Practice Exam Review

: mid foot injury in which the metatarsal bone(s) displace from the tarsus; usually caused by heavy object falling on mid foot or fall from high height
Turf toe
: sprain of 1st MTP due to hyper-extension, especially from pushing off into a spring

Turf toe

2:1 GH to scapulothoracic
(ex: 150� abduction = 100� glenohumeral, 50� scapulothoracic)

Shoulder elevation control ratio

1) bone tenderness at posterior edge/tip of medial OR lateral malleolus
2) inability to WB immediately and in the ER

Indications to order radiography for the ankle

: ER > flexion > IR
: flexion/IR > abduction

Capsular patterns:

Common in young, female runners; pain when sitting with knee flexion and with squatting, jumping, and stairs
pain at the lateral knee; also common in runners due to repetitive flexion and extension

Patellofemoral syndrome
IT band friction syndrome

inflammation of the patellar ligament at the tibial tuberosity (apophysitis)
common in athletic children that run, jump, and quickly change direction
causes swelling and tenderness over tibial tubercle (painful bump just below knee)


: 70� flexion (35� supination for radioulnar; 10� supination for ulnohumeral)
: 55� abduction, 30� horizontal adduction
: 30� flexion, 30� abduction, slight ER
: 25� flexion

Loose-packed positions:

pressure within muscles decreases blood flow, starving nerve and muscle cells
: medical emergency due to trauma (pain, decreased pulse, paresthesia, pallor, paralysis)
: exertional; bursting type of pressure or pain
(6 Ps: pain, palpable ten

Compartment syndrome

hip pain plus...
A) hip IR less than 15� + hip flexion limited to 115� AND 50+ years old
B) hip IR less than 15� + pain with IR + morning stiffness AND 50+ years old

Factors supporting OA

: volar slippage of lateral bands due to rupture of central slip of extensor digitorum
Swan neck
: rupture of flexor digitorum superficialis

Boutonniere vs. Swan neck deformity

displace the rear axle forward for more efficient arm push

WC accommodation for obese patient with excessive tissue mass in hip area

: contracts and reflexively empties in response to certain filling pressure; can use manual stimulation such as suprapubic stroking or tapping
: increase compression of lower abdomen with Crede maneuver (manual pressure) or Valsava; can al

Emptying techniques for spastic vs. flaccid bladder

hip flexors and plantar flexors

What muscles should be stretched in a child with Duchenne's?

patellar stabilizing brace with
(increased valgus causes increased lateral displacement forces on the patella)

Orthotic for abnormal patellar tracking due to excessive Q angle

anterior glide paired with ER of the tibia
(tibial ER occurs during open-chain extension)

Joint mobilization to increase full knee extension

sustain pain levels of at least 2/4 of claudication scale during exercise
(in order to generate collateral circulation in patients with ischemia, must have at least moderate claudication pain)

How to monitor exercise intensity for patient with claudication

supine; PT flexes knee and hip to 90�, then applies pressure to lateral femoral epicondyle with thumb, then passively extend the knee

Noble compression test

Acromioclavicular sprain/arthritis/etc

MSK injury with pain at end-ranges of shoulder elevation and horizontal adduction

Supraspinatus tendinitis
Subacromial bursitis

MSK injury with painful arc (60-120�) of elevation; no pain at end range

anterior groin/hip pain reproduced by FADDIR/FABER as well as deep squats; hip IR limited to <20�; snapping and clicking present

Femoroacetabular impingement

stage 1
: hyperalgesia, allodynia, hyperpathia
stage 2
: increasing pain with edema and atrophic skin/nail changes
stage 3
: spreading pain, hardening edema, cool dry cyanotic skin, developing OA and ankylosis

Stages of CRPS

: least severe; focal injury to myelin fibers; axon and connective tissue sheath intact; short duration (days to weeks)
: injury to the axon; recovery over months and frequently incomplete nerve regeneration with residual deficit

Different types of peripheral nerve injuries

resistive training after cardiothoracic surgery is restricted to 5-8 pounds for first 5-8 weeks
initial loads should be 30-40% 1RM for arms, 50-60% for hips/legs

Protocol for weights/resistance training post sternotomy

silver nitrate
: superficial to attack surface organisms
: penetrates through eschar to provide antibacterial control
: keratolytic enzyme for selective debridement

