Anatomy of the Nervous System

Cerebrum, Diencephalon, Brainstem, Cerebellum

Name the 4 main regions of the brain

Midbrain, Pons, Medulla

Name the regions of the cerebellum from superior to inferior.

Corpus Callosum

What structure made of white matter joins the two cerebral hemispheres?

Longitudinal fissure

What structure separates the two cerebral hemispheres?


What are elevated (ridges) portions of the cerebrum?


What lobe of the cerebrum is not visible from the surface?

Lateral sulcus

What sulcus separates the temporal lobe out from other lobes?

Cerebral cortex

What is the thin layer of gray matter on the surface of the cerebrum?

Occipital lobe

Where is visual perception located?

Temporal lobe

Where are the auditory and olfactory centers

Primary motor cortex

What is located on the precentral gyrus where the motor homunculi lies

Broca�s area

What is the name of the site of language production?

Postcentral gyrus

Where on the parietal lobe is the primary somatosensory cortex located?

Wernicke�s area

What area of the cerebrum is responsible for comprehension of speech?

Limbic cortex/system

What is the name of the nuclei responsible for emotions, behavior and memory?

Hippocampus and amygdala

What are the name of the brain structures responsible for long-term
memory and emotional responses?

Gustatory cortex and visceral sensory area

What are two responsibilities of the insula?

Thalamus and hypothalamus

What are the two main regions of the diencephalon?


What region is responsible for relaying sensory information to the cerebrum?


What region controls homeostasis, ANS, endocrine system and temperature?


Where is melatonin produced?

Corpora Quadrigemina

What region of the midbrain contains the superior and inferior colliculi?


What region of the midbrain are the cardiovascular and respiratory
centers located?


What part of the brain is informed of the body's position and
momentum to calculate the best way to smoothly coordinate muscle contraction?

Arbor vitae

What is the term for the tree like pattern of white matter in the cerebellum?

Conus medullaris

What is the term for the inferior end of the spinal cord?

Filum terminale

What is the term for the long and thin structure that anchors the
spinal cord to the coccyx?

Cauda Equina

What are the collection of nerve roots at the inferior portion of the
vertebral canal called?

Posterior median sulcus and anterior median fissure

What are the two lengthwise grooves dividing the spinal cord into
left and right halves?

Dorsal horn

What portion of the spinal cord receives somatic and visceral sensory input?

Ventral horn

What portion of the spinal cord�s white matter contains motor neurons?

Dorsal root ganglion

What is the name for the collection of sensory cell bodies in the
dorsal root?


Areas of white matter in the spinal cord are referred to as:

dura, arachnoid, and pia mater

Name the three layers of the meninges from outer to inner:

Dura mater

What is the strongest meningeal layer?

Subarachnoid space

In what space does the CSF flow?

In the ventricles of the brain

Where is CSF produced?

Cerebral aqueduct

What structure connects the 3rd and 4th ventricle?

Interventricular foramina

What structures connect the two lateral ventricles?

Septum pellucidum

What separates the two lateral ventricles anteriorly?

Choroid plexus

What do all 4 ventricles contain, which is where the CSF originates from?

Ependymal cells

What glial cells have cilia that beat to move the CSF?


What are a cluster of cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system called?


What is a bundle of myelinated and unmyelinated axons enclosed by
connective tissue?

Mixed nerves

What type of nerves contain both sensory and motor neurons?

VII facial

What cranial nerve is motor for facial muscles but sensory for taste?

III oculomotor, IV trochlear, VI abducens

What cranial nerves are motor for eye movements? There are 3:

I olfactory, II optic, VII vestibulocochlear

What cranial nerves are purely sensory?


How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?


Are all spinal nerves motor, sensory, or mixed nerves?


How many pairs of cranial spinal nerves are there?

Ventral roots

Which nerve roots only contain motor fibers?

Spinal nerve

The ventral and dorsal root unite to form what?


Which is the larger ramus; ventral or dorsal?


Are the rami (ventral and dorsal) motor, sensory, or mixed nerves?


What plexus does the phrenic nerve belong to?

Axillary, musculocutaneous, radial, median, ulnar,

Which nerves belong to the brachial plexus (5)?


The femoral and obturator nerve belong to which plexus?


The tibial and common fibular nerves make up which larger nerve?


What is an area of skin innervated by cutaneous branches of single
spinal nerve?

Hilton�s law

Any nerve serving a muscle that produces movement at joint also
innervates joint and skin over joint. What law is this?