Human Anatomy & Physiology: A&P Chapter 23 The Digestive System Flashcards

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Which layer of the alimentary canal is responsible for segmentation
and peristalsis?
mucosasubmucosaserosamuscularis externa

muscularis externa

Which of the following inhibits salivation?
sight or smell of foodsympathetic division of the
autonomic nervous systemspicy foodsparasympathetic
division of the autonomic nervous system

sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

Which layer of the alimentary canal is constructed from either
stratified squamous or simple columnar epithelium?
mucosaserosamuscularis externasubmucosa


The nervous system does not regulate digestive activity.TrueFalse


Which histological layer of the digestive tract is composed primarily
of epithelial
tissue?mucosaadventitiasubmucosalamina propria


The lamina propria is composed of ________.reticular connective
tissuedense irregular connective tissueloose connective
tissuedense regular connective tissue

loose connective tissue

The capillaries that nourish the epithelium and absorb digested
nutrients lie in the
________.submucosaserosaadventitialamina propria

lamina propria

Which of the following is NOT a function of saliva?
Saliva moistens food and helps compact it into a
bolus.Saliva contains enzymes that begin the chemical breakdown
of proteins.Saliva cleanses the mouth.Saliva dissolves
food chemicals so they can be tasted.

Saliva contains enzymes that begin the chemical breakdown of proteins.

How many total deciduous teeth are there?


In the __________ phase of gastric secretion, chyme is moved into the
duodenum.intestinalcephalicrefluxgastric phase


Select the correct statement about the regulation of gastric
secretion.Vagus stimulation of the stomach results in decreased
secretion of gastric juice.The presence of food in the stomach
prevents hormonal control of gastric secretion.Gastric secretion
can be stimulated before food has entered the mouth.Gastric
secretion is enhanced by very low pH (below a pH of 2).

Gastric secretion can be stimulated before food has entered the mouth.

Pepsinogen is the precursor to the gastric enzyme for protein
digestion and is secreted by the parietal cells.TrueFalse


In order to prevent self-digestion of the pancreas, activation of
pancreatic proteases occurs in the __________.
gallbladder duodenum stomach pancreas liver


During deglutition, the bolus passes into the stomach from the
esophagus through the __________. esophageal
sphincter gastroesophageal sphincter pyloric
sphincter urethral sphincter ileocecal valve

gastroesophageal sphincter

During the intestinal phase of gastric regulation, __________.
the stomach is initially stimulated and later inhibited
the gastroenteric reflex reduces stomach activity the
enterogastric reflex is turned off hormones reduce chief cell
activity secretin causes more HCl release

the stomach is initially stimulated and later inhibited

What intestinal structure(s) consist(s) of protective aggregated
nodules of lymphocytes and macrophages? the muscularis
mucosae the gastric pits the intestinal crypts
Peyer�s patches the muscularis externa

Peyer�s patches

What are the main organic molecules digested in the stomach?
nucleic acids carbohydrates lipids
proteins salts


The main propulsive force that occurs in the majority of the
alimentary canal is called __________. defecation
segmentation peristalsis swallowing ingestion


Which of the following is a characteristic of the large
intestine? It is the site for acid neutralization.
It has villi. It contains epiploic appendages. It is
longer than the small intestine. It provides no absorptive function.

It contains epiploic appendages.

Which regulatory chemical stimulates gastric gland activity and
motility? gastrin CCK histamine
secretin vasoactive peptide


Which sequence below represents the correct order of the tunics of
the GI tract, starting from the layer adjacent to the lumen and moving
superficially? mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa,
serosa muscularis externa, serosa, submucosa, mucosa
submucosa, mucosa, muscularis externa, serosa mucosa, muscularis
externa, submucosa, serosa serosa, mucosa, muscularis externa, submucosa

mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa

What substances from different organs would mix together at the
hepatopancreatic ampulla? bile and pancreatic
enzymes brush border enzymes and intrinsic factor secretin
and CCK HCl and pepsin

bile and pancreatic enzymes

What would be the effect of stripping the small intestines of their
villi? Salivary amylase secretion would increase.
The large intestine would take over as the primary absorptive
site. A duodenal ulcer would develop. decreased surface
area for absorption

decreased surface area for absorption

Which of the following products does the stomach produce?
pepsinogen and secretin HCl and intrinsic factor
bile and trypsin mucus and amylase

