chemistry exams


How many grams are in 25.3 centigrams?


What is NOT an appropriate unit for measuring density?


How many significant digits are in the value 530, 405, 000?


Convert 63.7 Celsius into Kelvin. (K = C + 273)


Which term describes the amount of mass contained per unit volume?

0 kelvin

Absolute zero" refers to?


How many significant digits with the product of these numbers have? 56.2 x 9.2057.


Matter that has a uniform and unchanging composition is called a pure substance.


A solid cannot be compressed because its particles are tightly packed.


The terms gas and vapor can be used interchangeably.


An intensive physical property is one that depends on the amount of matter present.


A change of state is a chemical change because ice and water do not resemble one another.


When a chemical change occurs, the products have a greater mass than the reactants.


Compounds can be separated into their component elements by a series of physical changes.


Mixtures can be separated by a series of physical changes.


The magnetization of an iron rod is an example of a chemical change.


The change in the color of trees leaves in the fall is an example of a physical change.


What is an extensive physical property?


Which is the separation technique that relies on different boiling points of the mixture?

Carbon Dioxide

Which is a compound? Sodium, sea water, carbon dioxide, or copper.


According to the Law of Conservation of Mass, in any chemical change the mass of reactants is blank to the mass of blank.


Which is an intensive physical property? Color, Mass, Length, Volume.


Which of the following substances is an element? Baking soda, Iron, Salt or Sugar.


A chemical composition of two or more different elements joined together in fixed proportions is known as a compound or element?

Definite Proportions

The law of blank states that a compound is always composed of the same elements in the same proportion by mass.

Chemical Change

A piece of wood burning is an example of a? physical/chemical property or change.

Physical Change

Evaporation of water is an example of a? physical/chemical property or change.

Physical Property

Density is an example of what?


A homogenous mixture can be separated by what method?


Salt water: hetero or homo


Snickers candy bar: hetero or homo


Chocolate chip cookie: hetero or homo


Air: hetero or homo


Vegetable soup: hetero or homo


Kool - Aid: hetero or homo


Dirt and rocks: hetero or homo


Salt & water: sorting, distillation, filtration, chromatography, crystallization.


Sand & water: sorting, distillation, filtration, chromatography, crystallization.


Alcohol & water: sorting, distillation, filtration, chromatography, crystallization.


What is a qualitative measurement? Color, mass, time, length.


What is a quantitative measurement? Hardness, color, taste, temperature.


When conducting an experiment, you should only manipulate one variable at a time: true/false.


The volume of a balloon increases as it is heated. The volume of the balloon is the dependent variable: true/false.


Mass is defined by anything that can be observed: true/false.


A control is the part of the experiment that the other results will be compared to true/false.


Which scientist described a positively charged core ("nucleus") in the middle of a lot of empty space? Chadwick, Thompson, Rutherford, Bohr.

Radium and polonium

Marie and Pierre Curie isolated which radioactive elements?


Which scientist described the existence of the neutron? Chadwick, Thompson, Rutherford, Bohr.


Which one is comprised of the other three? Proton, atom, electron, neutron.

Proton and Neutron

Which one(s) have a mass of 1 amu? Electrons, proton, proton and neutron, electron and proton.


Which is the smallest part of an element that retains all the properties of an element? Proton, atom, electron, neutron.


Which element has 14 protons? Nitrogen, Silicon, Aluminum, Sulfur.


Which scientist measured the charge on an electron as 1.602 x 10 - 19 Coulombs? Democritus, Millikan, Rutherford, Bohr.

Protons and Neutrons

According to the modern concept of the atom, which are located in the nucleus of an atom? Electrons & protons, protons only, protons & neutrons, neutrons & electrons.

Strong Nuclear Force

The force that holds protons together in the nucleus is called? Strong nuclear force, nuclear gravitation, static electricity, delta particles.


What is the charge on a Gamma ray? 0, 1, 1+, 1-.

Delta particles

Which of the following are not produced by nuclear decay? Alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, delta particles.

High mass

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Beta radiation? Pass through clothing & damage skin, more penetrating than alpha particles, high mass, can be stopped by heavy clothing.


Who was the first to propose that matter is composed of tiny invisible particles? Democritus, Aristotle, Dalton, Rutherford.


Aristotle names atoms atoms. True/False.


A cathode ray tube consists of a stream of protons. True/False.


In a neutral atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons. True/False.


Gamma rays emits energy but no particles. True/False.


Nuclear decay can change one element into another. True/False.


Isotopes are forms of an elements that have the same number of protons but a different number of electrons. True/False.


The atomic mass unit is based on the element carbon - 12. True/False.


A proton is a subatomic particle carrying a charge equal to but opposite that of an electron. True/False.

Aufbau Principle

Electrons must be added one at a time to the lowest energy orbitals available according to: Heisenberg Uncertainty Rule, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund's Rule, Aufbau Principle.


Which of the following elements is an exception to the Aufbau principle? Carbon, sulfur, copper, iron.

Distribution among orbitals

What information about electrons is given by the electron configuration? Density of the electron cloud, distribution among orbitals, path within the principle quantum level, average mass of the atom.

In the ground state

When electrons are in their lowest energy orbitals available the atom is... Unstable, in an excited state, chemically unreactive, in the ground state.

2 electrons with the opposite spin

The Pauli exclusion principle states that each orbital in an atom can hold: 1 electron with no spin, 1 electron with spin, 2 electron with the same spin, 2 electrons with the opposite spin.

Position and velocity

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that two things of an electron cannot be simultaneously measured: mass and velocity, position and velocity, position and mass.

Atomic orbitals

What is the region around the nucleus where electrons can be found called? Atomic orbitals, atomic orbits, electron density, orbital quantum.


The blank orbital is shaped like a sphere. S, P, D, F.

Hund's Rule

States that electrons occupy equal energy orbitals so that a maximum number of unpaired electrons result. Heisenberg Uncertainty Rule, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund's Rule, Aufbau Principle.

Excited state

When electrons are in a level of higher energy they are said to be at ground state, excited state, chemically unreactive.

Absorbs energy

When an electron jumps from a ground state to an excited state it: absorbs energy, emits energy, fuses with other electrons.

Outermost energy level

Valence electrons are founs: outermost energy level, innermost energy level, outside of the atom, in the nucleus.


A "F" orbital can have how many orientations? 1, 3, 5, 7.


The number of electrons in an orbital diagram depends on the orbital's shape. True/False.


A quantum is a specific amount of energy. True/False.


There are a total of 3 different types of d-orbital. True/False.


An element can be identified by the characteristic bright-line atomic emission spectrum it can produce. True/False.


The maximum number of allowed valence electrons in any atom is 8.