Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 10 Flashcards

1) Second-class lever.

1) Answer: A

2) Humerus

2) Answer: B

3) Tibia

3) Answer: A

4) Atlanto-occipital joint.

4) Answer: C

5) First-class lever.

5) Answer: C

6) The action of lifting a shovel of snow.

6) Answer: B

7) Deltoid

Answer: B

8) Serratus anterior.

8) Answer: E

9) Sternocleidomastoid

9) Answer: A

10) Pectoralis minor.

10) Answer: C

11) Coracobrachialis.

11) Answer: D

12) Trapezius muscle.

12) Answer: B

13) Teres major muscle.

13) Answer: D

14) The latissimus dorsi.

14) Answer: E

15) Rotates scapula.

15) Answer: B

16) Retract scapula.

16) Answer: C

17) Levator scapulae.

17) Answer: A

18) Flexes the wrist.
A) Flexor carpi ulnaris
B) Flexor digitorum profundus
C) Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
D) Extensor pollicis longus and brevis

A) Flexor carpi ulnaris

19) Slow-acting finger flexor.
A) Flexor carpi ulnaris
B) Flexor digitorum profundus
C) Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
D) Extensor pollicis longus and brevis

B) Flexor digitorum profundus

20) Powerful wrist flexor that also stabilizes the wrist during
finger extension.
A) Flexor carpi ulnaris
B) Flexor digitorum profundus
C) Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
D) Extensor pollicis longus and brevis

A) Flexor carpi ulnaris

21) Extends and abducts the wrist.
A) Flexor carpi ulnaris
B) Flexor digitorum profundus
C) Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
D) Extensor pollicis longus and brevis

C) Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis

22) Extends the thumb.
A) Flexor carpi ulnaris
B) Flexor digitorum profundus
C) Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
D) Extensor pollicis longus and brevis

D) Extensor pollicis longus and brevis

23) Muscle that opposes and reverses the action of another muscle.
A) Synergist
B) Agonist
C) Antagonist
D) Fixator

C) Antagonist

24) Muscle that stabilizes the origin of another muscle.
A) Synergist
B) Agonist
C) Antagonist
D) Fixator

D) Fixator

25) Muscle that is primarily responsible for bringing about a
particular movement.
A) Synergist
B) Agonist
C) Antagonist
D) Fixator

B) Agonist

26) Muscle that aids another by promoting the same movement.
A) Synergist
B) Agonist
C) Antagonist
D) Fixator

A) Synergist

49) Which type of lever is demonstrated by using scissors?
A) a third-class lever
B) a fourth-class lever
C) a first-class lever
D) a second-class lever

C) a first-class lever

50) What muscle is primarily responsible for preventing foot drop?
A) extensor digitorum longus
B) extensor hallucis longus
C) fibularis tertius
D) tibialis anterior

A) extensor digitorum longus

51) What is the major factor controlling how levers work?
A) the difference in the positioning of the effort, load, and fulcrum
B) the direction the load is being moved
C) the weight of the load
D) the structural characteristics of the muscles of the person
using the lever

A) the difference in the positioning of the effort, load, and fulcrum

52) Which of the following is not a muscle primarily involved in the
breathing process?
A) latissimus dorsi
B) diaphragm
C) external intercostal
D) internal intercostal

A) latissimus dorsi

53) What is the main factor that determines the power of a muscle?
A) the shape
B) the number of neurons innervating it
C) the length
D) the total number of muscle cells available for contraction

D) the total number of muscle cells available for contraction

54) What is a muscle that provides the major force for producing a
specific movement called?
A) an antagonist
B) a fixator
C) an agonist
D) a synergist

C) an agonist

55) When the term biceps, triceps, or quadriceps forms part of a
muscle's name, what does it tell you about the muscle?
A) The muscle has two, three, or four functions, respectively.
B) The muscle is able to change direction twice, three times, or
four times faster than other muscles, respectively.
C) The muscle has two, three, or four insertions, respectively.
D) The muscle has two, three, or four origins, respectively.

