Chemistry Chapter 1 Test

What are 3 damaging effects due to UV radiation from the sun?

sunburn, lower crop yields, food chain distributed

What role does ozone play in radiation exposure on Earth?

ozone layer absorbs most UV radiation before it reaches Earth's surface

What is a chemical?

any substance that has a definite composition

What is the composition of ozone?

3 particles (atoms) of oxygen

What is the chemical formula of ozone?


What are the layers of the Earth's atmosphere (starting closest to the Earth)?

troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere

Describe the troposphere, what occurs there?

lowest layer, contains the air we breathe, where weather occurs and planes fly, extends to about 15 km

Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer?

stratosphere (about 90% of Earth's ozone)


O2 + Sunlight = O + O
O2 + O = O3

How does ozone move around Earth?

air currents in the stratosphere

Explain how ozone makes a convenient marker to follow the flow of air in the stratosphere.

Ozone forms over the equator where the sun's rays are the strongest and flows toward the poles

Ozone is actually formed in the higher regions of the stratosphere, but it is stored in the ______ region.
