Human Anatomy & Physiology: Functional Anatomy of Respiratory System 1 Flashcards

the function the respiratory system is gas exchange


the respiratory system supply the body with oxygen gas


the respiratory system supply the body with CO2


the respiratory system dispose of carbon dioxide gas


what are the structures that air passes through

Nose > Nasal cavity > Pharynx > Larynx > Trachea > Bronchi

how many anatomical regions does the respiratory have ?


all structures superior to the larnyx

upper respiratory tract

the larynx and all structures inferior to it

lower respiratory tract

nose, sinuses, mouth, pharynx

upper respiratory tract

larynx, bronchi, trachea, bronchioles, lungs

lower respiratory tract

how many functional zones are there in the respiratory system


what are the two functional zones of the respiratory system?

respiratory zone and conduction zone

actual site of gas exchange in lungs

respiratory zone

delivers air to respiratory zone, cleanse, humidify, and warm.

conducting zone