Human Anatomy & Physiology: Thoracic Vessels Flashcards

Internal thoracic artery

arise from subclavian artery feeds anterior body wall

anterior intercostal arteries

supply intercostal spaces anteriorly

superior thoracic artery

branches of subclavian artery

thoracoacromial artery

supplies shoulder and pectoral region

internal thoracic veins

merges with brachiocephalic veins

Azygous vein

merges with superior vena cava posteriorily

Hemiazygous vein

left side of vertebral column, inferior

acccessory hemiazygous vein

left side of vertebral column, superior

ascending lumbar vein

right side of vertebral column

subscapular veins

merges with axillary vein

long thoracic veins

merges with subclavian

axillary veins

formed when brachial vein merges with basilic vein