Useful product disposal guidelines and medical and first aid information can be found on a(n):
Chemical products that destroy all bacteria, fungi, and viruses (but not spores) on surfaces are:
State regulatory agencies include which of the following?
All of the answers are correct.
Laws are also called
Which term means to remove all visible dirt and debris from tools, implements, and equipment by washing with soap and water?
One-celled microorganisms with both plant and animal characteristics are:
Nonpathogenic bacteria are:
The type of bacteria that rarely shows any active motility is:
Bacteria generally consist of an outer call wall containing a liquid called:
Together, the active stage and inactive, or spore-forming, stage of bacteria are referred to as the:
life cycle of bacteria
Inflammation is characterized by which of the following?
swelling, pain, heat (all of the above)
A pimple or abscess is an example of a:
local infection
A disease that is transmitted from one person to another is called
A parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in the cells of a biological organism is a:
Disease-causing microorganisms that are carried in the body by blood or body fluids are called:
bloodborne pathogens
A disease caused by a blood borne virus that causes liver damage is:
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes:
Microscopic plant parasites that include molds, mildews, and yeasts are:
Which fungus affects plants or grows on inanimate objects but does not cause human infections in the salon?
The most frequently encountered infection on the foot resulting from nail services is
tinea pedis
contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite
The type of immunity that the body develops after overcoming a disease or through inoculations is:
acquired immunity
Which of the following is an acceptable way to clean tools or instruments?
using an ultrasonic unit, using a cleaning solvent, washing with soap and water, then scrubbing with a clean, disinfected nail brush (all answers are correct)
A reaction due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods, chemicals, or other normally harmless substances is a(n):
The term describing the effectiveness with which a disinfecting solution kills germs when used according to the label instructions is:
A safe and useful type of disinfectant, commonly called quats, is:
Quaternary ammonium compounds
Which of the following is a drawback to using phenolic disinfectants?
can cause some metals to rust, are known carcinogens, can damage plastic and rubber(all answers are correct)
Sodium hypochlorite is the chemical name for:
Which of the following is a multi use item
Single-use items that do not have the capacity to be disinfected after each client use must be:
Universal precautions for bloodborne pathogens are regulated by
Which of the following is known as microscopic anatomy
The basic unit of all living things
The protoplasm of a cell that surrounds the nucleus is the
The chemical process in living organisms whereby cells are nourished and carry out their activities is
The phase of metabolism that involves the breaking down of complex compounds within cells into smaller ones is
The tissue that binds together, protects, and supports parts of the body is:
connective tissue
The facial skeleton has how many bones
The bone that forms the back of the skull above the nape is the
Bone that forms the forehead
Two bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region are the:
temporal bones
The bone that joins all of the bones of the cranium together is the
sphenoid bone
The cheekbones are also known as the malar bones or
zygomatic bones
The elastic, bony cage that acts as a protective framework for the heart and lungs is the:
The uppermost and largest bone of the arm, extending from the elbow to the shoulder is the
The inner and larger bone of the forearm attached at the wrist and located on the side of the little finger is
The heavy long bone that forms the leg above the knee is called the
The ankle joint is composed of how many bones?
Muscles that are attached to bones and are voluntary or consciously controlled are:
striated muscles
The part of the muscle at the movable attachment to the skeleton is the
Pressure in massage is usually directed from the:
Insertion to origin
The muscle of the scalp that raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward, and causes wrinkles across the forehead is the:
The muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head is the:
The ring muscle of the eye socket that enables you to close your eyes
orbicularis oculi
The muscle that draws the eyebrow down and wrinkles the forehead vertically is the:
Corrugator muscle
The muscle that covers the back of the neck and upper and middle region of the back is the:
Muscles that separate the fingers are:
The nervous system as a whole is divided into how many main subdivisions
The nervous system that controls the voluntary functions of the five senses
The largest and most complex nerve tissue of the body
Which nerve supplies impulses to the skin on the outer side and back of the foot and leg?
