The Heart: Anatomy 2 lab Flashcards


cone shaped; size of your fist; double pump system

Heart chambers

right and left atria: smaller than ventricles; receives blood
right and left ventricle; pumps blood


heart is covered by a serous membrane called

3 layers of the heart wall

Epicardium, Myocardium, Endocardium


Outer protective layer


Middle muscular layer


inner layer

Pulmonary circulation

first 2 pumps; arteries carry deoxygenated blood and veins carry
oxygenated blood

Systemic circulation

the pumps after going in the lungs; arteries carry oxygenated blood
and veins carry deoxygenated blood


prevent blood from going in the wrong direction

Left atrioventricular valve

Mitral valve

Right atrioventricular valve

Tricuspid valve

Order of blood flow

Vena cava- R atrium- tricuspid valve- R ventricle- pulmonary trunk
arteries- lungs- pulmonary veins- L atrium- L ventricle- aorta

P wave

depolarization of the atria

QRS complex

ventricular depolarization and ventricular contraction

T wave

ventricular depolarization

Cardiac cycle

one complete heart beat; lasts .8 second; 75 beats per minute


resting heart rate above 100 beats


resting heart rate below 60 beats


rapid uncoordinated; fails to pump blood out of heart


ventricular relaxation


ventricular contraction

Blood pressure

measured in arteries; normal is 120/80
hypertension; 140/90 or higher
hypotension; 90/60 or lower

sound of Korotkoff

hearing blood through a stethoscope using sphygmomanometer

heart sound: lub

1st sound; closure of the AV valves

heart sound: dub

2nd sound; closer of the semilunar valves