Topicals for wound care:
Silver nitrate

Central vision loss
- cataracts
- macular degeneration
Peripheral vision loss
- glaucoma

Vision loss patterns in eye conditions:
Central vs. peripheral

: slow, writhing, twisting
: rapid, irregular, jerky
: sustained postures, slow and repetitive movements, cramping

Athetosis vs. Chorea vs. Dystonia

: damaged axillary nerve (weak deltoids)
: damaged dorsal scapular nerve (weak rhomboids)

Injury due to different directions of shoulder dislocation

closed-chain functional strengthening of quads and hamstrings with emphasis on terminal knee extension
(terminal knee extension must be achieved during this stage for normal function)

Best intervention in sub-acute phase following meniscus and ACL/MCL tear (unhappy triad)

33-36 inches

Measurements of grab bars in bathroom

CAT scan

Imaging for very fine bone details, such as hardline fractures and cortical damage

development of HF; difficulty walking long distances and lymphedema

Side effects of Lyrica (pregabalin)

> 1.0 mm horizontal or downsloping

ECG: significant finding for myocardial ischemia

determines if disc with involved nerve root OR postural disorder

McKenzie's side glide test

10-meter shuttle walk test

Test for peak oxygen uptake (VO2 max)

: impairment in body scheme; lack of awareness of body structure and relationship to other body part
: denial of presence or severity of paralysis

Sensory impairment conditions

anterior, which produces posterior pelvic tilt

Patient on a ball:
Direction for abdominal contraction and associated movement

Bicycle test (van Gelderen's)

Test to differentiate between lumbar central stenosis and intermittent claudication

traction acting on a depressed and outwardly rotated scapula

Factor that contributes to subluxation and shoulder pain in hemiplegia

transverse ligament stress test

Test for C1-C2 articulation

pad placed proximal to the metatarsal heads

Best orthotic for metatarsalgia (due to compression of digital nerves at metatarsal heads)

: eversion and/or pronation
: inversion and/or supination
anterior talofibular
: stretched in PF and inversion, usually sprained when ankle is rolled;
: stretched in DF and inversion;

Movements resisted by the medial and lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle

anterior talofibular

An inversion sprain will damage what ligament?

(should have at least 3/5)
1) SI gapping
2) SI compression
3) thigh thrust (P4)
4) sacral thrust
5) Gaeslen's

Cluster of tests for highest diagnostic accuracy of SIJ dysfunction

during active chin tuck, the pressure in the stabilizer cuff increases to 22 mmHg and the patient can hold this position or 10 seconds

Cranio-cervical flexion test

angina of increasing intensity that is unresponsive to nitroglycerin or rest
absolute contraindication to exercise

Unstable angina

shoulder adductors, forearm pronators, elbow/wrist/hand flexors

Muscles that are typically spastic in the UE in early recovery

combination of 65+ years old plus a history of dangerous MOI:
- fall from 3+ feet/3-5 stairs
- axial load to head
- MVA collision at high speed or with rollover/ejection

Canadian c-spine rules

internal carotid
: combined ACA and MCA symptoms
anterior spinal
: contralateral hemiplegia with deviation of tongue to affected side, dysphagia, loss of gag reflex
basilar artery
(brainstem/cerebellum): contralateral/unilateral hemiplegia and ipsilateral

internal carotid
anterior spinal

: negative electrode to attract neutrophils (POSITIVE pole with silver/anode)
non-infected: positive electrode to attract macrophages and epidermal cells (NEGATIVE pole/cathode)

Positive vs. negative electrode for wound

real loss of function for the patient; symptoms real and varied, and may be triggered by stress, psychological or physical trauma
treat the same as any other patient with SCI

Conversion disorder

supranuclear palsy; corticobulbar tract
facial palsy of the muscles on the
lower half of the left side
of the face
(muscles of lower face receive input from the contralateral motor cortex, instead of CN VII)

Deficits of stroke to the
internal capsule

disc displacement

Condition is jaw is locking in an open position

: high frequency, short duration
: low frequency, long duration

Sensory vs. motor stimulation (e-stim)

: branch of median nerve; if damaged, unable to do tip to tip sign due to
weak flexor pollicis longus
; also lateral 1/2 of dig profundus, and pronator quadratus
: branch of radial nerve; inability to extend the wrist and the thumb

Anterior interosseous vs. posterior interosseous

left-sided CHF
ACE inhibitors

Normal ejection fraction
What condition causes low ejection fraction?
What medication is used to increase ejection fraction?

decrease ischemia (angina) through smooth muscle relaxation and dilation of peripheral vessels


block the effects of ACh in the stomach to decrease gastric acid (to reduce stomach ulcers)

Anticholinergic agents

10-20% (80-90% by the venous system)

Percent of interstitial fluid that is collected by a normal lymphatic system

Acute pulmonary edema
venous stasis ulcer, intermittent claudication, lymphedema

Contraindication for intermittent compression
What CAN it be used for?