sural nerve
A lower, thick-walled chamber of the heart is the:
Thin-walled blood vessels that are less elastic than arteries and located closer to the skin surface are:
The main arteries that supply blood to the head, neck, and face are the:
common carotid arteries
Ductless glands that release secretion of hormones directly into the bloodstream are:
Endocrine glands
Insulin, adrenaline, and estrogen are examples of:
Spongy tissues composed of microscopic cells in which inhaled air is exchanged for carbon dioxide during one breathing cycle are:
The word integument means
natural covering
The medical branch of science that deals with the study of the skin, its functions and diseases, is:
The largest organ of the human body
The surface of healthy skin is slightly
All of the following are appendages of the skin except
pineal gland
Continued pressure on any part of the skin causes it to thicken and develop into a(n):
The epidermis layer of the skin is also known as
cuticle layer
The layer of skin that we see and us treated by the practitioner
The clear transparent layer just under the stratum corneum that consists of small cells through which light can pass is the
stratum lucidum
The deepest layer of the epidermis, the nasal cell layer, is also known as
stratum germinativum
The stratum germinativum is composed of several layers with special cells that produce a dark skin pigment called
The underlying or inner layer of the skin, which is also called the derma corium, cutis, or true skin, is the
The muscle that causes goose bumps when a person is frightened or cold is the___
arrector pili muscle
The dermis layer is made up of two layers, which are the
papillary and reticular
The top of the papillary layer where it joins the epidermis is the
Epidermal-dermal connection
The layer of the dermis that houses the nerve endings which provide the body with the sense of touch is found in the:
papillary layer
The deeper layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients
reticular layer
Fatty tissue found below the dermis is
subcutaneous tissue
Which type of nerve fibers carry impulses from the brain to the muscles?
The tiny grains of pigment deposited in cells that provide skin with its color
The fibrous protein that gives skin its flexibility and helps skin regain its shape after being expanded
Oil glands that are connected to hair follicles are also called:
sebaceous glands
When sebum hardens and the sebaceous duct becomes clogged, the pore impaction that is formed is a:
Water is the number one nutrient of the body and composes what percentage of the body's weight?
A freckle is an example of a mark on the skin called a:
All of the following are examples of primary lesions EXCEPT
A large blister containing a watery fluid is a:
A flat spot or discoloration on the skin is a:
A large sore bump that does not have a head of pus is a:
An inflamed pimple containing pus is a:
An abnormal cell mass that varies in size, color, and shape is a:
Dead cells that form over a wound or blemish while it is healing is a:
Cracks in the skin that penetrate the dermis layer, such as chapped hands or lips, are:
Thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue
Thin dry or oily plates of epidermal flakes
An open lesion of the skin or mucous membrane, accompanied by pus and characterized by loss of skin depth, is a(n):
A hair follicle filled with keratin and sebum forms a:
Benign, keratin-filled cysts that appear just under the epidermis and have no visible opening are:
A skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands caused from retained secretions is:
Inflammation of the sebaceous glands characterized by red flaky skin in the scalp and hairline
seborrheic dermatitis
Distended or dilated surface blood vessels are called
Excessive sweating, caused by heat or general body weakness is:
A contagious, recurring viral infection characterized by fever blisters or cold sores is:
Herpes simplex
A non contagious skin disease characterized by red patches covered with silver-white scales found on the scalp is
The absense of melanin pigmentation of the body is known as
Hyperthrophy of the papillae and epidermis is
The most common and less severe type of skin cancer
basal cell carcinoma
Dark, brown patches on the skin that may appear uneven in texture, jagged, or raised may be a warning sign of:
malignant melanoma
The American cancer society recommends using a checklist to recognize potential skin cancer or changes in moles, using the letter B to check mole:
The main food source for acne bacteria
fatty acids
The UV rays of the sun reach the skin in two different forms
UVA and UVB rays
The rays of the sun that cause sunburns and tanning and are also known as burning rays are
UVB rays
The natural nail is part of what system?
The most visible and functional part of the nail unit is the:
nail plate
The nail plate is constructed of how many layers of nail cells?