HCl and intrinsic factor

The final product of carbohydrate digestion is __________.
glycogen disaccharides starch
monosaccharides polysaccharides


Which of the following cells produce HCl? chief
cells mucous cells parietal cells enteroendocrine
cells G cells

parietal cells

Which of the following cells produce pepsinogen? mucous
cells chief cells parietal cells enteroendocrine
cells G cells

chief cells

The digestive system in a cadaver is longer than in a living person
because, in a cadaver, there is NO __________. digestion
taking place food in the alimentary canal muscle
tone enzymatic activity

muscle tone

Emulsification of which organic molecules would be most affected if
the liver were severely damaged? carbohydrates
lipids proteins nucleic acids


The short reflexes in the digestive system are stimulated by
__________. the enteric nerve plexuses the
sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system higher
brain centers the parasympathetic division of the autonomic
nervous system

the enteric nerve plexuses

Which of the following statements about the mesentery is
INCORRECT? It holds the organs of the abdomen in
place. Omenta is the special name for part of the mesentery
extending from the curvatures of the stomach. It is composed of
a layer of serous membrane fused with a layer of mucous
membrane. It provides a route for blood vessels, lymphatics, and
nerves to reach the digestive viscera.

It is composed of a layer of serous membrane fused with a layer of
mucous membrane.

Which of the following is the most common cause of peritonitis?
a ruptured pancreatic cyst a perforating ulcer of the
stomach a perforating abdominal wound a burst appendix

a burst appendix

The myxovirus causes __________. infectious
mononucleosis measles irritable bowel syndrome mumps


Halitosis is caused by __________. loss of teeth
lack of amylase in saliva increased anaerobic bacterial activity
at the back of the tongue increased salivation

increased anaerobic bacterial activity at the back of the tongue

Which of the following teeth are most commonly impacted?
incisors wisdom teeth deciduous teeth premolars

wisdom teeth

Which of the following conditions is directly associated with an
increased risk for heart disease and stroke? dental
caries impacted wisdom teeth gingivitis periodontitis


The only stomach function that is essential to life is
__________. the secretion of pepsinogen the
presence of HCl mechanical digestion the secretion of
intrinsic factor

the secretion of intrinsic factor

Some aspects of the __________ phase of gastric secretion, which
occur before food enters the stomach, may be considered conditioned
reflexes. intestinal gastric esophageal cephalic


The myenteric nerve plexus is located in which tunic of the
alimentary canal? submucosa serosa
mucosa muscularis externa

muscularis externa

Which of the following is a function of the gallbladder?
secreting pancreatic juice metabolizing carbohydrate
storing and concentrating bile converting pepsinogen to pepsin

storing and concentrating bile

Many of the early food allergies seen in infants are caused by
__________. excessive absorption of fat absorption
of whole proteins lactase deficiency gallstones

absorption of whole proteins

Which of the following is a condition affecting the large intestine
that is NOT explained by anatomical or biochemical
abnormalities? a hiatal hernia irritable bowel
syndrome pernicious anemia celiac disease

irritable bowel syndrome

Which of the following is NOT an accessory organ of the digestive
system? tongue teeth salivary glands intestines


The major site for nutrient absorption is the __________.
small intestine mouth stomach large intestine

small intestine

The enteric nervous system is the in-house nerve supply of the
alimentary canal. True False


The serous membrane that covers the external surfaces of most
digestive organs is called the __________. visceral
peritoneum parietal peritoneum mesentery omentum

visceral peritoneum

__________ circulation collects nutrient-rich blood from the GI tract
and delivers it to the liver. Peritoneal
Aortic Hepatic portal Cardiac

