Anatomy & physiology 2 exam 3 Flashcards

How does myogenic mechanism act to restore GFR in the kidneys?

By changing the vessel diameter

What ion is coupled with glucose reasorbption using a symporter in
the early part of the proximal tubule ?

Sodium ions

The main force that promotes filtration in a nephron is

Glomerular hydrostatic pressure

Glomerular colloid osmotic pressure is created by proteins such as

Albumin in the blood

The glomerular filtration rate is defined as

The amount of filtrate formed by both kidneys in one minute

What is normal glomerular filtration rate in milliliters per minute

125 ml/min.

A drug that inhibits ACE (angiotensin- converting enzyme) may lead to
________ blood pressure


The reasorbption of bicarbonate ions in the proximal tubule helps regulate

Blood pH

Factors that stimulate RAAS system

Sympathetic nervous stimulation, stimulation from macula dense cells,
and low glomerular hydrostatic pressure (GHP)

Which microbe is linked with many cases of cervical cancer?

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

What is the cause of trichomoniasis ?


During which phase of the uterine cycle will stratum functionalis
develop with endometrial glands and spiral arteries and veins?

Secretory (postovulatory) phase

In the female FSH and LH Target the


what is the first phase of the ovarian cycle

Follicular phase

Which portion of the uterus is shed during menstruation

Stratum functionalis

Pregnancy is most likely to occur after sexual intercourse and a
surge in which hormone

Luteinizing hormone

if a patient has an arterial blood gas sample revealing and elevated
blood pH and elevated bicarbonate ion levels, determine the acid-base balance

Metabolic alkalosis

What is the most potent stimulus of The Thirst mechanism

Plasma osmolarity

What type of neuron detects changes in the number of solute particles
in plasma


Which of the following occurs as a result of undescended testes?

Inadequate or nonviable sperm will be produced.

An ovulating oocyte is actually activated by hormones about ________
days before ovulation.


Which male hormone inhibits the secretion of FSH?


The dartos and cremaster muscles are important to the integrity of
the male reproductive system. Which of the following is true about the
role they play? A) They contract to push sperm along the ductus
deferens. B) They regulate the temperature of the testes.
C) They are responsible for penile erection. D) They
contract to allow ejaculation.

B.) They regulate the temperature of the testes.

Which of the following hormones controls the release of anterior
pituitary gonadotropins? A) LH B) FSH C) GnRH
D) testosterone


Antidiuretic hormone ADH is released from which imbalance

Fluid and electrolyte

What component of the accessory reproductive glands allows semen to
temporarily coagulate once ejaculated?

Clotting proteins

Which hormone is the main hormone that regulates spermatogenesis


A low secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the normal male adult
would cause ________.

decreased testosterone secretion

Which of the following hormones controls the release of anterior
pituitary gonadotropins?


The ability of sperm cells to move along the ductus deferens is due
to ________.

peristaltic contractions

The ability of a male to ejaculate is due to the action of ________.

the bulbospongiosus muscles

What is the action of luteinizing hormone LH in the male reproductive system

Stimulates the interstitial cells of leydig (also known as the
intersitial Endocrine cells) to secrete testosterone

What is the action of FSH in the male reproductive system

Stimulates the sustentacular cells to secrete androgen-binding
protein (ABP). The hormone inhibin decreases the release of FSH whild
testosterone inhibits GnRH secretion through negative feedback

Which of these statements about sexually transmitted infections is
false? A) Chlamydia is caused by bacteria that can often be
asymptomatic or bring on a wide variety of symptoms. B)
Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium that can bring on painful
discharges in males. C) Syphilis is caused by a virus that may
lead to death if untreated. D) Genital herpes is caused by a
virus that may cause intermittent lesions

C. Syphilis is caused by a virus that may lead to death if untreated.

What are the channel proteins called that enhance obligatory water
reabsorption in are inserted into the collecting duct under the
influence of ADH


What does the counter-current mechanism accomplish in the nephron loop?

Creation of a steep concentration gradient for continued water reabsorption

Function of proximal tubule

Tubular reasorbption

Which of the choices below is a function of the loop of Henle?
A) form a large volume of very concentrated urine or a small
volume of very dilute urine B) form a large volume of very
dilute urine or a small volume of very concentrated urine C)
absorb electrolytes actively with an automatic absorption of water by
osmosis D) none of these

B) form a large volume of very dilute urine or a small volume of very

Collecting duct

Water reasorbption when ADH is present

Distal tubule

Tubular secretion

Urine passes through the ________

pelvis of the kidney to ureter to bladder to urethra

An increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule
to water is due to an increase in the production of which hormone

ADH hormone

What kind of epithelium lines the urinary bladder

Transitional Epithelial

The kidneys are stimulated to produce renin by a decrease in

Blood pressure

The mechanism that establishes the medullary osmotic gradient depends
most on the permeability properties of the ________. A) loop of
Henle B) glomerular filtration membrane C) collecting duct
D) distal convoluted tubule

Loop of henle

An increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule
to water is due to a(n) ________. A) decrease in the production
of ADH B) increase in the production of ADH C) increase in
the production of aldosterone D) decrease in the concentration
of the blood plasma

B) increase in the production of ADH

The ________ artery lies on the boundary between the cortex and
medulla of the kidney.


