Human Anatomy & Physiology + Modified MasteringA&P with Pearson EText + Get Ready for A&P + Brief Atlas of the Human Body: The Female Reproductive System Flashcards

Female reproductive system is a more complex system than __________.
Not only must she produce _________, but her body must prepare to
nurture a ___________ _______ for approximately _________ months.

male gametes developing fetus 9

the _________ are the female gonads, as __________ are for
male These are a ______ of gametes, ______ -shaped glands
containing approximately __________ primordial follicles.

ovaries testis 400,000 primordial

Ovaries are __________ and __________ Sex Organs
Ovaries are suspended by several ___________ called ____________

gonads Primary ligaments Broad

The suspensory ligaments and mesovarium are part of the _______
_____________, a _________ fold that "tents" over the uterus
and support :
3 organs __________, ____________ and ___________.

Broad ligaments peritoneal fold the uterine
tubes, uterus and vagina

Ovaries produce haploid ________ by ___________ Ova is
the female _____________ Ova is the one to be _________ by
male gamete _______

Ova Oogenesis gamete fertilized

Both ovaries are lined by ___________ _________, which consists
of: Simple __________ epithelium that covers the
ovary. Bellow we find the _______ __________ which is a
capsule of collagenous CT.

Germinal Epithelium cuboidal tunica

___________ is the outer cortex, and the inner medulla
The outer cortex region contain the _____ _____

Stroma Ovarian follicles

Grafian follicles, now called _________ __________ is a mature
________ and its surrounding tissue secrete ______________

Vesicular Follicle Ovum

Corpus __________ produces __________ and estrogen

Corpus Luteum progesterone

Ova stages start with :
Oocyte = ________, is a Secondary __________ is the
last section of maturation of the oocyte.

Oocyte (egg) is an immature egg encased by one or more layers
of very different cells called Follicle cells Oocyte are
the product from meiosis of dormant cells.

3.- Secondary oocyte extend from the deepest part of the ovarian
cortex and bulges from the surface of the ovary, and its oocyte sits
proudly on a stalk of granulosa cells at one side of the antrum to be
ovulated, This is called ________


After ovulation, the ruptured follicle is transformed into a very
different looking glandular structure called __________ ____________
(yellow body), which eventually degenerates. During all this process,
it is going to release ____________ _________

Corpus Luteum progesteron estrogen

The Uterine Tubes, also called _________ tubes or __________ form the
initial part of the female duct system where mature ______ travel to
the Uterus.

Fallopian tubes oviducts ovum

1- The mature ova once released is caught by a structure called
___________ which is a ______ -shaped structure that sweep over the
surface of the ___________ in search of the ovulated mature ______.

fimbriae finger ovaries ovum

2-_____________ is the opening into the fallopian tube


The Fallopian Tube is :
approx. _____ long. Homologous to the________
______ of the male. Fallopian tubes conveys the _______,
to the __________

4" Ductus Deferens Ovum

Fallopian tube is lined with: _________ cells which
beat and carry the ovum toward the uterus. It takes
about _____ days.

Ciliated 3

Uterus, also called the ________, _____ -shaped, is the site of
_________________ and ______________ of a fetus.

the womb Implantation development

There are 3 basic layers of the uterus:

Perimetrium Myometrium Endometrium

1- Perimetrium

a serous membrane (visceral peritoneum) IT BECOMES the
Broad Ligament

2- Myometrium

3 layers of smooth muscle 75% of the thickness of the

3- Endometrium

The nutritive inner lining which is divided in Stratum
Functionalis Stratum Basales

Stratus Functionalis

is the one that shed during menstruation

Stratus Basales

is permanent and forms the site of menstruation, implantation of a
zygote, and development of the fetus during pregnancy.