Hepatic portal


protective outermost layer of the alimentary canal


main site of nutrient absorption


moderately dense connective tissue that has a rich supply of blood,
lymphatic vessels, and nerve fibers

muscularis externa

responsible for segmentation and peristalsis

Saliva contains enzymes that break down proteins. True False


The permanent dentition consists of __________ teeth in a full
set. 10 16 20 32


A weak gastroesophageal (cardiac) sphincter can result in
heartburn. True False


Which of the following is NOT a function of the stomach?
chemical digestion of carbohydrates temporary holding area for
food until it can be moved to the duodenum absorption of a few
fat-soluble substances mechanical breakdown of the bolus into chyme

chemical digestion of carbohydrates

The phases of gastric secretion, from first to last, are
__________. cephalic phase, intestinal phase, gastric
phase cephalic phase, gastric phase, intestinal phase
gastric phase, cephalic phase, intestinal phase intestinal
phase, gastric phase, cephalic phase

cephalic phase, gastric phase, intestinal phase

The increased concentration of HCO3� in blood draining from the
stomach is called __________. the enterogastric
reflex the gastric phase the chloride shift the
alkaline tide

the alkaline tide

The __________ is the first segment of the small intestine.
ileum colon jejunum duodenum


Digestion of carbohydrates and proteins by brush border enzymes
occurs within the __________ of the small intestine.
circular folds villi microvilli goblet cells


Bile is stored and concentrated in the __________.
pancreas gallbladder liver stomach


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the liver?
It is highly regenerative. It stores glucose as
glycogen. It has three lobes. It has a role in detoxifying
the blood.

It has three lobes.

__________ is/are NOT found in pancreatic secretions.
Chymotrypsinogen Procarboxypeptidase Cholecystokinin
(CCK) Bicarbonate ions

Cholecystokinin (CCK)

Most digestion occurs in the small intestine. True False


Most water is absorbed in the __________. small
intestine large intestine stomach liver

small intestine

Bacterial flora in the large intestine does NOT produce
__________. B vitamins intrinsic factor
vitamin K CO2

intrinsic factor

Diarrhea results when food passes too quickly through the large
intestine. True False



fatty acids and monoglycerides


amino acids



nucleic acids


Pepsin enzymatically digests __________.
carbohydrate fat protein nucleic acids


Someone on a fat-free diet would NOT efficiently absorb vitamin D
from the diet. True False


The serous membrane that covers the external surface of most
digestive organs is called the __________.
parietal peritoneummesenteryomentumvisceral peritoneum

visceral peritoneum

__________ is the major means of propulsion in the digestive
system. PeristalsisIngestionMechanical digestionDefecation


Which of the following statements about the mesentery is
incorrect? It provides a route for blood vessels,
lymphatics, and nerves to reach the digestive viscera.Omenta is
the special name for part of the mesentery.It is composed of a
layer of serous membrane fused with a layer of mucus
membrane.It holds the organs of the abdomen in place.

It is composed of a layer of serous membrane fused with a layer of
mucus membrane.

Identify the physiology associated with �E.� Stores
nutrients, makes bile and detoxifies.May be obstructed by
crystallized cholesterol.Cells divide rapidly and are therefore
often damaged by chemotherapy leading to nausea and
vomiting.May be affected by congenital condition called
ankyloglossia.Lined with stratified squamous epithelia.May
become ulcerated in a hiatal hernia.

May be obstructed by crystallized cholesterol.

Match the following term to its correct description: Muscularis
externa. Main site of nutrient absorptionAreolar
connective tissue that has a rich supply of blood, lymphatic vessels,
and nerve fibersProtective outermost layer of the alimentary
canalResponsible for segmentation and peristalsis

Responsible for segmentation and peristalsis

Match the following term to its correct description: Mucosa.
Protective outermost layer of the alimentary
canalResponsible for segmentation and peristalsisMain site
of nutrient absorptionAreolar connective tissue that has a rich
supply of blood, lymphatic vessels, and nerve fibers

Main site of nutrient absorption

Match the following digestive process with the correct description:
Chemical digestion. Enzymatic degradation of foodstuffs
into simpler moleculesElimination of indigestible
solidsPassage of digested materials from the lumen of the GI
tract into the blood or lymphChewing, mixing, churning, and
segmentation of foodTaking food into the digestive system

Enzymatic degradation of foodstuffs into simpler molecules

Identify the physiology associated with �E.� Is one of
the first steps in chemical digestion as it begins the digestion of
starchesComposed of skeletal muscle and thus may be controlled
voluntarilyIs integral in preventing pernicious
anemia.When infected by C.difficile, a fecal transplant may be
necessary.Its name means �all meat� because it breaks down all
categories of food stuffs.