The part of the nail plate that extends over the top of the finger or toe is called
free edge
The portion of living skin that supports the nail plate is the:
nail bed
The nail bed contains many nerves and is attached to the nail plate with a thin layer of tissue called the
bed epithelium
The area of the nail where the nail plate cells are formed is the:
The dead, colorless tissue attaches to the natural nail plate is the
The living skin at the base of the nail plate covering the matrix area is the:
The slightly thickened layer of the skin that lies between the fingertip and free edge of the natural nail plate is the:
The tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place is the
The average rate of nail growth in the normal adult is about
1/10 inch per month
Clients with skin or nails that are infected, inflamed, or swollen should be referred to a:
A nail condition in which blood clots form under the nail plate due to a small injury of the nail plate is
Bruised nails
Visible depressions running across the width of the natural nail plate that are the result of a major illness or injury are:
Beau's lines
Redness, pain and swelling are signs of
Minor damage to the matrix that produces a whitish discoloration or white spots on the nails is known as
Split or brittle nails with a series of lengthwise ridges and a rough appearance to the surface of the nail plate is
A highly curved nail plate often called "folded nail," caused by injury to the matrix or inherited, is a(n):
plicatured nail
Ridges running vertically down the natural nail plate are caused by
Uneven growth and age
Parasites that under some conditions can cause infections to the feet and hands are:
In the early stages, a typical bacterial infection on the nail plate can be identified as a:
yellow-green spot
The naturally occurring skin bacterium that can grow out of control and cause nail infections, incorrectly referred to as mold, is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Any deformity or disease of the nails in general is called:
Inflammation of the nail matrix followed by shredding of the natural nail plate is
The lifting of the nail plate from the bed without shedding is a sign of
Onychomadesis is the separation and falling off of a nail plate and can be traced to
local infection
Tiny pits or severe roughness on the surface of the nail plate is an indication of
nail psoriasis
Tinea pedis is the medical term used to describe:
athlete's foot
The hair, skin, nails, and glands are known collectively as the
The five main structures of the hair root include all of the following except the:
The pocket or tube-like depression in the scalp or skin that contains the hair root is the:
The thickened club-like structure that forms the lower part of the hair root is the
hair bulb
A small, cone-shaped area located at the base of the hair follicle that fits into the hair bulb is the:
dermal papilla
The substance secreted by the sebaceous glands is called
The tiny, involuntary muscle fiber in the skin inserted in the base of the hair follicle is the
arrector pili
Which layer of the hair shaft creates the shine and the smooth, silky feel of healthy hair?
A lengthwise section of hair shows that cuticle scales overlap and each individual cuticle scale is attached to the:
The medulla, the innermost layer of hair, is composed of cells that are
Hair is composed of protein that grows from cells originating within the:
hair follicle
The hair shaft that emerges from the scalp is a non living fiber composed of
keratinized protein
The major elements that make up human hair are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur often referred to as
COHNS elements
The units of structure that build protein and are joined together end to end like pop beads are
amino acids
A long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds is called a
polypeptide chain
The three different types of side bonds are:
hydrogen, salt, and disulfide
A physical side bond that is easily broken by water and heat is a:
Hydrogen bond
A weak, physical, cross-link side bond between adjacent polypeptide chains that is broken by changes in pH is a:
Salt bond
Permanent waving and hair relaxers change the shape of hair by chemically altering the hair's:
disulfide bonds
Hydrogen chemical relaxers break disulfide bonds and convert them to
Lanthionine bonds
All natural hair color is the result of pigment located in the cortex called:
The melanin that provides brown or black color to hair is
Which of the following terms is used to describe hairs wave pattern
Curly, straight, extremely curly (all answers are correct)
Vellus hair is the short, fine, and downy hair also known as
Lanugo hair
The three growth cycles of human hair are
anagen, catagen, telogen
The resting phase or final phase of the hair cycle that lasts until the fully grown hair is shed is the
Telogen phase
The sudden falling out of hair in round patches or baldness in spots is
alopecia areata
The technical term for gray hair is
Trichoptilosis is the technical term for
Split ends
A condition that is characterized by brittleness and the formation of nodular swellings along the hair shaft is:
trichorrhexis nodosa
Current research confirms that dandruff is the result of a fungus called
A severe type of dandruff characterized by an accumulation of greasy or waxy scalp scales mixed with sebum is
Pityriasis steatoides
Tinea is characterized by itching scales and sometimes painful circular lesions and is caused by:
Fungal organisms
Which of the following scalp disorders is characterized by dry, sulfur-yellow, cup-like crusts on the scalp?
