Visual Anatomy & Physiology: chapter review questions LP 7 Flashcards

Cells lining the alveoli secrete a soapy substance known as


Which is not a structure of the left lung
-superior lobe
-oblique fissure
-inferior lobe
- horizontal fissure

horizontal fissure

during resting inhalation:
-volume increases and pressure decreases
-volume and pressure increase
-volume and pressure decrease
-volume decreases and pressure increases


which is not an accessory muscle of inhalation
-external intercostals
-pectoralis minor
-pectoralis major

pectoralis major

at the base of the trachea is a structure known as
-secondary bronchi
-thyroid cartilage
-arytenoid cartilage


the typical volume of air moved in and out of lungs in one minute in
an adult
-10 liters
-7.5 liters
-5.5 liters
-4 liters

7.5 liters

inspiratory capacity is represented by
-inspiratory reserve volume and tidal volume
-vital capacity and tidal volume
-residual volume and tidal volume
-vital capacity and inspiratory reserve volume


Oxygen produces how much of the total pressure of air


the PCO2 of tissues is about
-104 mm Hg
-45 mm Hg
-40 mm Hg
-95 mm Hg

45 mm Hg

oxygen moves out the alveoli and into the blood by way of
-active transport


which of the following is not a transport mechanism for CO2
-dissolved in plasma
-bonds with plasma proteins
-bicarbonate ion

bonds with plasma proteins

carbon dioxide combines with water and carbonic anhydrase to form
-carbonic acid
-hydrogen ions

carbonic acid

holding your breath would cause a state of
-respiratory alkalosis because of the buildup of hydrogen ions
-respiratory alkalosis because of the elimination of hydrogen ions
-respiratory acidosis because of the elimination of hydrogen ions
-respiratory acidosis because of the buildup of hydrogen ions


the oxygen-hemoglobin saturation curve represents
-hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen binding in various partial
pressures of oxygen
-hemoglobin affinity for oxygen binding over various times
-partial pressures of oxygen during various times
-hemoglobin's release of oxygen and co2 over time

hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen binding in various partial pressure
of oxygen

the change in affinity for carbon dioxide binding in hemoglobin is
know as
-carbon dioxide release effect
-bohr effect
-pco2 difference effect
-haldane effect

haldane effect

which respiratory center causes slow, deep breathing when stimulated
-ventral respiratory group
-dorsal respiratory group
-apneustic center
-pneumotaxic center

apneustic center