Music Exam 3

general characteristics of classic music (include dates)

- 1750-1800
- focus on balance and proportion, clarity, and accessability
-background music
-melody and accompaniment

chamber music

small group of musicians
-duos, trios, quartets, quintets

string quartet (list instruments)

2 violin

comic opera

simpler, light, down to earth characters happy ending

last few years of Motzart's life he composed five operas. Yudkin lists three. what are these three?

Marriage of Fiegro
Don Giovanni
Magic flute

describe the three phases of Beethoven's creative output

1. 1792-1802: composed symphony 1&2
2. Heroic phase: 1802-1812: symphony 3-8. The length of symphonies got longer and he found out he was deaf.
3. 1820-1827: 9th symphony

Through-composed songs

music is different for each stanza

song cycle

composers ling together a group of songs
may present a series of songs that are woven togehter to make a narriative


polish folk dance notibly by Chopin


moody, introspective pieces
ABA pattern


robbed" - Chopin
player keeps the tempo going in the accompaniment while the melody slows down slightly before catching up a moment later.
can suggest the kind of expressive freedom

symphonic poem

a piece of orchestral or concert band music, usually in a single continuous section (a movement) that illustrates or evokes the content of a poem, short story, novel, painting, landscape, or other (non-musical) source.


study or practice of writing music for an orchestra (or, more loosely, for any musical ensemble) or of adapting for an orchestra music composed for another medium.

Henry Purcell


Antonio Vivaldi


Johann Sebastian Bach


George Frideric Handel


Franz Joseph Haydn


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Franz Schubert


Hector Berlioz


Feliz Mendelssohn


Fryderyk Chopin


Robert Schumann


what is the secret of Beethoven's style according to Yudkin?

the way he justaposes strong and tender passages within the same work


the technique of manipulating orchestral sounds
-sound is a matter of how an orchestra is used
-large orchestra can be used to produce a different range of instruments

symphonic poem

relatively short or chestral work in 1 continuous movement, though it may fall into contrasting sections

classic vs. romantic (orchestra)

classic: 25-30 players
romantic: 60 or more players

classic vs. romantic (tempo)

classic: slow or fast, few changes
romantic: greater extremes of tempo - more changeable within a movement

classic vs. romantic (expression)

classic: rarely indicated
romantic: often indicated

classic vs. romantic (melody)

classic: short, balanced
romantic: longer, more variety

general characteristics of Baroque music (include dates)

- 1600-1750
- organization, balance, order
- regular metric organization (regular beat)
- major and minor scales
- strong baseline


-stories told through music, origanny about mythological characters but became more about real life in the classical era
- includes music, dancing, costumes and stage craft


short, unstaged opera in a single scene


1 instrument vs a whole orchestra
a few instruments against a full orchestra


a piece for a chamberwork - smaller group of instruments


protestant hymn sung in unison by the entire congregation
simple melody and regular rhythm


sacred, unstaged dramatic work (opera) based on a religous theme
(similar to a cantata but longer)


(similar to oratorio)
unstaged opera. describes gospel accounts of last days of Jesus

basso continuo

small groups of instruments - harpischord and low strings.
provides support for piece


short orchestra passage that recurs throughout a piece section of music that occurs over and over again

solo sonata

single instrument in basso continuo (harpisichord and low string)

trio sonata

2 instruments in basso continuo

opera seria

- italian baroque form of opera in 3 axe conventional plots and alternating recitative arias
- serious opera
- standard plot


-free improvisatory work or movement BEFORE the organ


highly organized contrapuntal work featuring a theme or subject that occurs in all voices in turn