Baroque, Middle Ages, Renaissance


Musical ornament consisting of the rapid alternation of two tones that are a whole or half step apart

Basso Continuo

Baroque accompaniment made up of a bass part usually played by two instruments;a keyboard plus a low melodic instrument. (Bassoon or Bass)


Song for solo voice with orchestral accompaniment. Usually expressing an emotional state through its outpouring of melody;found in operas, oratorios, and cantatas


A composition in several movements for solo voice(s), instruments, and perhaps also chorus. Depending on the text, cantatas are categorized as secular or church cantatas


Variation of a fugue subject in which the original time values of the subject are shortened.


Polyphonic composition based on one main theme, or subject


A medieval dance that is one of the earliest surviving forms of instrumental music


Long, sustained tone or tones accompanying a melody

Church Modes

Scales containing seven tones with an eighth tone duplicating the first an octave higher, but with patterns of whole and half steps different from major and minor scales

Gregorian Chant

Melodies set to sacred Latin texts, sung without accompaniment


Plucked string instrument shaped like half a pear;used in Renaissance and baroque music


Composition for several voices set to a short secular poem, combining homophonic and polyphonic textures and often using word paintings


Text of an opera


Polyphonic choral work set to a sacred latin text other than that of the mass

Minuet and Trio

Compositional form in three parts; minuet(A), trio(B), minuet(A)


Medieval polyphony that consists of Gregorian chant and one or more additional melodic lines


Large-scale composition for chorus, vocal soloists, and orchestra. No opera setting, but based on biblical stories


short musical composition, purely orchestral, which opens an opera and set the overall dramatic mood

Pedal Point

Single tone, usually in the bass, which is held while the other voices produce a series of changing harmonies against it


Vocal line in an opera, oratorio, or cantata that imitates the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of speech. (Leads an aria)


One of the main poetic and musical forms in fourteenth and fifteenth century France


A repeated section of music usually played by the full orchestra, or tutti


A form featuring a main theme (A) that returns several times in alteration with other themes. (ABACADAE...)

Secco Recitative

Speech like melody that is sung by a solo voice accompanied by a basso continuo


An instrumental composition in several movements for one to eight players

Terraced Dynamics

Abrupt alternation between loud and soft dynamic levels


The full orchestra, or a large group of musicians contrasted with a smaller group(All play together)

Word Painting

Musical representation of specific poetic images

First person to create opera?

Claudio Monteverdi- "Orfeo


human tune was sung to a german religious text. They had only one note to a syllable and moved in steady rhythm


The main theme of a fugue is a?


Original time values are lengthened


A polyphonic choral composition made up of five sections (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei)


The texture of Gregorian Chant


Focused on human life and accomplishments

Mass Ordinary

Consists of texts that remain the same from day to day throughout the church year


Piece that sounds fairly complete and independent but is part of a larger composition

Who wrote the Messiah?

George Frederick Handel

Over 50 movements

The Messiah