Human Anatomy & Physiology: chapter 20, and 21 Flashcards

Match the following digestive processes with the correct description

Mechanical Digestion � Chewing, mixing, churning and segmentation of food
Defecation � Elimination of indigestible solids
Chemical Digestion � Enzymatic degradation of foodstuffs into
simpler molecules
Absorption � Passage of digested materials from the lumen of the GI
tract into the blood or lymph
Ingestion � Taking food into the digestive system

What is the consequence of obstruction of the lymphatics

Obstruction of the lymphatics results in edema distal to the obstruction.

Children born without a thymus must be kept in a germ-free
environment if they are to survive. Explain why this is necessary.

If the thymus fails to develop, the T cells will not mature and
become immunocompetent. If T cell function is disrupted, there is no
resistance to disease.

What are some of the drawbacks of passive humoral immunity?

The effects are short lived; it does not trigger memory cell
production; and your body degrades the antibodies.

Which of the following would not be classified as a lymphatic structure?


The thymus is most active during:


The lymphatic capillaries are:

more permeable than blood capillaries.

Peyer's patches are found in the:

small intestine

The tonsils located at the base of the tongue are the

lingual tonsils.

Which of the following is associated with passive immunity?

passage of IgG antibodies from a pregnant mother to her fetus

Which of the following is not a function of the inflammatory response?

replaces injured tissues with connective tissue

the system that recognizes foreign molecules and acts to immobilize,
neutralize, or destroy them is the:

immune system


interfere with viral replication within cells

The system that recognizes foreign molecules and acts to immobilize,
neutralize, or destroy them is the:

immune system

Which of the following is characteristic of complete antigens?

reactivity with an antibody

Innate immune system defenses include


Select the correct statement about active and passive immunity.

Active and passive humoral immunity are both mechanisms of specific
immunity that use antibodies.

Immediate hypersensitivities:

include anaphylaxis, triggered by a second (or later) exposure to an
allergen to which the individual has been sensitized.

Select the correct statement about antigens.

type II diabetes

The chemical and mechanical processes of food breakdown are called:


The absorptive effectiveness of the small intestine is enhanced by
increasing the surface area of the mucosal lining. Which of the
following accomplish this task?

plicae circulares and intestinal villi

The ducts that deliver bile and pancreatic juice from the liver and
pancreas, respectively, unite to form the:

hepatopancreatic ampulla.

The terminal portion of the small intestine is known as the:


Which of the following is not characteristic of the large intestine? It:

is longer than the small intestine.

A baby is admitted to the hospital with a history of projectile
vomiting after each feeding. On examination, it is found that the
sphincter controlling food passage from the stomach to the duodenum is
thickened and does not open readily. Because of the baby's loss of
gastric juice, his blood probably indicates:


When a person's hypothalamic thermostat is set to a higher level and
the actual body temperature is below that level, the person may:


When the lymphatics are blocked due to tumors, the result is:

severe localized edema distal to the blockage.