: protects lining of stomach by inhibiting gastric acid secretion and increasing mucous production
: stimulates gastric acid secretion

Prostaglandin vs. gastrin

systolic decrease >20 OR diastolic decrease >10

Orthostatic hypotension

: AKA calcaneal apophysitis; inflammation of growth plate, causing pronation and posterior calcaneal pain
Tarsal tunnel
: compression of tibial nerve, causing pain in and around the ankle and possibly into the toes; medial ankle pain with pronated

Sever's disease
Tarsal tunnel syndrome


Minimum passing score for mini mental state exam


Spine of scapula is usually lined up with...

homolateral synkinesis
: mass flexion of RLE when resistance is applied to R elbow flexion
coordination synkinesis
: voluntary contraction of muscles on involved side that cause involuntary contraction of synergistic muscles
: involved LE abducts

- Homolateral synkinesis
- Coordination synkinesis
- Raimiste's phenomenon
- Souque's phenomenon

Radial nerve palsy

Cause of wrist drop

increase size of cathode relative to anode
(accumulation of positive ions creates an alkaline reaction, which is more likely to cause damage)

How to minimize burn during iontophoresis

: 0.5-2.0
: 0.5-0.75

Intensity for thermal vs. non-thermal (US)

1) cholecystitis
2) pancreatitis
3) hepatitis

3 conditions that cause jaundice

60+ year olds on the medial femoral condyle
rapid onset; risk with corticosteroids

Osteonecrosis most common in...

hemorrhagic stroke
(CAN use for ischemic stroke)

Contraindication of thrombolytic agents

lost achilles
due to tibial or sciatic nerve injury
steppage gait
due to fibular or sciatic nerve injury

Absence of Achilles reflex
Steppage gait

>40� = surgical intervention
25-45� = orthotic needed

Cobb angle indications

1) dissecting aortic aneurysm
2) decompensated CHF
3) third degree heart block
chronic atrial fibrillation is okay

Heart conditions that are absolute contraindications to PT

(inner layer of aorta tears, causing blood to flow inside; medical emergency)
pain in lower abdominals and low back; pain not relieved with eating

Dissecting aortic aneurysm

infant (birth-1 year): 30-60
toddler (1-3 years): 24-40
elementary (6-12): 18-30

Normal RR for children (infant, toddler, child)

: extend to which an intervention produces a desired outcome under usual clinical conditions
: extent to which an intervention produces a desired outcome under ideal conditions
: smallest treatment effect that would resulting c


cardiovascular pump dysfunction
will also have sudden onset dyspnea and crackles
terminate exercise as it is too strenuous

S3 is hallmark sign of...

hip ER during swing phase
(due to weak hip flexors)

L2 radiculopathy would cause what gait abnormality?

Normal: 15 seconds
>15 = arterial disease
<15 = venous insufficiency

Venous filling time: what indicates insufficiency?

increased IR during gait

A tight IT band would cause what gait deviation?

: 200-350 duration, 35-80 pps
: 150 duration, 35 pls

E-stim parameters for small vs. large muscle groups

Ibuprofen and aspirin

Most common types of NSAIDs

: shoulder IR and abduction
: shoulder ER and adduction (past 0�)

Substitution for active forearm pronation
Substitution for active forearm supination

for high-level tetraplegia to improve respiratory capacity and increase vital capacity

Glossopharyngeal breathing

: conventional TENS (sensory level stimulation)
: burst, acupuncture, and low frequency (releases endorphins by providing noxious stimulus; may not be tolerated by acute patient)

E-stim: chronic vs acute conditions

intracranial pressure monitor (takes very little to disrupt the valves and interfere with reading)
balloon catheter through the femoral artery (patient cannot flex the involved leg, so can't sit on side of bed)
More feasible: ventilator, tracheostomy, por

