Honors Chemistry Chapter 6

J.W. Dobereiner

a German chemist who came up with the theory of triads

Dmitri Mendeleev

The Russian chemist that developed the first widely accepted periodic table in 1869 as he created the periodic law

Periodic Law

The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers

Metals; Non-Metals; Metalloids

What are the three broad classes of elements?


the organization that came up with precise, internationally accepted system of naming organic compounds


- conducters of heat and electricity
- are malluable and ductile


- are gases at room temperature
- exceptions include sulfur and phosphorous as they are solids.


Elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals.

Blocks of the Periodic Table

Reprentive and Transitive

What are the two types of metals?

Representative Elements

Groups 1A through 7A on the periodic table are called?

Transitive Elements

What kind of element is transitive Metals and Inner transition Metals.

Transitive Metals

Group B elements usually displayed in the main body of the periodic table.

Inner Transition Metals

The elements that appear below the main body of the periodic table


the non-metals of group 7A

Noble Gases

Group 8A

Lewis Dot Structure

diagram of a molecule using dots to represent valence electrons

Atomic Size

increases from top to bottom within a group and decreases from left to right across a period.

Atomic Radius

one-half the distance between the nuclei of two atoms of the same element when the atoms are joined


A negatively charged ion


A positively charged ion

Ionization Energy

The amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom


An atom that is charged either positively or negatively


the ability of an atom of an element to attract electrons when the atom is in a compound

What kind of particles are always larger than the neutral atoms?

Negative Ions