Select the correct statement about the ureters. A) Ureters
contain sphincters at the entrance to the bladder to prevent the
backflow of urine. B) The epithelium is stratified squamous like
the skin, which allows a great deal of stretch. C) The ureters
are capable of peristalsis like that of the gastrointestinal tract.
D) The ureter is innervated by parasympathetic nerve endings only.

C) The ureters are capable of peristalsis like that of the
gastrointestinal tract.

The chief force pushing water and solutes out of the blood across the
filtration membrane is ________. A) the design and size of the
podocytes B) the thickness of the capillary endothelium C)
glomerular hydrostatic pressure (glomerular blood pressure) D)
the size of the pores in the basement membrane of the capillaries

C) glomerular hydrostatic pressure (glomerular blood pressure)

Which of the following acts as the trigger for the initiation of
micturition (voiding)? A) the stretching of the bladder wall
B) motor neurons C) the pressure of the fluid in the
bladder D) the sympathetic efferents

A) the stretching of the bladder wall

The filtration membrane includes all except ________. A)
glomerular endothelium B) podocytes C) renal fascia
D) basement membrane

C) renal fascia

A disease caused by inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
(ADH) by the pituitary gland with symptoms of polyuria is ________.
A) diabetes mellitus B) diabetes insipidus C)
diabetic acidosis D) coma

B) diabetes insipidus

The descending limb of the loop of henle contains fluid that becomes

Concentrated as it moves down the Medulla

Which of the following is not reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted
tubule? A) Na+ B) K+ C) glucose D) creatinine

D) creatinine

The fluid in the glomerular (Bowman's) capsule is similar to plasma
except that it does not contain a significant amount of ________.
A) glucose B) hormones C) electrolytes D)
plasma protein

D) plasma protein

The juxtaglomerular apparatus is responsible for ________. A)
the secretion of drugs B) the secretion of acids and ammonia
C) reabsorption of organic molecules, vitamins, and water
D) regulating the rate of filtrate formation and controlling
systemic blood pressure

D) regulating the rate of filtrate formation and controlling systemic
blood pressure

Most electrolyte reabsorption by the renal tubules is ________.
A) not Tm limited B) in the distal convoluted tubule
C) hormonally controlled in distal tubule segments D)
completed by the time the loop of Henle is reached

C) hormonally controlled in distal tubule segments

Place the following in correct sequence from the formation of a drop
of urine to its elimination from the body. 1. major
calyx 2. minor calyx 3. nephron 4. urethra 5.
ureter 6. collecting duct A) 3, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4
B) 6, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4 C) 2, 1, 3, 6, 5, 4 D) 3, 6, 2,
1, 5, 4

D) 3, 6, 2, 1, 5, 4

An important characteristic of urine is its specific gravity or
density, which is ________. A) 1.041-1.073 B) 1.001-1.035
C) 1.030-1.040 D) 1.000-1.015

B) 1.001-1.035

What would happen if the capsular hydrostatic pressure were increased
above normal? A) Net filtration would increase above normal.
B) Net filtration would decrease. C) Filtration would
increase in proportion to the increase in capsular pressure. D)
Capsular osmotic pressure would compensate so that filtration would
not change.

B) Net filtration would decrease.

Reabsorption of high levels of glucose and amino acids in the
filtrate is accomplished by ________. A) facilitated diffusion
B) passive transport C) countertransport D)
secondary active transport

D) secondary active transport

The factor favoring filtrate formation at the glomerulus is the
________. A) colloid osmotic pressure of the blood B)
glomerular hydrostatic pressure C) capsular hydrostatic pressure
D) myogenic mechanism

B) glomerular hydrostatic pressure

Which of the choices below are the most important hormone regulators
of electrolyte reabsorption and secretion?A) angiotensin II and
ADH B) angiotensin II and aldosterone C) angiotensin I and
epinephrine D) angiotensin I and atrial natriuretic peptide

B) angiotensin II and aldosterone

Spermatogenesis ________. A) is the process of releasing mature
sperm cells into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule B)
involves a kind of cell division limited to the gametes C)
results in the formation of diploid cells D) uses mitosis to
produce gamete cells

B) involves a kind of cell division limited to the gametes

Which male hormone inhibits the secretion of FSH? A) ACTH
B) inhibin C) ICSH D) testosterone

B) inhibin

Which of the following occurs as a result of undescended testes?
A) Male sex hormones will not be circulated in the body.
B) Sperm will have no means of exit from the body. C)
Inadequate or nonviable sperm will be produced. D) Inadequate
blood supply will retard the development of the testes.

