Count of Monte Cristo Characters

Edmond Dantes

first mate of Pharaon; sent to jail jail for treason;seeks revenge on Danglars, Fernand, and Villefort;goes under aliases of Abbe Busoni, Sindbad the Sailor, Lord Wilmore, and the Count of Monte Cristo


Edmond Dantes' fiance; marries Fernand while Dantes is in jail

Louis Dantes

Dantes' father; starves to death while dantes is in jail


innkeeper; becomes criminal; blackmails and is killed by Benedetto

Baron Danglars

decides to frame Dantes for treason; he is wealthy until Monte Cristo takes revenge and he loses everything

Monsieur de Villefort

public prosecutor who sends Dantes to jail; has affair with Madame Danglars; goes insane when Monte Cristo allows almost his whole family to be killed

Abbe Faria

the priest who Dantes meets in prison; reveals Spada family treasure to Edmond


Dantes's steward; has vendetta against Villefort; stepfather of Benedetto


daughter of Ali Pasha; sold to slavery after her father is betrayed by Fernand and murdered; Dantes purchases her and falls in love with her


Monte Cristo's mute Nubian slave

Albert de Morcerf

son of Fernand and Mercedes; abandons his father with Mercedes

Madame Danglars

Baron's wife; involved in a never ending string of love affairs which bring her husband to financial ruin

Madame de Villefort

public prosecutor's wife; poisons Monsieur and Madame de Saint Meran, Barrois, and Valentine; later kills herself and Edouard


public prosecutor's daughter; in love with Maximilien;poisoned by her stepmother


son of Dantes' former employer; in love with Valentine

Eugenie Danglars

Baron's daughter; on her wedding night she leaves for Italy with her piano teacher, Louise d'Armilly

Franz d'Epinay

friend of Albert's; meets the count in Rome during carnival; arranged to marry Valentine

Lucien Debray

French minister of the interior's secretary; sneaks government secrets to his lover, Madame Danglars


well known journalist; Albert's good friend


he is a baron; friend of Albert; Maximilien saves his life

Doctor d'Avrigny

doctor treating Villefort family

Monsieur Noirtier

public prosecutor's father; formerly a high-ranking Bonapartist; becomes paralyzed after suffering an apoplectic stroke


illegitimate son of Villefort and Madame Danglars; raised by Bertuccio and his sister-in-law; goes by the name Andrea Cavalcanti in one of Dantes' revenge schemes