Tinea favosa
A highly contagious skin disease caused by a parasite called a mite is
An infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice is:
pediculosis capitis
An acute, localized bacterial infection of the hair follicle that produces constant pain is a:
The thickness or diameter of the individual hair strand is referred to as hair:
Hair that has the largest diameter and usually requires more processing is:
coarse hair
The measurement that describes the number of individual hair strands on 1 square inch of the scalp is
The ability of the hair to absorb moisture is called:
Chemical services performed on hair with low porosity require a solution that is
more alkaline
The ability of hair to stretch and return to its original length without breaking is referred to as hair:
Hair flowing in the same direction, the result of follicles sloping in the same direction form a:
Hair stream
Dry hair and scalp should be treated with products that contain moisturizers and:
The element of hair design that defines hair and space is
Lines a constant distance apart in the same direction that are used to create width in a hair design
horizontal lines
The type of line used to make a hairstyle appear longer and narrower is a(n):
Vertical line
Curved lines repeating in opposite directions create a(n):
Contrasting lines that are horizontal and vertical lines that create a hard edge and form __
90 degree angle
Curved lines that are used to blend and soften horizontal or vertical lines are:
Transitional Lines
Another name for the form or mass of a hairstyle is
The part of the overall design that the client will respond to first is the.
The area surrounding the form or the area the hairstyle occupies is
The wave pattern used to accentuate the face and narrow a round head shape should be
The element used to define texture and line and tie design elements together is
To draw a line in a hairstyle in the direction you want the eye to travel, use a:
Light color
The comparative relationship of one thing to another in hair design is called
Establishing equal or appropriate proportions to create symmetry in a design:
The hair design where both sides of a hairstyle form a mirror image of each other is said to have:
symmetrical balance
The regular pulsation or recurrent pattern of movement in a design is the:
The principle of hair design that holds all the elements of design together is
The two defining characteristics of hair type are:
Wave patterns and hair texture
A clients face shape is determined by the position and prominence of the
Facial bones
The facial shape that is one and a half times longer than it's width across the brow is the
Oval face
The styling choice for a client with a round facial type would be a style that has
volume on top and closeness or no volume at sides
To offset or round out the square facial type, choose a style that has:
Volume around areas between the temples and jaw and adds width around ears
The outline of the face, head, and figure seen in a side view is the
The profile that is considered to be ideal is the
straight profile
Lighter highlights may be used at the temples to create the illusion of:
Do not massage or manipulate a client's scalp if you detect the presence of:
Scalp treatments and massage may be performed:
before or during the shampoo
Massage is contraindicated for clients with:
severe, uncontrolled hypertension
Antidandruff shampoos and conditioners contain antifungal agents that suppress the growth of:
The hair should never be brushed prior to a
Chemical Service
Brushes with bristles that have tiny overlapping layers or scales, which clean and add luster to the hair, are:
Any client with an infectious disease should not be serviced and should be referred to a:
To be effective, a shampoo must remove all dirt, oils, cosmetics, and skin debris without:
adversely affecting scalp or hair
To prevent fatigue, muscle aches, and back strain when performing a shampoo, maintain good
Hair that has been lightened, colored, permed, or chemically relaxed is called:
chemically treated
Products are classified as either an alkaline solution or an acidic solution by measuring the amount of:
Shampoo that can leave the hair dry and brittle and cause fading in color-treated hair is:
High-pH Shampoo
Water is the most abundant and important element on Earth and is classified as a(n):
universal solvent
The treatment that passes water through a porous substance, such as charcoal or a filter, to be purified is known as:
The water purification process used in the manufacture of cosmetics where water is heated to a vapor then collected as a liquid
Main ingredient in most shampoos
Ingredients in shampoos are listed according to the percentages of each ingredient or in:
descending order
The water-attracting head of the surfactant molecule is:
The lipophilic tail of a surfactant molecule is considered to be
Oil Attracting
Shampoos that help close the hair cuticle and are balanced to the pH of skin and hair are:
Two conditioning agents that restore moisture and elasticity to the hair shaft are:
protein and biotin
Products that do not remove artificial color from the hair are considered to be:
Shampoos that contain special chemicals or drugs that are effective in reducing excessive dandruff or relieving other scalp conditions are:
Medicated Shampoos
Which type of shampoo should be used when a buildup is evident, after swimming, and prior to all chemical services?
Clarifying shampoo
Shampoos that are created by combining the surfactant base with basic color pigments are:
Substances that absorb moisture or promote the retention of moisture are known as
Which of the following conditioning agents removed oil accumulation from the scalp and is used after a scalp treatment and before styling
scalp astringent lotions
When securing a cape as draping for a basic shampoo, do not let the cape touch the:
client's skin
During the shampoo procedure, apply small quantities of shampoo to the hair beginning at the:
When manipulating the scalp during a shampoo, begin at the front hairline and work in a(n):
A back and forth movement.
Do not use high-frequency current on hair treated with tonics or lotions that contain: