Chemical Bonding

Chemical bond

A mutual electrical attraction between the nuclei and valence electrons of different atoms that binds the atoms together is called an

Valence electrons

the electrons involved in the formation of a chemical bond are called

High potential energy

As independent particles, most atoms are at a

Low potential energy

atoms naturally move toward

Decrease potential energy creating more stable arrangements of matter

. as atoms bond with each other they..... creating ....

Non-polar covalent

If 2 covalently vonded atoms are indentical, the bond is

Electro negativity

when atoms share electrons, the electrical attraction of an atom for the shared electrons is called the atom's


.if the atoms that share electrons have an unequal attraction for the electrons, the bond is called

Valence electrons/1 or more pair of electrons

what are shared in a covalent bond

Purely ionic and partly convalent

most chemical bonds are

More strongly than the other

.non-polar covalent bonds are not common because one atom usually attracts electrons

Ionic character in the bond

the greater the electronegitivity difference between two bonded atoms, the greater the percentage of


.a neutral group of atoms held together by covalent bonds is

Molecular or chemical formula

show the types and numbers of atoms joined in a single molecule of a molecular compound'


when a stable covalent bond forms, the potential energy of the atoms

Potential energy is at a minimum

Bond length is the average distance between two bonded atoms at which

Noble gases

what group of elements satisfies the octet rule without forming compounds

Least electronegative

in drawing a Lewis structure the central atom is generally the atom that has

Number of valence electrons

to draw a lewis structure one must know the

Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen

multiple covalent bonds may occur in molecules that contain


the effect of a molecule that contains a single bond and a double bond that splits its time existing as one of these two structures known as

Ratio of ions present in a sample of any size

the chemical formula for an ionic compound represents the


how many oppositely charged particles are around a compound

Crystal lattice

the ions in most ionic compounds are organized into a

Repel each other

in a crystal, the electrons of adjacent ions

Lattice energy

the energy released when 1 mol of an ionic crystalline compound is formed from gaseous ions is called the

Strength of ionic bond

the lattice energy is a measure of the

Lower potential energy

compared with energies of neutral atoms, a crystal lattice has

Boiling points-high ionic
ductility- covalent
Melting points-ioinc

relative strengths of ionic bonds and covalent bonds and the effect that it has on properties

Metallic bonding

a chemical bond formed by the attraction between positive ions and surrounding mobile electrons is


compared with nonmetals, the number of valence electrons in metals is generally

make a surrounding sea and move freely

in metals, valence electrons

sea of electrons

in metallic bonds, the mobile electrons surrounding the positive ions are called

have luster

to appear shiny, a material must be able to

ability to reflect/obsorb light and reemit it

the shiny apperance of a metal is most closely related to the metal's


if a material can be shapped or extended by physical pressure, such as hammering, which property does the material have?

attracted to sea of electrons rather than another atom

why are metals malleable because the metallic bonding

their chemical bonds

what best explains the observation that metals are malleable and ionic crystals are brittle?

the molecule geometry of a bond or shape of atom

VSEPR theory is a model for predicing

VSEPR theory

concept that electronstatic repulsion between electron pairs surrounding an atom causes these pairs to be separated as far as possible is the foundation of


compared with molecular bonds, the strength of intermolecular forces is

boiling point- more polar higher freezing point

know the effect of molecule polarity has on properties such as:

B, Be, H, P, S, Xe

exceptions to the octet rule