Federal Government test 2 (part 2)


A "right to privacy" for all Americans is not specifically mentioned the bill of rights

Miranda Rule

The legal rule that says any person being placed under arrest must be informed prior to police interrogation of their rights to remain silent and to have the benefit of legal counsel is called

selective incorporation

The process by which different protections in the Bill of Rights were incorporated into the fourteenth amendment, thus guaranteeing citizens protection from state as well as national government, is called

Bill of rights

refer to the first 10 amendments to the US constitution which were added to ensure that certain rights and liberties will forever belong to the people

13th amendment

banned all forms of slavery and involuntary servitude

The civil rights act of 1964

invalidate all state black codes

Privileges and Immunities Clause

bars sates from abridging or depriving any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law

civil rights (1)

rights guaranteed to all Americans by law and

civil rights(2)

by obligations imposed on govt. to take positive action to protect citizens form any illegal action of govt. agencies and private citizens


unreasonable/ unjust criterion of exclusion

Seneca Falls, New York

Leaders of the Women's movement held their first meeting at

Thirdteenth Amendment

abolish of slavery

Fourteenth Amendment

guaranteed equal protection by the law

Fifteenth Amendment

guaranteed voting rights to black men

Jim crow laws

laws adopted in 1870 by Southern states

I have a dream

Martin Luther King Jr. most famous speech and the one that gained huge support for the civil rights struggle was

Civil Rights of 1964

covered desegregation efforts in voting, employment, public lodgings, and education