Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist: A Positive Care Approach: Anatomy misc (Nicola) Flashcards

what is located in the RUQ

liver gallbladder head of pancreas

what is located in the LUQ

spleen body/tail of pancreas and part of the liver

gallbladder the hepatic ducts, the cystic duct, and common bile duct make up trhe

biliary system

what is the function of the biliary system

produce, store, and release bile

where is the gallbladder located

under the right lobe of the liver

what kind of muscle is the gallbladder composed of

smooth muscle

what is the structure that separates the right and left lobe of the liver

falciform ligament

what is the sturcture that covers and protects the liver

glisson capsule

where is bile formed

in the liver

what do the right and left hepatic ducts create

common pepatic duct

where does bile flow into the gallbladder

cystic duct

where does bile enter into the duodenum

ampulla of vater

pancreatic duct is also known as the

duct of wirsung

ampulla of vater is also known as the

sphincter of oddi

what does the exocrine part of the pancreas do

create pancreatic juices

what does the endocrine part of the pancreas do

produces insulin and glucagon

what does the spleen produce


the spleen destroys...

aged red blood cells

peritoneum that suspends the jejonum and ileum from the posterier wall of the abdomen, what is this structure


this structure is the sheet of connection and vascular tissue


what is the serous membrane that lines abdominal cavity

secrets, fluid lubricates viscera