability of a muscle to generate force (1 rep)

Muscular endurance

The ability of a muscle to generate a substantial force over and over again (repeated repetitions)


The ability to move joints freely through their full RANGE OF MOTION (ROM)

Body composition

The relative amounts of fat and fat-free tissue (muscles, organs, bone) found in the body

Stages of Change Model

A framework for understanding how individuals move toward adopting & maintaining health behavior changes

the 5 stages of change:

� Precontemplation
� Contemplation
� Preparation
� Action
� Maintenance

some strategies for behavior modification:

� Behavior change contracts
� Setting realistic short-term & long-term goals
� Self-monitoring
� Counter conditioning or substituting behaviors
� Self-reiinforcement
� Decisional balance
� Relapse prevention

SMART acronym ~>

Specific and Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic and Time-stamped


Breaking a behavior or task into small steps to accomplish the larger goal