When infected by C.difficile, a fecal transplant may be necessary.

Identify the physiology associated with �D.� Stores
nutrients, makes bile and detoxifies.Lined with stratified
squamous epithelia.May be affected by congenital condition
called ankyloglossia.May become ulcerated in a hiatal
hernia.Cells divide rapidly and are therefore often damaged by
chemotherapy leading to nausea and vomiting.May be obstructed by
crystallized cholesterol.

Stores nutrients, makes bile and detoxifies.

Match the following term to its correct description: Mucosa.
Main site of nutrient absorptionProtective outermost layer
of the alimentary canalResponsible for segmentation and
peristalsisAreolar connective tissue that has a rich supply of
blood, lymphatic vessels, and nerve fibers

Main site of nutrient absorption

Identify the physiology associated with �B.� Composed of
skeletal muscle and thus may be controlled voluntarilyIs one of
the first steps in chemical digestion as it begins the digestion of
starchesWhen infected by C.difficile, a fecal transplant may be
necessary.Its name means �all meat� because it breaks down all
categories of food stuffs.Is integral in preventing pernicious anemia.

Composed of skeletal muscle and thus may be controlled voluntarily

Which of the following is not an accessory organ of the digestive system?
TongueIntestinesSalivary glandsTeeth


Identify the physiology associated with �F.� Lined with
stratified squamous epithelia.Stores nutrients, makes bile and
detoxifies.May become ulcerated in a hiatal hernia.May be
affected by congenital condition called ankyloglossia.Cells
divide rapidly and are therefore often damaged by chemotherapy
leading to nausea and vomiting.May be obstructed by
crystallized cholesterol.

Cells divide rapidly and are therefore often damaged by chemotherapy
leading to nausea and vomiting.

Identify the physiology associated with �C.� Cells
divide rapidly and are therefore often damaged by chemotherapy
leading to nausea and vomiting.May be obstructed by
crystallized cholesterol.May become ulcerated in a hiatal
hernia.Stores nutrients, makes bile and detoxifies.May be
affected by congenital condition called ankyloglossia.Lined with
stratified squamous epithelia.

May become ulcerated in a hiatal hernia.

Match the following digestive process with the correct description:
Chemical digestion. Enzymatic degradation of foodstuffs
into simpler moleculesChewing, mixing, churning, and
segmentation of foodElimination of indigestible
solidsPassage of digested materials from the lumen of the GI
tract into the blood or lymphTaking food into the digestive system

Enzymatic degradation of foodstuffs into simpler molecules

Hollow muscular organs, like the stomach, that act as reservoirs
exhibit __________. receptive
relaxationperistalsispositive feedbackaccommodation


The short reflexes in the digestive system are mediated by
__________. higher brain centersthe sympathetic
systemthe enteric nerve plexusesthe parasympathetic system

the enteric nerve plexuses

Which of the following statements about the mesentery is incorrect?
Omenta is the special name for part of the mesentery.It is
composed of a layer of serous membrane fused with a layer of mucus
membrane.It holds the organs of the abdomen in place.It
provides a route for blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves to reach
the digestive viscera.

It is composed of a layer of serous membrane fused with a layer of
mucus membrane.

Identify the physiology associated with �C.�
Is integral in preventing pernicious anemia.Is one of the
first steps in chemical digestion as it begins the digestion of
starchesWhen infected by C.difficile, a fecal transplant may be
necessary.Composed of skeletal muscle and thus may be controlled
voluntarilyIts name means �all meat� because it breaks down all
categories of food stuffs.

Is integral in preventing pernicious anemia.

The alimentary canal in a cadaver is longer than in a living person
because, in a cadaver, there is no __________.
digestion taking placehormonal influencemuscle
tonefood in the tube

muscle tone

Which of the following is not an accessory organ of the digestive
system? TeethIntestinesTongueSalivary glands


Match the following digestive process with the correct description: Absorption.
Taking food into the digestive systemElimination of
indigestible solidsEnzymatic degradation of foodstuffs into
simpler moleculesPassage of digested materials from the lumen of
the GI tract into the blood or lymphChewing, mixing, churning,
and segmentation of food

Passage of digested materials from the lumen of the GI tract into the
blood or lymph

Identify the physiology associated with �E.�
Its name means �all meat� because it breaks down all categories
of food stuffs.Is one of the first steps in chemical digestion
as it begins the digestion of starchesComposed of skeletal
muscle and thus may be controlled voluntarilyWhen infected by
C.difficile, a fecal transplant may be necessary.Is integral in
preventing pernicious anemia.

