Music Appreciation Exam 3

1. Be familiar with various connotations of the word "classical" and "romantic." Why are they applied to the periods that we have examined?


2. What was Mozart primarily known for in his operas? What are the advantages and disadvantages for composing an opera?

Don Giovanni, The Magic Flute and The Marriage of Figaro

3. What is the difference between opera seria and opera buffa?

Seria" meaning serious, "buffa" meaning a comical opera.

4. Who is the legend of Don Juan?


5. Why was opera important for the general public?


6. How does the "catalogue aria" from Don Giovanni display Mozart's musical wit?


7. What are the comedic and serious elements in Mozart's Don Giovanni?

-The comedic is a lustful man want to dominate as many women as possible.-Seriousness is the fact that, before his fall to hell he understood his doing a did not repent for his actions, for he believed he wasn't wrong.

8. How did the industrial revolution have an impact on the creation and dissemination of music?


9. What are some traits found in the Lied that are often associated with Romanticism?


10. What is a lied? Why would a composer write a song-cycle?


11. Name three threads of Romanticism that are often exhibited in the lied?


12. Who was Johann Gottfried von Herder? What were some of his major contributions to the understanding of the Folk?


13. Be able to describe the history of the Elf King in literature. What has made it such a fascinating subject for adaptation?

A poem/ story/ song with pianist about a son who see's elf king, father doesn't believe him, son dies. It's important to literature because it made song an story go together with pianist. short drama story/songs

14. Who was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe? What are some his contributions to the sphere of cultural and intellectual thought during the romantic age?


15. What is "poetic voice"?


16. Who are the characters present in Schubert's Der Erlk�nig?


17. Describe 3 ways in which the music supports the text in Der Erlkonig?


18. What was the typical venue to perform lieder?


19. Describe 3 ways how Schumann depicts musical irony in Ich Grolle Nicht?


20. Familiarize yourself with the various meaning of the word 'virtuoso.' What did the word mean in other musical periods?


21. What are its positive and negative connotations? What contributed to its demand in the 19th century?


22. What might be some good questions to pose when judging music that appears to be virtuosic?

-What exactly is virtuous about the music; slow, smooth, legato, fast, allegro? Can virtuosity vary from culture to culture? Is the music performer, composer, or audience-centric; self-indulge?

23. Why does culture often depict the virtuoso as a "hero?


24. How is Liszt's idea of virtuosity different than Paganini's? What were some of Liszt's contributions to the history of music?


25. How did musical "museum culture" develop in the nineteenth century? In other words, how does a piece of music become canonized or standardized?

It determines whether standardized or canonized basic on popularity, time period. They brought back music that was old, and if it was popular they would standardized it.

26. Identify and describe three of Wagner's musical contributions.


27. How long did it take for Wagner to compose Der Ring des Nibelungen?

-26 years to complete

28. What is a leitmotive? What are some characteristics of Wagner's leitmotivs? How can they be helpful for character development? How have they been crucial for understanding plots in films?


29. Is it possible to separate the man from the music in the case of Wagner? There is no right or wrong answer here, but you need to be able to defend your position.


30. What were some of his contributions to the Bach Revival?

- saint Matthew passion promoted Bach's as greatest musician ever lived. Key editor for Bach's music.

31. Why is Mendelssohn often considered a musical anachronism by current scholarship? What are the scholarly opinions about this?

-Because he is writing conservative music during the romantic era which prizes enovation. He should've been born in a different time.

32. Define three characteristics of an oratorio


33. How can programmatic descriptions be helpful for the understanding of musical events?


34. What was the Belle �poque? What kinds of advancements in technology, culture, and entertainment took place during this period? Why can it be a good place to start when trying to historicize Stravinky's Rite of Spring?


35. What was the Ballet Russes and who was its director?


36. What is primitivism and why can it be problematic in literate art music?


Who was Vaslav Nijinksy? Name two of his key contributions to the history of ballet.


Name three key musical features in Stravinsky's Rite of Spring.


What were three probable reasons for the infamous riot associated with the Rite of Spring? Did Diaghilev want a riot? Was it class warfare?