Chem 7

What follows an element's symbol in a chemical formula to indicate the number of atoms of that element in one molecule of the compound?

subscripted number

The chemical formula for an ionic compound represents one

formula unit

What is the correct name for the NO3- ion?


What is the correct formula for copper (i) cyanide?


What is the correct name for the compound P2Cl4?

diphosphorus tetrachloride

What is the correct formula for the compound made of magnesium and nitrogen?


Oxidation numbers are used to indicate the

charge of an ion

What is the oxidation number of nickel in NiCO3?


What is the correct name for the compound Ni2O3 using the Stock system?

Nickel (iii) oxide

What is the oxidation number of phosphorus in the PD4(3-) ion?


What is the mass percentage of cobalt in cobalt (ii) fluoride, CoF2?


What is the mass of 4.80 mol of barium hydride, BaH2?


Which of the following molecular formulas does not have the corresponding empirical formula XY2Z?


The simplest whole number ratio of moles of each element in a compound is known as the

empirical formula

Changing a subscript in a correctly written chemical formula will

change the formula so that it no longer represents the same compound

Using the Stock system of naming, Cr2(SO4)3 is named

chromium (lll) sulfate

In a polyatomic ion, the algebraic sum of the oxidation numbers of all atoms is equal to

the charge of the ion

The first part of the name of a binary ionic compound is the


The empirical formula may not represent the actual composition of a(n)

molecular compound

The formula for phosphoric acid is


To determine the correct molecular formula of a compound from an empirical formula, one must determine the

formula mass

***Write the oxidation number for the given element:
Sulfur in H2SO4


Oxygen in peroxides (H2O2)


Magnesium in MgO


Silicon in SiCl4


***Write the formulas for the following compounds:
Silicon dioxide


Carbon tetriodide


Tin(lV) chromate


Barium hydroxide


***Write the names of the following compounds, using whichever prefix is indicated:
PI3, Stock system

Phosphide (III) iodide

N2O4 Traditional

Dinitride tetraoxide

Fe(NO2)2 Stock system

Iron (II) nitrite

CCl4 Traditional

Carbon tetrachloride

CO Traditional

Carbon monoxide

CuCO3 Stock system

Copper (II) Carbonate

Formulas and Names
Ca 2+ and Cl -

CaCl2 Calcium Chloride

Pb 2+ and CrO4 -2charge

PbCrO4 Lead (II) Chromate

Name ions
38. CN -1charge


39. O -2charge


40. OH -1charge


What is the molar mass of tetraethyl lead, Pb(C2H5)4?

323.2 g

What is the formula mass of copper(ll) chloride, CuCl2?

134.6 u

What is the percentage composition of CuCl2 by mass?

47.25% Cu & 52.75% Cl

What is the mass of 0.240 mol glucose, C6H12O6?


What is the empirical formula for a sample of a compound that contains
259.2 g F and 40.8 g C?


The empirical formula for a compound is C2H5 and its formula mass is 58
amu. What is its molecular formula?


A sample of a compound is 80% carbon and 20% hydrogen by mass. Its
formula mass is 30 amu. What is the molecular formula?