When infected by C.difficile, a fecal transplant may be necessary.

__________ is the major means of propulsion in the digestive system.
DefecationMechanical digestionPeristalsisIngestion


Identify the physiology associated with �F.�
May be obstructed by crystallized cholesterol.May become
ulcerated in a hiatal hernia.Lined with stratified squamous
epithelia.Cells divide rapidly and are therefore often damaged
by chemotherapy leading to nausea and vomiting.Stores nutrients,
makes bile and detoxifies.May be affected by congenital
condition called ankyloglossia.

Cells divide rapidly and are therefore often damaged by chemotherapy
leading to nausea and vomiting.

Identify the physiology associated with �D.�
Stores nutrients, makes bile and detoxifies.Cells divide
rapidly and are therefore often damaged by chemotherapy leading to
nausea and vomiting.May become ulcerated in a hiatal
hernia.May be obstructed by crystallized cholesterol.May
be affected by congenital condition called ankyloglossia.Lined
with stratified squamous epithelia.

Stores nutrients, makes bile and detoxifies.

Match the following term to its correct description: Serosa.
Areolar connective tissue that has a rich supply of blood,
lymphatic vessels, and nerve fibersResponsible for segmentation
and peristalsisMain site of nutrient absorptionProtective
outermost layer of the alimentary canal

Protective outermost layer of the alimentary canal

Identify the physiology associated with �C.�
Cells divide rapidly and are therefore often damaged by
chemotherapy leading to nausea and vomiting.Lined with
stratified squamous epithelia.May become ulcerated in a hiatal
hernia.May be obstructed by crystallized
cholesterol.Stores nutrients, makes bile and
detoxifies.May be affected by congenital condition called ankyloglossia.

May become ulcerated in a hiatal hernia.

Match the following digestive process with the correct description:
Absorption. Enzymatic degradation of foodstuffs into
simpler moleculesChewing, mixing, churning, and segmentation of
foodTaking food into the digestive systemElimination of
indigestible solidsPassage of digested materials from the lumen
of the GI tract into the blood or lymph

Passage of digested materials from the lumen of the GI tract into the
blood or lymph

Match the following term to its correct description: Muscularis externa.
Responsible for segmentation and peristalsisProtective
outermost layer of the alimentary canalMain site of nutrient
absorptionAreolar connective tissue that has a rich supply of
blood, lymphatic vessels, and nerve fibers

Responsible for segmentation and peristalsis

Match the following term with its correct description: Same structure
as the visceral peritoneum.


The serous membrane that covers the external surface of most
digestive organs is called the __________.
visceral peritoneummesenteryomentumparietal peritoneum

visceral peritoneum

Match the following term with its correct description: Same structure
as the visceral peritoneum. MuscularisSerosaSubmucosaMucosa


Which of the following statements about the mesentery is
incorrect? It holds the organs of the abdomen in
place.It provides a route for blood vessels, lymphatics, and
nerves to reach the digestive viscera.Omenta is the special name
for part of the mesentery.It is composed of a layer of serous
membrane fused with a layer of mucus membrane.

It is composed of a layer of serous membrane fused with a layer of
mucus membrane.

Identify the physiology associated with �D.�
Is one of the first steps in chemical digestion as it begins the
digestion of starchesComposed of skeletal muscle and thus may be
controlled voluntarilyIts name means �all meat� because it
breaks down all categories of food stuffs.Is integral in
preventing pernicious anemia.When infected by C.difficile, a
fecal transplant may be necessary.

Its name means �all meat� because it breaks down all categories of
food stuffs.

