Chapter 3 Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms

List 5 examples of electromagnetic radiation.

Visible light, X rays, ultraviolet, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves.

What is the speed of all forms of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum?

3.0 x 10 (8) meters per second

Relate the frequency and wavelength of any form of electromagnetic radiation.

They are mathematically related to each other,
written as c=yv

List properties of light closest to wave theory.


List properties of light closest to particle theory.


What are the frequency and wavelength ranges of visible light?


Colors of light in the visible spectrum in order of increasing frequency.


How are the wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic radiation related?


How are the energy and frequency of electromagnetic radiation related?


How are the energy and wavelength of electromagnetic realted?


Theory of light, wave or particle, that best explains the interference of light.


Theory of light, wave or particle, that best explains the photoelectric effect.


Theory of light , wave or particle, that best explains the emission of electomagnetic radiation by an excited atom.


Ground State

the lowest energy state of an atom

Excited State

a state in which an atom has a higher potential energy than it has in its ground state

Two major shortcomings of Bohrs madel of the atom.


What is the pricipal quantum number?

Symbolized by n , indicates the main energy level occupied by the electron. ( positive intergers only )

What are the principal quantum number shells?

Orbitals around a nucleus

What information is given by the angular momentum quantum number?

Shape of an orbital

What information in given by the magnetic quantum number ?

Indicates the orientation of an orbital around the nucleus

What information is given by the spin quantum number ?

Indicate the two fundamental spin states of an electron in an orbital

Aufbau principle

an electron occupies the lowest-energy orbital that can receive it

Hund's rule

orbitals of equal energy are each occupied by one electron before any orbital is occupied by a second electron, and all electrons in singly occupied orbitals must have the same spin

Pauli exclusion principle

no two electrons in the same atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers

What is meant by the highest occupied energy level in an atom ?


What are inner shell electrons ?


What are the noble gases?


What is a noble gas configuration?


How does noble gas notation simplify writing an atoms's electron configuration?


Which has a longer wavelenth, green or yellow light ?


Which has a higher frequency, an X ray ir a microwave?


Which travels at a higher speed, ultraviolet or infared light?


Write both the complete electron confirguration and noble gas notation for the following.


What is the electromagnetic spectrum?


What units are used to express wavelength?


What unit is used to express frequencies of electromagnetic waves?


Describle the major similarities and differences between Schrodingers madel fo the atom and the model proposed by Bohr.


What is an orbital?


Describle an orbital in terms of an electron cloud.