Devices that would most limit PT activity

PIP extension
: central tendon of extensor digitorum
PIP flexion
: flexor digitorum superficialis
DIP extension
: terminal tendon of extensor digitorum
DIP flexion
: flexor digitorum profundus

Actions of finger tendons

1) hypoproteinemia (<2 g/dL)
2) severe peripheral arterial disease (ABI <0.6)
Precautions: uncontrolled HTN, high fasting glucose (impaired sensation)
*can use, but monitor

Pneumatic compression of the LE is contraindicated for...

localized necrosis of subchondral bone, typically in patients aged 12-20

Osteochondritis dissecans

ability to feel the 5.07 monofilament

Protective sensation

reduces pressure on the MTP joint of the toe by transferring stress to the metatarsal shaft
indicated for reduced MTP extension of great toe (need
* passive MTP extension fo terminal stance)

Metatarsal bar

new onset vomiting, lethargy, irritability, headache, and increased seizure frequency

Signs of shunt dysfunction (myelomeningocele)

blood or fluids fills the space between the sac that encases the heart, placing extreme pressure on it
- pulsus paradoxus (large decrease in stroke volume, systolic blood pressure and pulse wave amplitude during inspiration)
- distended jugular veins
- hy

Cardiac tamponade

COPD: pulmonary function test (spirometry)
CAD: exercise testing

Progression testing of COPD vs. CAD

moving into D1 flexion (flexion, adduction, ER)

PNF pattern to roll from supine to sidelying

: large (type 2 fast twitch) fibers first
: small (type 1 slow twitch) fibers first

Physiological vs. electrical contractions: order of fiber activation

(2/5): only in prone (reduced gravity)
(3/5): can do 1
(4/5): can do 2-24
(5/5): can do 25+

Grades of heel raises

(low pitch, hollow; heard over lungs)
(high pitch, hollow; heard over the air-filled bowel loops in stomach; abnormal in chest, which could indicate pneumothorax)
(heard over fluid or solid organs; will be heard over lungs

Types of medical percussion sounds

HOB cannot be lower than 30� due to risk of aspiration

Rule for bed position with nasoteric tube

aquatic therapy (inability to adjust to fluid loss during immersion)

Contraindication for severe kidney disease

Normal pelvic angle: 30�
PSIS should be slightly higher than ASIS
If they are even, posterior pelvic tilt is occurring (tight hamstrings)

Normal pelvic angle and location of ASIS/PSIS

shoulder ER
(creates a values stress at the elbow)
active wrist motions and gripping activities are encouraged

Contraindication 1 week after UCL reconstruction at the elbow

- Bedridden (3+ days; or major surgery with anesthesia within last 12 weeks)
- Edema (pitting)
- Non-varicose collateral superficial veins
- Cancer (active or within 6 months)
- History of DVT
- 3+ cm of swelling on affected leg
- Paralysis, paresis (or r

Well's criteria for DVT

basal cell
: irregular/rolled borders, flaky skin, red
: larger than 6 mm, irregular borders, dark/black
: small (<3 mm), bright red, smooth borders
: poorly defined margins; flat red area (sun exposure)

Basal cell

1) lung fibrosis
2) atelectasis
3) pneumonectomy

Conditions in which the trachea will deviate to the SAME side as the condition
(usually pushed AWAY, going into the area of less lung volume)

: limb ataxia, such as dysmetria
: distal limb function, including timing and coordination of voluntary movements to produce fluid movements
: visual and vestibular; eye moves and postural control


: stressed with passive horizontal adduction
: limits flexion and extension
: tension with abduction, extension, ER
: tension with inferior and anterior translations of humeral head

Shoulder ligaments:
Inferior GH
Superior GH

too high = excessive anticoagulation/bleeding

Normal INR


SCI level to do independent rolling in bed

planted DF with ER of the lower leg
1) fibular translation test
2) ER test
3) distal tibfib compression test

MOI of high ankle sprain and 3 tests

high toe box
(allows more space, less irritation)

Modification for hammer toes

high-volt pulsed current, 100 pps
(100 pps is continuous and comfortable; promotes healing)

Current used for wound healing

low occlusion/high absorption
- gauze
- alginate
- foam
- collagen
high occlusion/maintains moisture
- impregnated gauze
- hydrogels
- hydrocolloids
- transparent films

Wound dressings:
Low occlusion (more absorption)
High occlusion (maintains moisture)

check for groin pain triggered by
impingement (IR/adduction while hip is flexed to 90�)

How can you test for SCFE?

