Study Guide for Human Anatomy & Physiology: Reproductive system Flashcards

Site where sperm are stored until they are ejaculated?

Tail of epididymis

Contained within the spermatic cord

testicular arteries and veins

Sperm is produced in the _____.

seminiferous tubule

The dartos and cremaster muscles are important to the integrity of
the male reproductive system. What role do they play?

they regulate the temperature of the testes

The cells thaat produce testosterone in the testis are called...

interstitial cells

Which portion of the penis is removed during circumcision?

Prepuce (foreskin)

Male acessory ducts transports both sperm cells and urine...


Does NOT emply material into the are of the prostatic urethra...

bulbo-urethral gland

The duct system of the male reproductive system does not include ...

corpus spongiosum

What glands responsible for about 70% of the volume of semen...

the seminal glands

Erection from the penis results from ....

a parasympathetic reflex

Why doesn't semen enter the urinary bladder during ejaculation?

The smooth muscle sphincter at the base of the urinary bladder closes

What is the function of meiosis?

to produce cells with half the chromosome number of the original
spermatogonium or oogonium

At what point during meiosis do homologous chromosomes pair up?

prophase I

What cells remain at the basal lamina to continue the pool of
dividing germ cells?

type A daughter cells

Meiosis starts with a single diploid cell and produces

4 haploid cells

A cell preparing to undergo meiosis duplicates its chromosomes during


During prophase I of meiosis

homologous chromosomes stick togehter in pairs

Correct order of events during meiosis is...

prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, cytokinesis,
meiosis II

During meiosis, segments of nonsister chromatids can trade places.
This recombinaiton of maternal and paternal genetic material is a key
feature of meiosis. During what phase of meiosis does recombinaiton occur?

prophase I

The number of chromosomes in a human gamate is _____; this is
referred to as a _____ chromosome number.

23; haploid

Does not occur during meiosis I

sister chromatids are separated from each other.

During spermatogenesis

the acrosome migrates towards the anterior end of the spermatid
becasue its hydrolytic enzymes will be needed for penetration when the
sperm contacts the egg during fertilization.

What reduces circulating blood levels of follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH) when sperm count is high?


If gamates were diploid like somatic cells, how many chromosomes
would the zygote contain?

twice the number, and with every succeeding generation, the
chromosome number would continue to double and normal development
could not occur.

What is the testicular target for follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)?


Which hormone promotes the formation of secondary sex characteristics
such as the appearance of pubic, axillary, and facial hair; enhanced
hair growth on the chest; and deepenin gof the voice?


What directly interferes with sperm production?

interruption by sustentocytes' produciton of ABP

The release of ______ encourages sustentocytes to release _____.

follicle-stimulating hormone; androgen-binding protein

Function of testosterone

stimulate the male pattern of development, stimulate protein
synthesis, contribute to male sexual behavior and spermatogenesis.

Which hormone stimulates the release of anterior pituitary gonadotropins?


A boy who has not passed through puberty sustains an injury to his
anterior pituitary such as that FSH is no longer released, but LH is
normal. After he grow to maturity, one would expect that he would .....

be sterile.

What female sex hormones is most responsible for estrogenic effects?


What part of the female system is the usual site for fertilization of
the ovulated oocyte?

Uterine (fallopian) tube (oviduct)

Which layer of the uterus is made of smooth muscle?


The correct pathway of the egg after leaving the ovary and entering
the uterine tube?

infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, uterus

The ______ is shed during each menstruation and is then regenerated
by the ______.

Stratum functionalis; stratum basalis

In cervical cancer, which cancer cells that cover the cervical tip
are most likely to be abnormal?

Squamous epithelial cells

The structures that receive the ovulated oocyte, providing a site for
fertilization, are called the _______.

uterine tubes

The uterine endometrium has a functional layer that the embryo will
implant into.


The narrow portion of the uterus near the cervix is the most
typical site of fertilization.


The myometrium of the uterine contracts to expell the fetus during
child brith.


The uterine's rhythmic, reverse peristalsis can propel sperm toward
the egg.


Which layer of the uterus is the site for implantation of a
fertilized egg?

Stratum functionalis of the endometrium

What part of the breast produces milk?


Cells released during ovulation...

secondary oocyte

What is the main difference between oogenesis and spermatogenesis in
terms of meiosis?

The number of functional gametes produced in different.

Oocytes complete meiosis II before they are fertilized.

False-females are born with primary oocytes that are stalled in
prophase I until puberty. At the onset of puberty the overies begin
oogenesis. During oogenesis 3 polar bodies and one functional gamate
are produced. Oogenesis is achieved through meiosis. However, the
ovulated secondary oocyte arrests in metaphase II and does not
complete meiosis until it is fertilized.

Why does only one egg, rather than four eggs, develop during
oogenesis, given that spermatogenesis results in four sperm formed
from one stem cell?

The unequal cytoplasmic division that results in one egg and three
polar bodies ensures that a fertilized egg has ample nutrients for its
journey to the uterus.

A surge _____ directly triggers ovulation.

luteinizing hormone (LH)

What is the site of FSH and LH stimulation after ovulation?

Corpus luteum

What event coincides with the transition from the proliferative phase
to the secretory phase?


During what phase of the female's uterine cycle is the uterine lining shed?

Menstrual phase

Oral contraceptive pill, contains estrogen and progesterone or a
synthetic mimic of this hormone. The combination of these two hormones
work because...

they mimic the activities of pregnancy and disrupt the ovarian cycle,
preventing ovulation.

Normally menstruation occurs when ______.

blood levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease.

The uterine cycle...

if fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum is maintained by a hormone
secreted by the developing embryo

Hormonal events of the ovarian cycle

positive feedback on the pituitary causes a spike in LH release which
triggers ovulation.

Uterine cycle


What is an effect of estrogen in females?

promotes oogenesis