Modern Chemistry: chapter 3 test Flashcards

antione-laurent de lavosier laid the foundation of chemical sciences
by establishing the important laws of

chemical combinations

what did antoine-laurent de lavosier have a strong influence on?

histories of chemistry and biology

who established the law of conservation of mass

antoine l lavoiser

which law states "mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a
chemical reaction"?

law of conservation of mass

the substances that combine or react are called


the new substance/substances formed are called


which law says " if two or more different compounds are composed
of the same two elements, then the ratio of the masses of the second
element combined with a certain mass of the first element is a always
a ratio"?

law of multiple proportions

h2o has a ratio of


h2o2 has a ratio of


which law says "a chemical compound always contains exactly the
same proportions of elements by mass

law of constant porportions

what is another name for the law of constant proportions?

law of definite proportions

who developed the atomic theory

john dalton

atoms of a given element are identical in

size, mass, and other properties

elements are made of extremelly small particles called


atoms cannot be

subdivided, created, or destroyed

atoms of different elements combine in what kind of ratios to form
chemical compounds?

whole-number ratios

in chemical reactions, atoms are

combined, separated, or rearranged

all matter is composed of


atoms can be defined as the smallest particle of matter than can take
part in what kind of reactions?


are atoms small?

yes, very very small

what charge do protons have


if you change the number of protons, what happens?

you change the element

what charge do neutrons have

neutral. NO charge

what charge do electrons have


if you change the number of electrons, what happens?

you change the charge

can atoms be seen with the naked eye?


do atoms exist in a free state in nature?

no, but they do take part in chemical reactions

the size of an atom is indicated by what

its radius

the mass of an atom is called what

atomic mass

the atomic number is equal to the number of _____ of each atom?


the mass number is the total number of ____ and ____ added together

protons and neutrons

what are isotopes

atoms of the same element that have different masses

whats the most stable carbon isotope?

carbon 12

avogadro's number is what

6.022 x 1023

molecule definition

group of 2 or more atoms that are chemically bonded together, that
is, tightly held together by attractive forces

when converting from g to moles, what do you do?

you out the given gram over 1 and multiply by 1 mol over the
atomic(or molar) mass of the given

when converting from mol to mass, what do you do?

you put the given over 1 and multiply by the molar/atomic mass over 1 mol

when converting mol to atoms, what do you do?

you put the given over 1 and multiply by 6.022 x 1023 over 1

when converting from grams to mass, what do you do?

you put the given over 1 and multiply by 1 mol over the atomic mass
and then multiply by 6.022 x 1023 over 1 mol

when converting from atoms to moles, what do you do?

you put the given over 1 and multiply by 1 mol over 6.022 x 1023