
All of the amendments below extended the right to vote to Americans EXCEPT

18th Amendment

These are all examples of a violation of your Civil Rights EXCEPT

You are paid a lower wage because of your ethnic background.

Which landmark court case challenged the "separate but equal doctrine" and decided racial segregation in schools and other public places violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment?

Brown vs Board of Education

Which statement describes an impact of the "due process" and "equal protection" clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment?

Former slaves were guaranteed the right to vote.

Which of the following best describes expressed powers of the National Government?

powers specifically written in the Constitution

The due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment reads, in part, as follows:

No government shall deny any person liberty or the pursuit of happiness without due process of law.

The Constitution grants powers to the Federal Government that include the power to declare war, the power to enter into treaties with foreign nations, and the power to collect taxes. These are all examples of ____________ powers.


My name is Shari, and I am 63 year old woman. I was born and raised in the state of Indiana, and tomorrow I'm headed to the polls to cast my vote for town councilman."Which amendment to the Constitution extended Shari her Civil Right to vote?


The exclusionary rule holds that...

evidence wrongly excluded at trial may not be used in appellate court later.

Which is NOT an example of a civil liberty issue?

A woman is fired after a boss found out she was pregnant

Which of the following best describes how to distinguish civil rights from civil liberties?

Unlike civil liberties, civil rights protect corporations as well as individuals.

The landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplished all of the following EXCEPT

Prohibiting discrimination based on gender