D) The muscle has two, three, or four origins, respectively.

56) The most powerful muscle in the body is the ________.
A) rectus abdominis
B) gluteus maximus
C) quadriceps femoris
D) gastrocnemius

C) quadriceps femoris

57) The names of muscles often indicate the action of the muscle.
What does the term levator mean?
A) The muscle is a fixator and stabilizes a bone or joint.
B) The muscle elevates
C) The muscle functions as a synergist.
D) The muscle flexes and rotates a region.

B) The muscle elevates

58) Which of the following describes the suprahyoid muscles?
A) They are a group of muscles that lie superior to the hyoid bone
and help form the floor of the oral cavity.
B) They are often called strap muscles.
C) They move the pharynx superiorly during swallowing.
D) They depress the larynx and hyoid bone if the mandible is fixed.

A) They are a group of muscles that lie superior to the hyoid bone
and help form the floor of the oral cavity.

59) The supraspinatus is named for its location on the posterior
aspect of the scapula above the spine. What is its action?
A) to help hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity and
rotate the humerus laterally
B) to extend and medially rotate the humerus and to act as a
synergist of the latissimus dorsi
C) to flex and adduct the humerus and to act as a synergist of the
pectoralis major
D) to stabilize the shoulder joint and help prevent downward
location of the humerus and to assist in abduction

D) to stabilize the shoulder joint and help prevent downward location
of the humerus and to assist in abduction

60) Which of the following muscles is not a rotator cuff muscle?
A) levator scapulae
B) teres minor
C) subscapularis
D) supraspinatus

A) levator scapulae

61) Which of the following muscles is involved in producing
horizontal wrinkles in the forehead?
A) the temporalis
B) the zygomaticus major
C) the medial pterygoid
D) the frontal belly of the epicranius

D) the frontal belly of the epicranius

62) A cute, little curly-haired child is sitting behind you in
church. You turn around for a moment and she sticks her tongue out at
you. Which tongue muscle did she use?
A) hyoglossus
B) stylohyoid
C) orbicularis oris
D) genioglossus

D) genioglossus

63) Which group of muscles flexes and rotates the neck?
A) the scalenes
B) the iliocostalis
C) the splenius
D) the spinalis

A) the scalenes

64) Which of the following muscles is involved in crossing one leg
over the other while in a sitting position?
A) the sartorius
B) the quadriceps femoris
C) the gastrocnemius
D) all of the hamstrings

A) the sartorius

65) Which of the following muscles inserts by the calcaneal tendon?
A) the gastrocnemius
B) the semitendinosus
C) the sartorius
D) the tibialis anterior

A) the gastrocnemius

66) If a lever operates at a mechanical disadvantage, it means that
the ________.
A) lever system is useless
B) effort is farther than the load from the fulcrum
C) load is far from the fulcrum and the effort is applied near the fulcrum
D) load is near the fulcrum and the effort is at the distal end

C) load is far from the fulcrum and the effort is applied near the fulcrum

67) Which of the following muscles fixes and depresses the ribs and
stabilizes the pelvis during walking?
A) rectus abdominis
B) transversus abdominis
C) external oblique
D) internal oblique

A) rectus abdominis

68) A muscle that opposes, or reverses, a particular movement is a(n) ________.
A) fixator
B) synergist
C) agonist
D) antagonist

D) antagonist

69) What type of muscle assists an agonist by causing a like movement
or by stabilizing a joint over which an agonist acts?
A) a synergist
B) an antagonist
C) a prime mover
D) an agonist

A) a synergist

70) Which of the following is not a member of the hamstrings?
A) gracilis
B) semimembranosus
C) semitendinosus
D) biceps femoris

A) gracilis

71) A nursing infant develops a powerful sucking muscle that adults
also use for whistling. What is this muscle called?
A) masseter
B) buccinator
C) zygomaticus
D) platysma

B) buccinator

72) Spasms of this straplike muscle often result in wryneck or torticollis.
A) zygomaticus
B) serratus anterior
C) platysma
D) sternocleidomastoid

D) sternocleidomastoid

73) Which generalization concerning movement by skeletal muscles is
not true?
A) During contraction the two articulating bones move equally.
B) The movements produced may be of graded intensity.
C) Muscles produce movement by pulling on bones.
D) The bones serve as levers.