_____________ is the top dome shaped portion of the uterus


____________ is the major and main portion at the center of the uterus

The Body

______________ is the lower neck portion of the uterus , and projects
to the vagina (inferiorly)

The cervix

__________ os is between the uterine cavity and the cervical cavity

Internal Os

__________ os is where the cervix opens into the vagina

External Os

____________ is the female copulatory organ, which is:
shape _________ Tissue _________ serves
as a ______________ for menstrual flow, copulation and ???

Tubular fibromuscular organ

Vagina is lined with :
Vagina produces and _________ mucus to
kill ________ and to act as a _____________

Stratified squamous epithelium acidic mucus
bacteria lubricant

Vagina is
about _____ long. contain _________ which are a
series of transverse folds.

4" Rugae

The vagina orifice is __________ opening to the vagina
the ______________ is a membrane sheet of tissue which may form
a border around the orifice.

exterior Hymen

_____________ is the external genetalia of the female; it includes:

Labium Majora Labium Minora The
clitoris Anus

______________ is an elevation of adipose tissue which cushions the
pubic _________ during sexual intercourse.

Mons Pubis pubic symphysis

_________ _________ are two large longitudinal folds of skin; they
are homologous to the ____________ in the male.
Labium _________ contain _________, ______ and ___

The Labium Majora scrotum Majora
adipose sweat glands oil glands

________ _________ are two smaller folds of skin medial to the labia __________.
They contain many _____ glands for ___________ during sexual intercourse.

Labia minora majora oil

______________ is a small cylindrical mass of erectile tissue. It is
covered by a prepuce and is homologous to the _____________ of the male.

The clitoris penis

_____________ _____ are modified sweat glands that produce milk.

Mammary Glands

Mammary Glands contain about ___ to ___ lobes or compartments, each
of which is divided into several smaller compartments called __________.

15 to 20 Lobules

The lobules contain milk-secretion glands called ______


The alveoli drain milk into a series of ducts which open onto the
surface of the ________ which is the pigmented projection located in
the middle of a circular pigmented area called the _____________.

niple areola

Cycle is the ___________ events associated with the
maturation of an _________.

monthly ovum

GnRF means

Gonadotropin Releasing Factor

Gonadotropin Releasing Factor (GnRF) originates from __
Gonadotropin RF regulates ________________
Gonadotropin RF stimulates _________________

Hypothalamus both cycles (menstrual and ovarian)
the release of FSH and LH from the adenohypophysis

FSH stands for

Follicule Stimulated Hormone

LH stands for

Leutenizing Hormone

FSH is a hormone that __________ the development of ovarian
follicular cells and stimulating them the ________ of estrogen

Stimulates Secretion

LH is a hormone that
stimulates maturation of the __________, brings
about __________, stimulates production of ________ and
_________ stimulate production of _____ (pubis symphysis

follicles ovulation estrogen and
progesteron relaxin

Estrogen is responsible for the development and maintenance of :

Female reproductive structures secondary sex
characteristics the breast endometrial lining of the
uterus (stimulates Endometrial built up). control fluid and
electrolyte balance increases protein anabolism

Estrogen is ___________ to testosterone


The major source of Estrogen are:

ovaries developing follicle corpus

The stimulus for release of estrogen comes from

FSH (and LH)

___________- is a placental hormon that relaxes pubis symphysis and
aids in the dilatation of the cervix


The menstrual cycle start between the day____________ with an
average of ____ days in its process. Menstruation
discharges monthly about ____ to ___ ml of ________, _______, ______
and ________

24 to 35 28 Fluid tissue blood
mucus Epithelial cells from endothelium

Menstruation is cause by a sudden drop in __________ and
__________ levels. Last for about _____ days

Estrogen progesteron 5

Stratus ________ degenerates, the uterine gland discharge their
contests and ___________.

Functionalis collapse

The flow of menstruation is from the _______, ______, ______ and
__________ found in the stratum _________.

Uterine cavity cervix to the vagina and
exterior functionalis

Menstruation last about ____ days until ONLY the stratum __________
is left.