: bilateral symptomatic joints, often first in wrists and hands; hallmark sign is ulnar drift
: often in hands, but not bilateral at onset nor present in multiple joints

RA vs. OA: joint involvement

: prone, FOB up 18"
right middle
: supine, FOB up 12"
: supine, FOB up 18

Lower lobes
Right middle lobe
Anterior lobes

systematic review
: secondary analysis of individual studies with similar characteristics to create a combined conclusion
: aggravation of raw data from multiple studies to increase sample size and generate conclusion based on larger populat

Systematic review vs. Meta-analysis

- night pain
- urinary incontinence
- severe abdominal pain
(medical emergency!)

Signs of cauda equina


Manual lymphatic drainage is CONTRAINDICATED for what condition?

increased: consolidation
decreased: deflated lung tissue, such as atelectasis, pleural effusion, pneumothorax

When does a patient have positive egophony?
What will cause decrease in voice sounds?

attachment of semitendinosus and sartorius; anteromedial, just distal to the joint line
stretched with extension and valgus; pain with active knee flexion

Pes anserine


What nerve is involved in de Quervain?

: 12 inches for each inch of rise
: no higher than 0.5 inch
: 32 inches
opening space
: 5x5 feet (with door that swings towards patient)

WC accommodations:
- ramp length
- thresholds
- doorway width
- doorway opening space

commonly post-surgical (commonly THA)
includes dyspnea, chest pain, cough, apprehension, and tachycardia

Signs of pulmonary embolism

Provides posteriorly directed force to resist knee flexion during stance

Function of a GRAFO

: 80-100
- if low, chest percussion will help ventilation
Pulmonary artery
: 5-15 mmHg
- NO if too low
Intracranial pressure
: 0-10 mmHg for adults; 0-5 mmHg for children under 6
- NO if too high
: NO if below 20,000

Normal (and whether percussion is contraindicated):
- PaO2
- Diastolic pulmonary artery pressure
- Intracranial pressure
- Platelets

osteopenia: -1 to -2.5
osteoporosis: > (-2.5)

T-scores: osteopenia vs. osteoporosis

1) pubococcygeus
2) iliococcygeus
3) puborectalis

Levator ani muscles
(which can compress the urethra, vagina, and rectum to maintain continence)

DIP joints

Psoriasis will typically affect what joints?

: irregular respiration pattern characterized by period of apnea followed by gradually increasing depth of respirations
(coma, BG disease, sometimes CHF)
: irregular respiration pattern characterized by highly variable respiratory depth and interm

Cheyne-Strokes respiratory pattern
Biot respiratory pattern

Transient synovitis
: younger children; antalgic gait that is worse with IR and abduction; occurs after a viral infection, which travels to the hip joint
Trochanteric bursitis
: 40-60 years; lateral hip/thigh pain aggravated by lying on involved side; pai

Transient synovitis
Trochanteric bursitis
Femoral stress fracture

- patient with recent head trauma
- spinal fusions

CONTRAINDICATED drainage of posterior lower lobes (FOB lifted)

acute monoarticular arthritis with redness and swelling, most commonly affecting the knee and 40-50 year-old men


fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, confusion

Symptoms of sepsis

1.2-2 inches (3-5 cm)

Normal diaphragmatic excursion

patient's pain is relieved with hand is on top of their head; indicates disc lesion at C4-C5

Bakody sign

lateral shoulder pain, pain with overhead activities, painful arc

Signs of shoulder impingement

continuous, monophonic high-pitched crowing noises during inspiration only due to upper airway obstruction


direct current, 3-4 milliamperes
(will NOT used pulsed current for iontophoresis)

Iontophoresis parameters for tendonitis

vital capacity of 1 liter or less

Aquatics is CONTRAINDICATED for what respiratory issue?

CHRONIC hypoxemia, such as pulmonary fibrosis

Indication of clubbing digits

liver flap disease, usually due to ammonia imbalance
jaundice, dark urine, ascites


UMN disorder

Pronator drift is a sign of what?