T & A Exam 1 Study Guide

An organization's competitive advantage is ______.

what it can do differently from its competitors

Strategic staffing means ________.

staffing an organization in future-oriented and goal-directed ways that support the organization's business strategy and enhance organizational effectiveness

Cybertronics creates a taskforce to develop strategies for attracting and retaining highly-skilled and qualified employees. The committee recommends, among other things, giving employees in key positions more autonomy and higher salaries. This is an examp

Talent management

Axis Auto tries to keep its operational spending as low as possible so that it can pass its savings on to customers in the form of lower prices. This is known as a ________ strategy.


Bella Vista Inc. needs to hire a new marketing manager after the former manager retired. The company recruited James Anderson, who was employed in Webster & Co., and offered him the job of manager. This is an example of ________.

external talent focus

To hire technical skills a company expects to need in six months, it would engage in

talent-oriented staffing

Costco's _________ is that employees on all levels should receive market competitive pay, full benefits, discretion over how to do their work, and adequate resources, because they believe that employees make the difference in their retail operation.

talent philosophy

Steve works as a market analyst for an investment firm. What he does is instrumental to the firm making a profit. Steve's position is a(n) _____ position.


Department store BigTen refused to hire Max because of his religion. The store is in violation of ____.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

When a selection test results in the disproportionate hiring of one group over another, _____ has occurred.

adverse impact

A BFOQ is a(n) _____.

characteristic that is essential to the performance of a specific job

A manager only hires hispanic women as secretaries. This is an example of ____.

disparate treatment

The number of applicants hired from specific subgroups is the _____ statistic.


A job analysis ____.

determines a job's entry requirements

If the job of a loader exists to load packages on delivery trucks, the ability to safely lift and load packages onto a truck is a(n) ________.

essential function

A job task is a(n) _____.

observable unit of work with a beginning and an end

In staffing, O*NET is used for ________.

background job analysis information

_____ are more broadly defined components of a successful worker's repertoire of behavior needed to do the job well.


Which of the following are employees of a company who take on the operation of certain functions, or staff an entire office or factory on a contractual basis for client or company?

leased workers

________ involves looking at past employment patterns and using those patterns to predict a firm's future labor needs.

Trend analysis

____ is a quantitative technique that can be used to analyze a firm's internal labor markets and forecast its internal labor supply.

Transition analysis

Which of the following visually shows each of the possible successors for a job and summarizes their strengths, present performance, promotion readiness, and development needs?

replacement charts

Which of the following is a way in which companies usually deal with temporary employee surpluses?

removing contingent workers

Hiring yield refers to ______.

the percent of applicants ultimately hired

A successful executive, who is happy with his/her current position, does not look for information about other jobs, but might be tempted by a great opportunity, is a(n) ______.

passive job seeker

Organizations that have a strong _____ will be more successful at recruiting top talent even while using fewer resources to do it.

employer brand

An HR manager trying to recruit for a number of key positions in a firm asks the best talent to recommend the best employees they've worked with in the past or employees they feel would be good performers. This is an example of ________.

employee referrals

Which of the following seems to be most important with regard to recruiter demographics?

The recruiter needs to be able to relate to a recruit's value system and drive

Presenting both positive and potentially negative aspects of a job to recruits is a ________.

realistic job preview

Assigning a high performing sales associate to work with the company's most important client is an example of ______.