C) Inadequate or nonviable sperm will be produced

Secretion of progesterone stimulates ________. A) contraction
of uterine muscles B) preparation of the mammary glands for
lactation C) secretory activity of the uterine myometrium
D) development of the female secondary sex characteristics

B) preparation of the mammary glands for lactation

Secretion of progesterone stimulates ________. A) contraction
of uterine muscles B) preparation of the mammary glands for
lactation C) secretory activity of the uterine myometrium
D) development of the female secondary sex characteristics

B) preparation of the mammary glands for lactation

The cells that produce testosterone in the testis are called
________. A) spermatocytes B) spermatogonia C)
sustentacular cells D) interstitial cells

D) interstitial cells

Which is not a part of the proliferative phase of the female
menstrual cycle? A) late in this phase, cervical mucus becomes
thin and crystalline B) vesicular follicle growth C)
corpus luteum D) development of endometrial cells

C) corpus luteum

Development of male reproductive structures depends on which of the
following events? A) that the female hormones are suppressed
during pregnancy B) the suppression of inhibin C)
secretion of male hormones prenatally and lasting into the first few
months after birth D) that human gonadotropin be synthesized in
the first week of the pregnancy

C) secretion of male hormones prenatally and lasting into the first
few months after birth

Which of the choices below is not a function of testosterone?
A) stimulates the male pattern of development B)
contributes to male sexual behavior and spermatogenesis C)
stimulates protein synthesis D) stimulates mammary gland development

D) stimulates mammary gland development

During the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle ________. A)
LH reaches its highest levels B) progesterone levels are at
their highest C) estrogen reaches its highest levels D)
the Graafian follicle forms

B) progesterone levels are at their highest

Select the correct statement about the uterine cycle. A) The
menstrual phase of the cycle is from day 1 to day 8. B) During
the secretory phase, estrogen levels are at their highest. C)
During the proliferative phase, levels of progesterone rise as the
follicle begins to produce more hormone. D) If fertilization
occurs, the corpus luteum is maintained by a hormone secreted by the
developing embryo

D) If fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum is maintained by a
hormone secreted by the developing embryo

Why doesn�t semen enter the urinary bladder during ejaculation?
A) There is no common duct between the reproductive system and
the urinary system. B) There is no urge to urinate during sexual
intercourse because of the suppression of LH by testosterone buildup
in the blood. C) The smooth muscle sphincter at the base of the
urinary bladder closes. D) Ejaculation is a parasympathetic
reflex resulting in no response by urinary contraction muscles.

C) The smooth muscle sphincter at the base of the urinary bladder closes.

Spermatogenesis ________. A) is the process of releasing mature
sperm cells into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule B)
involves a kind of cell division limited to the gametes C)
results in the formation of diploid cells D) uses mitosis to
produce gamete cells

B) involves a kind of cell division limited to the gametes

Which hormone is absolutely necessary for ovulation to occur?
A) LH B) FSH C) progesterone D) estrogen


The basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that
________. A) during spermatogenesis two more polar bodies are
produced B) the mature ovum is n, while the sperm is 2n C)
in oogenesis, one mature ovum is produced, and in spermatogenesis four
mature sperm are produced from the parent cell D)
spermatogenesis involves mitosis and meiosis, but oogenesis involves
meiosis only

C) in oogenesis, one mature ovum is produced, and in spermatogenesis
four mature sperm are produced from the parent cell

during which phase are homologous chromosomes separated from one
another and pulled to opposite poles of the cell by spindle fibers

Anaphase 1

how many tetrads form during synapsis of meiosis for humans


In females what event accompanies puberty


Menses is initiated by what events that occur in the menstrual cycle

Decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels

Is a 75 year old male has noticed that serious difficulty urinating
and his physician states that a particular reproductive accessory
gland has most likely enlarged, what is the name of this enlarged gland

Prostate gland

Which of the following phases or processes in the monthly
reproductive cycle of the female occur simultaneously? A)
maximal LH secretion and menstruation B) maximal steroid
secretion by the corpus luteum and menstruation C) early
follicular development and the secretory phase in the uterus D)
regression of the corpus luteum and a decrease in ovarian progesterone secretion

D) regression of the corpus luteum and a decrease in ovarian
progesterone secretio

When menstruation has ceased for at least one here what has occurred

Female climacteric or menopause

What infection is linked with many cases of cervical cancer

Human papillomavirus HPV

How do birth control pills prevent conception

Oral contraceptives are combinations of estrogen and progesterone
which through negative feedback inhibit the secretion of GnRH and FSH
and LH which prevents ovulation as a direct result ( no LH surge do to
increase of estrogen progesterone and therefore no ovulation occur)

During the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle ________.

B) progesterone levels are at their highest

Which of the following will occur after ovulation? A) The
corpus luteum secretes estrogen only. B) The endometrium enters
its secretory phase. C) The secretion of anterior pituitary
gonadotropins is enhanced. D) The corpus luteum prepares to
become a corpus albicans.

B) The endometrium enters its secretory phase.

which renal tubules have a brush border created by microvilli

Proximal tubule

What does cells of the macula densa and juxtaglomerular cells form?

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

What chemical is necessary for the transformation of Angiotensin I
into active Angiotensin II

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)