anatomy digestive bullshit Flashcards

Intestinal phase: vasoactive intestinal peptide (3 things)

activated by chyme in duodenum
inhibits gastric secretions
dilation of intestinal capillaries

Intestinal phase: cholecystokinin (CCK) (4 things)

release due to fatty acids in chyme in duodenum
stimulates bile secretions
inhibits gastric secretions
increases pancreatic juice (enzyme type)

When food enters stomach what happens to rugae

rugae flatten out. increase volume of stomach

Mixing waves in stomach

churning ~every 20 sec
80% of stomach movement

peristaltic contractions in stomach

more powerful than mixing waves
less frequent (20% of movement)
each squirt ~3mL of stomach content

stomach emptying relies on..

greater distention = faster emptying

stomach distention does what (3 things)

activates stretch/mechano receptors
opens pyloric sphincter
fatty acids (hypertonic) low ph in duodenum inhibit gastric emptying
(detected by chemoreceptor)

time food sits in stomach

4 hours

high fat meal time in stomach

6 hours

time in stomach of moleules

CHO < protein < fats

liquids pass stomach in... (how long)

1.5-2 hours

when stomach emptying is too fast

efficiency of digestion and absorption is decreased

when stomach emptying too slow

can damage stomach wall
highly acidic content

increase in stomach motility...

increases emptying
-->local CNS reflexes activated = increase in gastrin

stomach emptying

increase stomach motility

how does the body inhibit gastric motility

hormonal and neural mechanisms
decreases stomach emptying

another word for vomiting


vomiting triggered by

extreme stretching of stomach
irritants (bacterial toxins, spicy foods, excessive alcohol, drugs)
medulla is trigger (emetic center in brain)

emetic center in the brain (causes vomiting)


signs of vomiting

increase in abdominal pressure
esophageal sphincter relax
soft palate rises (uvula covers nasal passage)
person is: pale, sweating, nauseated, SALIVATING

Small intestine

location of greatest digestion (chemical digestion and absorption)

SI secretions

mucus, electrolytes (na+), h2o

goblet cells secrete

mucus (stimulated by tactile and chem stimuli)

duodenal cells

secrete mucus to protect from acidic chyme
activated by vagal nerve
-->vagal nerve also stimulates secretin and stim goblet cels

most digestive enzymes come from...


pancreatic juice types (2)

aqueous and enzymatic

aqueous pancreatic juice cont.

bicarbonate ions (increases pH)
na+ and k+ ions

enzymatic pancreatic juice contains (7 things)

trypsinogen -> trypsin
chymotrypsinogen -> chymotrypsin
procarboxypeptidase -> carboxypeptidase
pancreatic amylase
pancreatic lipase

what controls pancreatic stim

hormones and neural stimuli

Secretin in pancreas

stimulated by acid (chyme in duodenum)
results in stim of bicarbonate ions

CCK in pancreas

stim by fatty acids and amino acids
results in bile and enzymatic pancreatic juice

parasym response (vagal nerve) in pancreas

stim pancreatic juice

sympathetic response in pancreas

inhibits pancreatic juice

enzymes in intestine bound to...


Pancreas: Disaccharidases: dextrinase and glucoamylase

degrade polysaccharides larger than 3 monomers

Pancreas: Disaccharidases: lactase, maltase, sucrase

degrade lactose, maltose, and sucrose

pancreas: peptidases: aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase

break aas from ends of peptide

pancreas: peptidases: dipeptidase

only breaks dipeptide

pancreas: nucleases

break dna and rna

absorption of monosaccharides in SI

by secondary active transport (with na+)

absorption of aas in SI

nonpolar- diffusion
polar/charged- secondary active transport

lipids form _______ in lymph


chylomicron forms what in blood


Chylomicron made up of (4 things)


iliocecal sphincter

usu. closed
relaxes due to peristaltic contractions

each day ___ of water goes into digestive tract and ___ is absorbed
back into SI


Bile contains:

bile salts
fat soluble hormones
pigmented (green/yellow)

Liver function

produces bile (600mL - 1L)
bile contains digestive enzymes

bile does what:

emulsify fats