Chapter 7

Identify the phrase that applies to harmony during the early Baroque era.

stable, diatonic chords played by basso continuo support melody; clearly defined chord progressions begin to develop; tonality reduced to major and minor keys

Texture during the Baroque era was:

predominantly chordal and homophonic; top and bottom lines are the strongest as the basso continuo creates a powerful bass to support the melody above

The viola da gamba, popular during the Baroque period, is most similar to which modern instrument?


What is a "figured bass"?

in musical notation, a numerical shorthand that tells the player which unwritten notes to fill in above the written bass note

What is meant by the term "terraced dynamics"?

a term used to describe the sharp, abrupt dynamic contrasts found in the music of this era

What is the definition of "basso continuo"?

a small ensemble of at least two instrumentalists who provide a foundation for the melody or melodies above, heard almost exclusively in Baroque music

When and where did Baroque music first appear?

around 1600 in northern Italy

Which answer best applies to the early Baroque use of color?

musical timbre becomes enormously varied as traditional instruments are perfected and new combinations of voices and instruments are explored; symphony orchestra begins to take shape

Which characteristic does not apply to the art and music of the Baroque period?

calm, symmetrical organization of events

Which composers were active during the early Baroque period?

Monteverdi, Purcell, Corelli, Vivaldi

Which instrument never plays in the basso continuo group?


Which monarch came to epitomize the grandeur and glory of the Baroque era, building a palace so monumental that it was virtually a small, independent city?

Louis XIV of France

Which statement best applies to the "Doctrine of Affections"?

all of these answers

Which statement correctly identifies the primary genres of composition during the early Baroque period?

cantata, opera, sonata, concerto grosso, orchestral suite

Which work is not an expression of the Baroque artistic spirit?

Leonardo'sMona Lisa