Visual Anatomy & Physiology: Describe flow of O2& CO2 between lungs, blood and tissues; incl. partial pressure gradients. Gas exchange Flashcards

Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures

Total pressure produced by a mixture of gasses = sum of pressures
produced by each

Atmosphere pressure (sea level)

760 mm Hg

PO2= Inside alveolus in lungs

104 mm Hg

PCO2= Inside alveolus in lungs

40 mm Hg

PO2 level inside capillaries carrying deoxygenated blood

40 mm Hg

Oxygen moves from alveolus (lungs) to blood and blood PO2
increases to

104 mm Hg

Blood carries oxygen from lungs to tissues and mixes with...

deoxygenated blood and drops PO2 to 95 mmHg

The tissues have a PO2 of

40 mm Hg

Oxygenated blood diffuses into tissues due to the

partial pressure gradient

O 2 travels from higher to

lower partial pressure

When O2 leaves blood and goes into tissues the
PO2 level drops to

40 mm Hg

The tissues produce CO2 .The level of PCO2 in
the tissues is

45 mm Hg

CO2 follows partial pressure gradient and diffuses into
blood increasing PCO2 to

45 mm Hg

CO2 from tissues carried to lungs, the alveolar
PCO2 in lungs is

40 mm Hg

CO2 follows partial pressure gradiant and diffuses out of
blood into alveoli, blood PCO2 drops to

40 mm Hg

Complete pathway of O2 from Alveolus to Tissues:

Alveolous PO2 104 mmHg Blood circulation
PO2 104 drop to 95 mmHg Diffuses(higher to
lower conc.) into tissues that have PO2 of 40 mmHg
Blood PO2 drops down to 40mmHg

Oxygen moves from areas of _________ to _________PO2

higher; lower

Carbon dioxide move from areas of ________to ______PCO2

higher; lower

Complete pathway of CO2 from tissues to alveolus/lungs

Tissues PCO2 45 mmHg Diffuses into blood
PCO2 from 40 to 45 mmHg Diffuses into
lungs/alveoli that have a PCO2 from 40 to 45 mmHg
Exhaled out of body