5 basale

Ovulation cycle start on day ____ of ____, when __________ cycle is
Starting. This process stimulates the Hypothalamus to produce
_________________________, which stimulates ___________ pituitary to
release hormones ________ and _________.

1 of 28 approx. menstruation GnRF
(gonadotropin Releasing factor) Anterior FSH and

Before day 1, primordial follicles became __________ follicles
which were chosen from a set to start developing _____
hormone is released by anterior pituitary to stimulate the growth of
the follicle to be ovulated.

Follicle FSH

After day __-___ (during the menstrual cycle) the follicles have
developed into __________ follicle, which contain ___________ cells
and fluid called ______________ fluid.

follicle Follicular Cells Follicular

Follicular fluid forces the ovum to move to ____________ of the ____________

the side follicle

Levels of ___________ and ___________ are raised during secondary
follicular phase.
Only _____ follicle will mature, the rest will degenerate and
undergo _________________.

estrogen and FSH one apoptosis

ovulatory phase happen between the end of
menstruation and __________; and last from day ____ to day ____

ovulation 6 13

____ and ____ hormones from the pituitary work together to stimulate
the follicles cells to produce __________.
This causes the ___________ lining from Uterus to built up, where
glands develop and blood supply increases
This phase is also called _____________ in the uterus, due to the
growth of the stratum ______________

FSH and LH estrogen Endometrial
Proliferative Functionalis

Also between days 6 to 13 (pre-ovulatory) is called
_____________ phase, due to follicles cells producing more
___________, which becomes the ________ hormone.

Follicular phase estrogen dominant

Only ____ follicle will develop from about 20 follicles. It is going
to be called _________ or _________ follicle.
During follicle developing levels of estrogen ___________.

1 Grafian, or Vesicular follicle

FSH was the domain hormone during early pre-ovulatory phase, but now
____ is the dominant hormone close the time of _________ and is
secreted in _________ concentrations

LH ovulation High

Ovulation occurs with the rupture of the
_______ follicle, and the __________ of the ovum on day ________.

Grafian release 14

More increase of estrogen inhibits _________, therefore _________ is
inhibited also.


After ovulation, the Grafian follicle ___________, and becomes the
Corpus ______________. where its cells enlarge and form the Corpus _____________.

collapses hemorrhagicum Luteal

Post-ovulatory phase is the time between _________ and
___________, and last from day ___ to _____ (in a ___ day

Ovulation Mensus 15 28

LH stimulates the development of Corpus _________, which secretes
_____________ and ______________.

Luteal estrogen progesteron

Progesteron prepares the endometrium for _____________ of a
__________ ovum. It takes about ___ week for endometrium to
be ready.

implantation fertilized 1

FSH secretion and LH secretion ________, and now it is time for the
_______ _______ to produce estrogen and ____________

decrease Corpus Luteal Progesteron

If fertilization and implantation DO NOT occur, then the rising
levels of estrogen and progesteron from the corpus luteum ________
GnRF and LH.
Corpus Luteum degenerates to become the corpus ________ and
estrogen and progesteron levels ________

Inhibit albicans decrease

What HCG stands for.
HCG is a hormone developed by the __________

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Placenta

If fertilization and implantation DO NOT occur, then the Corpus
Luteal is __________ for ___-____ weeks (for ______ and ________
hormones production).
HCG will be the one producing _________ and ________ hormones in
greater amounts than Corpus Luteal.

maintain 8 to 10 weeks estrogen
progesterone estrogen progesterone

Pregnancy is supported by __________ hormone.
Progesterone also supports __________ and _______ development after pregnancy.

estrogen pregnancy breast

The first menstruation is called _________


The last menstruation is called _________


When menstrual cycles become less frequent is called


Climacteric occurs when women are around ____ to ____ years
old. It happens because ______ fail to respond to GnRF
hormones, causing secondary effects physiological like : ______,
_____, _________ _______, etc.

40 to 50 ovaries Hotflashes
sweating emotional instability

________ __________ is a method used to prevent the union of a sperm
with a mature ovum

Birth Control