The serous membrane that covers the external surface of most
digestive organs is called the __________.
mesenteryomentumparietal peritoneumvisceral peritoneum

visceral peritoneum

Identify the physiology associated with �B.�
Lined with stratified squamous epithelia.May become
ulcerated in a hiatal hernia.Stores nutrients, makes bile, and
detoxifies.May be affected by congenital condition called
ankyloglossia.Cells divide rapidly and are therefore often
damaged by chemotherapy leading to nausea an vomiting.May be
obstructed by crystallized cholesterol.

May be affected by congenital condition called ankyloglossia.

Match the following term to its correct description: Serosa.
Responsible for segmentation and peristalsisMain site of
nutrient absorptionProtective outermost layer of the alimentary
canalAreolar connective tissue that has a rich supply of blood,
lymphatic vessels, and nerve fibers

Protective outermost layer of the alimentary canal

Which sequence below represents the correct layering of the wall of
the GI tract, starting from the layer next to the lumen?
Muscularis externa, serosa, submucosa, mucosaSubmucosa,
mucosa, muscularis externa, serosaMucosa, muscularis externa,
submucosa, serosaSerosa, mucosa, muscularis externa,
submucosaMucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa

Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa

Match the following term to its correct description: Mucosa.
Main site of nutrient absorptionAreolar connective tissue
that has a rich supply of blood, lymphatic vessels, and nerve
fibersResponsible for segmentation and
peristalsisProtective outermost layer of the alimentary canal

Main site of nutrient absorption

Identify the physiology associated with �A.� Is one of
the first steps in chemical digestion as it begins the digestion of
starchesIts name means �all meat� because it breaks down all
categories of food stuffs.Composed of skeletal muscle and thus
may be controlled voluntarilyIs integral in preventing
pernicious anemia.When infected by C.difficile, a fecal
transplant may be necessary.

Is one of the first steps in chemical digestion as it begins the
digestion of starches

Identify the physiology associated with �E.� Lined with
stratified squamous epithelia.Cells divide rapidly and are
therefore often damaged by chemotherapy leading to nausea and
vomiting.May be affected by congenital condition called
ankyloglossia.May be obstructed by crystallized
cholesterol.Stores nutrients, makes bile and
detoxifies.May become ulcerated in a hiatal hernia.

May be obstructed by crystallized cholesterol.

Identify the physiology associated with �D.� Is one of
the first steps in chemical digestion as it begins the digestion of
starchesComposed of skeletal muscle and thus may be controlled
voluntarilyIs integral in preventing pernicious
anemia.When infected by C.difficile, a fecal transplant may be
necessary.Its name means �all meat� because it breaks down all
categories of food stuffs.

Its name means �all meat� because it breaks down all categories of
food stuffs.

Identify the physiology associated with �F.� Cells divide
rapidly and are therefore often damaged by chemotherapy leading to
nausea and vomiting.May become ulcerated in a hiatal
hernia.Lined with stratified squamous epithelia.Stores
nutrients, makes bile and detoxifies.May be obstructed by
crystallized cholesterol.May be affected by congenital condition
called ankyloglossia.

Cells divide rapidly and are therefore often damaged by chemotherapy
leading to nausea and vomiting.

Identify the physiology associated with �E.� Is integral
in preventing pernicious anemia.Its name means �all meat�
because it breaks down all categories of food stuffs.Composed of
skeletal muscle and thus may be controlled voluntarilyWhen
infected by C.difficile, a fecal transplant may be necessary.Is
one of the first steps in chemical digestion as it begins the
digestion of starches

When infected by C.difficile, a fecal transplant may be necessary.

Identify the physiology associated with �D.� Stores
nutrients, makes bile and detoxifies.Cells divide rapidly and
are therefore often damaged by chemotherapy leading to nausea and
vomiting.May be affected by congenital condition called
ankyloglossia.Lined with stratified squamous epithelia.May
become ulcerated in a hiatal hernia.May be obstructed by
crystallized cholesterol.

Stores nutrients, makes bile and detoxifies.

Hollow muscular organs, like the stomach, that act as reservoirs
exhibit __________. accommodationreceptive
relaxationperistalsispositive feedback


Match the following term to its correct description: Muscularis
externa. Responsible for segmentation and
peristalsisMain site of nutrient absorptionAreolar
connective tissue that has a rich supply of blood, lymphatic vessels,
and nerve fibersProtective outermost layer of the alimentary canal

Responsible for segmentation and peristalsis