Music quizzes

Which characteristic does not apply to the art and music of the baroque period?

Calm, symmetrical organization of events

Which work is not an expression of the baroque artistic spirit?

Leonardo's Mona Lisa

Which instrument never plays in the basso continuo group?


Terraced dynamics describes...

Sharp, abrupt dynamic contrasts found in the music of the baroque era

During baroque era, musicians used three distinct techniques to heighten musical contrast:

Clear alternations between major and minor
Abrupt changes in orchestration
Terraced dynamics

What is figured bass

In musical notation, a numerical shorthand that tells the player which unwritten notes to fill in above the written bass note

Which monarch built a monumental palace that was virtually a small, independent city?

Louis XIV of France

When and where did baroque music first appear

1600 in northern Italy


A prominent genre during the early baroque. It features a vocal soloist singing a highly charged, emotional text with an accompaniment consisting of a few instruments

Basso continuo

Small ensemble of at least two instrumentalists that provides a foundation for the melody above, heard almost exclusively in baroque music

Melodic style of early baroque music

Vocal style marked by quick shifts from long to short notes, expansive and unpredictable rather than short and symmetrical

Harmony during early baroque

Stable, diatonic chords played by basso continuo support melody; clearly defined chord progressions begin to develop; tonality reduced to major and minor keys

Rhythm of early baroque

Regularly repeating, driving rhythms

Texture during early baroque

Predominantly chordal and homophonic; top and bottom lines are the strongest as the basso continuo creates a powerful bass to support the melody above

Best applies to opera

Word literally means work
Origins - 1600 Italy
Dramatic work; actors sing in some/all of works
Usually makes use of elaborate stage sets and costumes


Text of an opera


Musically heightened speech, often used in an opera, oratorio, or cantata to report dramatic action and advance the plot

Simple recitative

Soloist is accompanied by the basso continuo alone


Wlaborate lyrical song for solo voice
Characterized by a melisma tic and virtuosic vocal line
Vocal line generally accompanied by orchestra
Intended to convey emotion rather than plot description


A musical figure, motive, melody, harmony, or rhythm that is repeated again and again

Aria bases in a basso ostinato pattern

Voglio morire" by Strozzi

Henry Purcell

One of the best English composers of all time
Dido and aeneus
Employed as organist
Musician at Westminster abbey at young age, later worked for kinda chapel royal

Barbara strozzi

Father encouraged musical talent with lessons/concerts
Dedicated compositions to prominent members of nobility for money
Possessed fine voice and probably sang her compositions in chamber performances
Wrote 6 collections of cantatas


First major opera in the history of western music

When I am laid in earth" is a ground bass aria for ____

Purcells dido and aeneus

Example of an arioso

Tu se' morta" by Monteverdi

Chamber cantatas

Emphasized accompanied solo singing,
Subject was usually unrequited love or the heroes of ancient history and mythology
Typically lasts 8-15 minutes
Divided into contrasting sections that alternate between recitative and aria


Style of singing halfway between the speech like rhythms of the recitative and virtuosic aria


Instrumental showpiece, originally for solo keyboard but later for instrumental ensemble as well