A) During contraction the two articulating bones move equally.

74) Which of these is not a way of classifying muscles?
A) the type of muscle fibers
B) the type of action they cause
C) muscle shape
D) muscle location

A) the type of muscle fibers

75) Which of the following muscles is not a member of the hamstrings group?
A) semitendinosus
B) semimembranosus
C) biceps brachii
D) vastus intermedius

D) vastus intermedius

76) Which of the following best describes the orbicularis oris?
A) It closes the eye.
B) It draws the eyebrows together.
C) It pulls the lower lip down and back.
D) It closes, purses, and protrudes the lips.

D) It closes, purses, and protrudes the lips.

77) Which muscle group is involved when a "pulled groin" occurs?
A) quadricepts
B) hamstrings
C) thigh adductors
D) lateral rotators

C) thigh adductors

78) What are the levers that operate at a mechanical advantage called?
A) functional levers
B) dysfunctional levers
C) power levers
D) speed levers

C) power levers

79) Tennis players often complain about pain in the arm (forearm)
that swings the racquet. What muscle is usually strained under these conditions?
A) the triceps brachii
B) the flexor digitorum profundus
C) the anconeus
D) the brachioradialis

D) the brachioradialis

80) Which muscles is (are) contracted to exhale forcibly?
A) external intercostals and diaphragm
B) diaphragm alone
C) internal intercostals and rectus abdominus
D) rectus abdominis and diaphragm

C) internal intercostals and rectus abdominus

81) Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual
unable to flex the thigh?
A) vastus medialis
B) soleus
C) biceps femoris
D) iliopsoas and rectus femoris

D) iliopsoas and rectus femoris

82) First-class levers ________.
A) in the body can operate at a mechanical advantage or mechanical
disadvantage, depending on specific location
B) have load at one end of the lever, fulcrum at the other, and
effort applied somewhere in the middle
C) are typified by tweezers or forceps
D) are the type using joints forming the ball of the foot as formed
in raising the body on the toes

A) in the body can operate at a mechanical advantage or mechanical
disadvantage, depending on specific location

83) What do the genioglossus, hyoglossus, and styloglossus muscles
have in common?
A) All act on the tongue.
B) Each acts synergistically to elevate the jaw.
C) All names reflect direction of muscle fibers.
D) All names indicate the relative size of the muscle.

A) All act on the tongue.

84) If L = load, F = fulcrum, and E = effort, what type of lever
system is described as LEF?
A) second-class lever
B) third-class lever
C) fourth-class lever
D) first-class lever

B) third-class lever

85) Which of the following muscles is a flexor of the thigh?
A) adductor magnus
B) tibialis posterior
C) gluteus maximus
D) vastus lateralis

A) adductor magnus

86) Which of the following muscles is involved in inversion at the
ankle joint?
A) peroneus longus
B) peroneus tertius
C) tibialis anterior
D) extensor digitorum longus

C) tibialis anterior

87) Which of the following muscles serves as a common intramuscular
injection site, particularly in infants?
A) the vastus lateralis
B) the vastus intermedius
C) the vastus medialis
D) rectus femoris

A) the vastus lateralis

88) Paralysis of which of the following muscles would make an
individual unable to flex the knee?
A) soleus
B) hamstring muscles
C) gluteal muscles
D) brachioradialis

B) hamstring muscles

89) Which of the following muscles does not act in plantar flexion?
A) flexor digitorum longus
B) popliteus
C) tibialis posterior
D) gastrocnemius and soleus

B) popliteus