Chemistry Vocab 1

Scientific Method

A systematic approach used in scientific study that typically includes observation, a hypothesis, experiments, data analysis, and a conclusion.

Qualitative Data

Information describing color, odor, shape, or some other physical characteristic.

Quantitative Data

Numerical information describing how much, how little, how big, how tall, how fast, etc.


A tentative, testable statement or prediction about what has been observed.


A set of controlled observations that test the hypothesis.

Independent Variable

In an experiment, the variable that the experimenter plans to change.

Dependent Variable

In an experiment, the variable whose value depends on the independent variable.


In an experiment, the standard that is used for comparison.


A judgment based on the information obtained.


A visual, verbal, and/or mathematical explanation of data collected from many experiments.


An explanation supported by many experiments; is still subject to new experimental data, can be modified, and is considered successful it if can be used to make predictions that are true.

Scientific Law

Describes a relationship in nature that is supported by many experiments.

Pure Research

A type of scientific investigation that seeks to gain knowledge for thw sake of knowledge itself.

Applied Research

A type of scientific investigation that is undertaken to solve a specific problem.


The practical use of scientific information.