Chemistry Ch 6

chemical bond

mutual electrical attraction between the nuclei and valence electrons of different atoms that binds the atoms together

potential energy

atoms decrease in __ when bonding

metallic bonding

chemical bonding that results from the bonding of valence electrons in metal atoms

metallic bonding

metal and metal (bonding)

ionic bonding

chemical bonding that results from the electrical attraction between large numbers of cations and anions

ionic bonding, transfer

In __, atoms completely __ electrons to other atoms

metallic bonding

unique properties: electrical properties, luster, malleability, ductility


Highest energy levels of most __ atoms are occupied by very few electrons

very few electrons

Highest energy of most metal atoms are occupied by ___

overlap and bend

In metallic bonding, vacant orbitals ___


(Metallic bonding) The electrons become ___

sea of electrons

empty orbitals

the sea of electrons/empty orbitals

delocalized electrons move freely in __

metallic bond

Chemical bonding that results from attraction between metals atoms and surrounding sea of electrons is ___

attraction, metal atoms, sea of electrons

a metallic bond results from the ___ between ___ and the ___

ionic bonding

metal + nonmetal

metallic bonding

metal + metal

covalent bonding

nonmetal + nonmetal, or nonmetal + metal if <1.7 EN

metal + nonmetal

types of elements bonded(ionic)

metal + metal

types of elements bonded (metallic)

nonmetal + nonmetal, nonmetal + metal if EN <1.7

types of elements bonded (covalent)

increases, decreases

electronegativity __ across a period and __ down a group

equally shared

in a nonpolar covalent bond, valence electrons are

not shared equally

in a polar covalent bond, valence electrons are


In an ionic bond, valence electrons are


atom with highest electronegativity


atom with lowest electronegativity

anions, cations

ionic compound, composed of __ and __ ions that are combined so that the numbers of positive and negative charges are equal

ionic compound

composed of cations and anions that are combined so that the numbers of positive and negative charges are equal

smallest ratio

Chemical formula of an ionic compound represents the ___ of the compounds combined ions

chemical formula

___ of an ionic compound represents the smallest ratio of the compounds combined ions


Chemical formula of a(n) ___ compound represents the smallest ratio of the compounds combined ions

compounds combined ions

Chemical formula of an ionic compound represents the smallest ratio of the ____

formula unit

simplest collection of atoms from which an ionic compound's formula can be established


the ratio of the compound/formula unit depends on the __ of the ions combined

do not

Compounds ____ a charge

ionic compounds

a formula unit is only used for ____

unit cell

smallest unit of the crystal lattice

crystalline lattice

in order to minimize potential energy, they combine in an orderly arrangement known as a ___

lattice energy

the energy released when one mole of an ionic crystalline compound is formed from gaseous ions


Energy is ____ when crystals are formed.


In ionic compounds valence electrons are ___ from one atom to another.

high electronegativity, low electronegativity

ionic compounds most have an elements with a ___ and an element with a ____


In ionic compounds __ ions are formed

opposite charges

The two ions formed by an ionic compound are attracted to each other by their

lose, positive

(ionic) metals __ valence electrons and have __ charges


neutral group of atoms that are held together by covalent bonds

molecular compound

chemical compound whose simplest units are molecules

chemical formula

the composition of a compound is given by its ___

chemical formula

indicates the relative numbers of each kind of chemical compound by using atomic symbols and numerical subscripts

composition of a compound

the ____ is given by its chemical formula

diatomic molecule

a molecule containing only 2 atoms

shared pair

pair of electrons involved in bonding

lone or unshared pair

pair of electrons that are not involved in bonding

structural formula

indicates the kind, number, and arrangement of bonds, but not the unshared pairs of the atoms in a molecule

Lewis structures

formulas in which atomic symbols represent nuclei and inner-shell electrons, dot-pairs or dashes between two atomic symbols represent shared pairs in covalent bond, and dots adjacent to only one atomic symbol represent unpaired electrons

nuclei, inner-shell electrons

In a Lewis structure the atomic symbols represent __ and ___

shared pairs

In a Lewis structure the dot-pairs or dashes represent __ in a covalent bond

unpaired electrons/lone pairs

In a Lewis structure the dots adjacent to only one atomic symbol represent __


The properties of molecules depend not only on the __ of the atoms but also on the molecular geometry

molecular geometry

The properties of molecules depend not only on the bonding of the atoms but also on the ___

molecular polarity

the uneven distribution of molecular charge

molecular charge

molecular polarity is the uneven distribution of ___

valence shell electron pair repulsion


VSEPR theory

states that repulsion between the sets of valence level electrons surrounding an atom causes these sets to be oriented as far as possible away from each other

ionic compounds

High MP, High BP, not volatile, solutions conduct electricity, soluble in H2O, not soluble in ethanol


ability to create a gas

molecular or covalent compounds

Low MP, Low BP, volatile, solutions conduct electricity, only polar compounds soluble in H2O, will dissolve polar and nonpolar solutions

dipole-dipole forces

forces of attraction between polar molecules


created by equal but opposite charges that are separated by a short distance

positive, negative

polar covalent molecules have ___ and __ ends


Intermolecular forces are __ than bonds

are not

Intermolecular forces __ bonds


It takes __ energy to separate molecules for intermolecular forces than bonds

hydrogen bonding

the strongest of the dipole-dipole forces

hydrogen bonding

the intermolecular force in which a hydrogen atom that is bonded to a highly electronegative atom is attracted to an unshared pair of electrons of an electronegative atom in a nearby molecule


Hydrogen bonding occurs between __ molecules

dipole-induced forces

intermolecular forces between a polar and nonpolar molecule

dipole-dipole forces

intermolecular forces between two polar molecules

weak, temporary

dipole-induced forces are very ___ and __

London Dispersion Forces

intermolecular forces between two nonpolar molecules

molar mass increases

London dispersion forces increase when the ___

London Dispersion Forces

weakest of all intermolecular forces

Dipole-Dipole, Dipole-induced, London Dispersion Forces

order of intermolecular forces from strongest to weakest

all atoms, all molecules

The London Dispersion Forces exists between ___ and ___.

weak attractive forces

The London Dispersion Forces arise from the __ of the electrons on one molecule for the nuclei of another molecule.

London Dispersion Forces

___ are the only way noble gases stay together